In March of this past year, Nintendo released yet another Zelda HD remake. After 10 years, Twilight Princess HD was released for the Wii U and with the game, came a new look. Its graphics are in a newer quality now providing beautiful detail to the game’s background and characters. One of the main places (and most iconic in the Zelda franchise), is Hyrule Castle. The detail and landscape surrounding the majestic palace is placed beautifully, and goes well with the royal family and its reign.

It may be why a Youtuber by the name of MalMakes, painted the historic castle in a fascinating way so as to fit the Twilight Princess theme. In her time lapsed segment, she paints the castle shrouded in a mystic fog, surrounded by pine trees and with a Wolf Link in the bottom corner of the painting. Her painting portrays what a foggy morning in the game should be like and it is quite a magical representation.

MalMakes has also put up her original painting up for grabs at Ebay. Printouts or posters of her painting are also up for sale. What do you think about the painting? Let us know in the comments below!

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