There are countless unique and creative bosses in the Zelda franchise. Some of these bosses are giant pushovers, while others can be extremely challenging. Throughout the seventeen Zelda games currently out, the bosses vary in so many different ways. While some of them are similar or the same to previous bosses, a vast majority of them are original and use different ways to make them exciting and creative. For example, Skyward Sword made use of the 1:1 motion controls to make a fresh new experience while fighting the bosses of that game. Accurately lining up your sword during the Ghirahim fight was extremely challenging as it was the first boss that we had ever fought with such precise motion controls. So with all that being said, which boss did you find most challenging?

In this week’s edition of Zelda Dungeon Talks, various staff members will share with us the boss that they found most challenging to fight. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL READERS: Good news for you guys today! Starting from next week, I will be featuring two reader responses in the Zelda Dungeon Talks. I’m doing this to show you all that we listen to you guys, and that the site would be nothing without all of you. So with that out of the way the question for next week is: Do you believe that any side characters in the Zelda series deserve their own title? Alright guys send in your responses to Any response to the question will be accepted, don’t be disappointed if your response isn’t featured, keep sending them in because we are doing this every fortnight. Now without further ado, this week’s Zelda Dungeon Talks!

Question: Out of all the bosses you have faced in the Zelda series, which one did you find to stand out as the most difficult and why?

Josh Tasaico – View Profile

The most challenging boss for me would probably have to be the boss of the Wind Temple in The Wind Waker, Molgera. First of all, I hated fighting on the sandy arena. It gave Molgera’s little larvae things a place to ambush you from which caught me off guard several times. Molgera mostly stays in the middle of the arena, however, the sand is shifting towards his mouth which if you’re not careful, can cause unnecessary damage. Sometimes it was hard for me to attack him because the sand was constantly moving so I had to keep shuffling back while the whole time the larvae was jumping up and attacking me. All in all, it was a pretty hard fight for me, but I still got quite a bit of enjoyment out of it.

Jon Lett – View Profile

As tempted as I am to say Demise in Skyward Sword, for his awesomely challenging sword fighting, I feel I must reluctantly say that the original Majora’s Mask’s Gyorg wins. Mother of Nayru, I hate that stupid fish. It’s unfairness far outweighs the challenge any other series boss presents, and it always stuck in my mind as the one boss I had the least fun against because of how terrible the gameplay was during the fight. Water levels were never my thing, but Gyorg takes everything that makes them tricky and shoves them in your face. ARGH.

Alasyn Eletha – View Profile

I struggled playing Skyward Sword. I just never got used to the gameplay and the new mechanics with the wiimote- and honestly I still have yet to finish the game itself. So I think the longest and most frustrating boss battle for me was Scaldera- again, I haven’t finished the game, so I’m sure there are more complicated bosses I haven’t faced yet. But, really, it was a huge cluster of running back and forth and trying to roll the Bomb Flowers just right and, ugh! It was a mess.

Alexis Anderson – View Profile

Koloktos from Skyward Sword’s Ancient Cistern came immediately to mind for me. It deals a lot of damage and has a good number of blades to slice Link with. This fight makes good use of the whip and it’s so satisfying to go ham on his red core when you get the chance. The battle was really difficult for me because I couldn’t figure out that Link had to pick up and hit Koloktos with its own swords later in battle, so I struggled on half a heart to defeat him once I realized how blind I’d been. With the introduction of its legs and the cursed Bokoblins it would summon, I had a tough time avoiding death on this one.

Thomas Jacobs – View Profile

For me the most difficult boss was Ghirahim in his first two incarnations in Skyward Sword. I was still getting used to the controls and somehow was unable to consequently hit him without being hit back. It was the closest I got to dying in the game, and the second battle was only a bit easier for me. The last fight was rather difficult as well, until I figured out that swinging as fast as possible is not how you find openings to hit. You have to swing methodical and a bit slow before you can hit him, after which I managed to beat him.

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