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If you need any help with editing on the site, please ask one of our helpful friendly users here and we'll be happy to assist you.

Please post with a level 3 header "===Your question goes here.===" so the automatic content tab will quickly and easily sort the questions for everyone's convenience.

Don't forget to visit the Sandbox to practice any new ideas!

How do you create an infobox?

Refer to discussion page.

Is there a way to rename a page instead of creating an entirely new one? For example, the "Amber relic" page should be renamed as the "Amber Relic" page.

How do I put pictures and tables onto articles? I need help...

I need help too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also need help making tables!Zelda101 08:43, March 8, 2012 (CST)

How do I insert an image into the table? Please help ASAP...

In order to insert an image into a table or page in the wiki, first check that a picture already exists on the website. If it does not, go to the "Toolbox" section on the left and click "Upload file."

Upload the image, remembering its name (LttP-Golden_Sword) and extension (.png)

Then, you simply type file=name.ext in your table.


The image above is surrounded by empty slots to show that you need to actually type the correct preceeding and following text.