Yungtown: Ocarina of Time’s Darunia

HW_darunia01Some moments from Ocarina of Time, easily the most well-renowned Zelda game, will never be forgotten. The seven-year jump, Saria’s farewell scene, Sheik’s identity being revealed – there are some doosies. But what sticks with me? That mad dance scene. Darunia slays on the dance floor, you know he does. The leader of the Gorons was certainly a memorable guy, but not just for his dancing. He had a major impact on the world that some may not have though of before. YouTuber Yungtown has made a video looking back at the depth of Darunia’s story.

Check out the video after the jump!

I suppose I never really appreciated that Link must have had a real personal impact on the Gorons for their leader’s son to be named after him. I like how Link’s name really resonated with those he helps, like the Zoras and the Gerudo. It really makes you feel like you accomplished something when hearing tales of your heroics seven years prior.

Was Darunia among your favorite characters from Ocarina of Time? Did you like seeing him finally return in Hyrule Warriors? Drop a comment!

Source: YouTube

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