Commonwealth Realm set out to tackle a question that plagues Zelda lore. How did the kingdom of Hyrule come to be founded and solidified under the Royal Family? Commonwealth Realm argues that the Royal Family began with the series’ first chronological game, Skyward Sword, in which the goddess Hylia becomes the mortal girl Zelda. Given Zelda’s connection to guarding the sacred power of the Triforce and her divine bloodline, it would be logical for the people to make her into royalty. This evidence is canonical to the series, but it fails to answer the question of how the Royal Family gained its absolute power over the land.

After Skyward Sword, through Zelda, and, it is hinted, her chosen hero, Link, the Royal Family of Hyrule was born. The Royal Family moves quickly to establish a type of order on the surface. Commonwealth Realm suggests that the first couple of kings of Hyrule wish to maintain peace and prosperity within their land. The subsequent kings of Hyrule go from maintaining peace to warring over the Triforce.

Commonwealth Realm presents the Royal Family’s downfall in an interesting and well thought manner, so check out their video. Also, the video is only the first half of their theory, and it does not include much after the events surrounding the Royal Family in Ocarina of Time, so stay tuned for the second installment and let us know what you think of their theory in the comment section!

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