Majora’s Mask 3D was released last week and a lot of people have had a chance to play the game. This new and improved 3DS version of the classic that was released back in April 2000 has a whole new rack of features and an enhanced gameplay experience. We are now three days out of its release so it’s time to start sharing our thoughts on the game. How is the gameplay? Any minor improvements you’ve discovered that weren’t revealed? Now is the time to share.

This week we will be asking our staff members and all you readers out there to share your opinion on Majora’s Mask 3D.


Question: What are your initial reactions in the little time you’ve had with Majora’s Mask 3D? What are some of the most notable changes you have encountered in comparing the Nintendo 64 version to the Nintendo 3DS version?

Alexis Anderson – View Profile

Good lord is Majora’s Mask 3D beautiful. That’s probably my favorite improvement, the visuals are stunning and the music is melodious. I’m enjoying it so far, not as much as my first playthrough to be honest, but that’s because anyone’s first experience with Majora’s Mask is unrivaled. Regardless, all of the characters are still endearing and engaging; the depth of ALL of the characters really sets Majora apart from other Zelda games (not to mention the three day mechanic). None of the changes are very drastic, but I will say the atmosphere is less harrowing. It’s too polished and things seem brighter, so the fear I felt playing the N64 version is almost entirely lost on the 3DS. Still a magnificent game, though. If you haven’t played it, I highly recommend doing so on the 3DS.

Kassye Butler – View Profile

First things first, that face tracking camera was worth the upgrade. While it isn’t perfect, it is so immersive and creates an even more feeling of doom as you looking into the 3D environment and see the moon looming over. Clock town itself looks beautiful, textures pop off the screen and makes you feel as if you have transported to another land. I’ll admit, its been since 2000 since I last played Majora’s Mask, and even then I rented it and only made it to the entrance of Woodfall Temple. But I do remember my fascination with the game and my lamentations when we stopped renting it. I am so glad to be able to pick up this title now and start playing again. The characters are so full of life and the new graphics only serve to up the ante to an already near perfect game.

Andrew Kiser – View Profile

I’ll just come out and say it, Majora’s Mask is not one of my favorite Zelda Games.  I don’t really have any issues mind you, it’s a wonderful game.  It even has some of my favorite mechanics in a Zelda game like the Bomber’s Notebook and the Mask transformations.  But I just enjoy the stories and items in other games more.  However this revitalised take has really rejuvenated my interest in the game.  It’s like playing a whole new game. Obviously the visuals are incredible but the gameplay tweaks make the experience so much more fun.  The overhauled save system, the motion aiming, the alarm setting in the Bomber’s Notebook, and the easily accessible menus are all very welcome additions.  Not to mention how nice it is to have click-and-drag access to your items which is by far my favorite feature, even if it is a small one.

Alasyn Eletha – View Profile

I’ve always loved this game, so I’ve been heavily scrutinizing it during my playthrough. So far, though, it’s exceeding my expectations! I’ll admit that there are a few changes I’m not very fond of. The new clock, for example. I really liked the previous version, and I can understand why it was changed, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’m thrilled with the ability to pick a specific time now when playing the Song of Double Time. That and the new saving system were definitely great changes. I’m enjoying the mechanics of the new Bomber’s Notebook too. It’s way easier to follow for those who enjoy getting that 100% when finishing the game. Overall, for me, it’s nostalgic, it’s fun, it’s beautiful and just as immersive as I remember, and it was definitely worth all that hype and buildup.

Mases Hagopian – View Profile

Majora’s Mask 3D is a significantly more user-friendly version of the game. I get the sense that in preparation for this game, a few people from Nintendo must have just replayed the original Majora’s Mask and made a list of the 50 things that frustrated them the most, and then the developers made all those changes in the 3DS version. There are a LOT of little changes. Whether it be getting certain items a bit earlier or at a different location, adding shortcuts that limit backtracking, changing locations of the Stray Fairies, or the completely revised boss fights, this game is certainly more user-friendly. I stop short of calling it ‘easier’, as I think the changes are made not necessarily to make it easier, but to limit frustration. It’s a fantastic remake.


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