ZD Top 5 – Item Variations

MirrorShieldWith a series as steeped in tradition as Zelda, it’s hardly surprising that Link’s arsenal from game to game can feel a bit familiar in places. However, as the series has gone on, there have been more and more twists put on some of Link’s most basic equipment. From the concussive power of Bomb Arrows to the quick traversal offered by a second Clawshot, the ZD staff has a variety of favorites. As always, feel free to leave your own list in the comments below.

Jon Lett – View Profile

5. Deluxe Picto Box (The Wind Waker)
4. Mirror Shield (Various)
3. Light Arrows (The Wind Waker)
2. Double Clawshots (Twilight Princess)
1. Bomb Arrows (Twilight Princess)

It was hard to choose between the Hawkeye-enhanced bow and the Bomb arrows from Twilight Princess, but let’s be honest, shooting anything with a bomb arrow is way more awesome. the bomb arrows were made very useful throughout the game, and they put a sweet new spin on Zelda’s staple explosives. What more is there to say? Medieval grenade launchers FTW.

Alexis Anderson – View Profile

5. Mirror Shield (Majora’s Mask)
4. Bomb Arrows (Twilight Princess)
3. Fire and Ice Arrows (Wind Waker)
2. Swift Sail (Wind Waker HD)
1. Level 2 Roc’s Feather (Four Swords Adventures)

I don’t know if you can tell, but I don’t do item upgrades often. I do, however, remember how awesome it felt to be able to jump freely in Four Swords Adventures (it was my first Zelda game, I wasn’t used to not jumping). Then being able to jump even further with the upgrade, amazing! And I’ll be honest, getting the fire and ice arrows in any Zelda game is a huge relief. They just make life so much easier, I’m most grateful for those babies.

Thomas Jacobs – View Profile

5. Hylian Shield (Skyward Sword)
4. Bomb Arrows (Twilight Princess)
3. Roc’s Cape (Oracle of Seasons)
2. Double Clawshot (Twilight Princess)
1. Master Sword (Several)

While it kinda feels like cheating, I think that the Master Sword is the greatest upgrade in the game. Not only does it increase Link’s damage output, it also drives the plot forwards, generally opening the way to a second batch of dungeons. Second is the Double Clawshot, greatly improving Link’s mobility. Same goes for the Roc’s Cape. Bomb Arrows make Link a lot more dangerous, and allow him to more easily deal with the Darknuts he faces throughout the game. #5 goes to the Hylian Shield: a potent tool that will protect you without breaking and finish the traditional look Link has with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield.

Kassye Butler – View Profile

5. Hawkeye + Arrows (TwIlight Princess)
4. Mirror Shield (Ocarina of Time)
3. Bomb Bag (Twilight Princess)
2. Master Sword (Multiple)
1. Double Clawshot (Twilight Princess)

Let’s play a game. It’s called “What is my favorite Zelda game?”. If you answered Twilight Princess, then you read my list. If you answered Ocarina of Time, then you read my mind (honestly, its a toss-up between the two). But one of the reasons Twilight Princess shines is its unique items. What’s better than one hookshot? Two of course! and they even add the second clawshot as another item to quest for! And the sniper ability to the arrows? Genius. I could snipe bokoblins all day long with that thing. That’s what I want for the next game, more unique items and variations.

Kevin O’Rourke – View Profile

5. Nice Bow (Link Between Worlds)
4. Golden Gauntlets (Ocarina of Time)
3. Double Clawshots (Various)
2. Mirror Shield (Various)
1. Ice/Fire/Light Arrows (various)

Using the magic arrows in Ocarina of Time was fun, but they weren’t as ingrained into the game like Majora’s Mask where each temple had a mechanic based around the different arrows. The emphasis that Majora’s Mask placed on the bow was one of my favorite aspects of the game because it allowed more moments where being a marksman yielded satisfying results. Like in the Woodfall Temple, where using the bow more effectively felt rewarding. Solving puzzles with the mirror shield in Majora’s Mask and in The Wind Waker was fun as well, and the improvements made in The Wind Waker HD make it even better.

Mark Olson – View Profile

5. Gale Boomerang (Twilight Princess)
4. Nice Fire Rod (A Link Between Worlds)
3. Arrow Variations (Various)
2. Double Clawshots (Various)
1. Mirror Shield (Various)

The double clawshots blew my mind when I first found them; it doesn’t seem like it will make too great a difference, but the developers truly used the additional clawshot to its full extent. Hanging off of vines only to shoot over to the other side of a room is exhilarating. The Mirror Shield allowed players to utilize their shield, generally a facet of Link’s gear given little thought, to complete a variety of devious puzzles. If I had to choose one incarnation, its usage in The Wind Waker felt particularly inspired.

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