Isle of Rebirth: Difference between revisions

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|Take the hookshots again. Instead of falling down, just go left. When you reach a room with rotating eye statues, either go down the stairs or walk until you appear down a screen. Beat everything here, go left, and beat everything again for the map.
|Take the hookshots again. Instead of falling down, just go left. When you reach a room with rotating eye statues, either go down the stairs or walk until you appear down a screen. Beat everything here, go left, and beat everything again for the map.
|There are 4 keys in this dungeon. Now that you have them all, go find your way around until you unlock all of them.
|'''Boss Door'''
|From the start, use the hookshot targets to get across. Fall down the big hole twice. Go up, and if these blocks are unlocked, fall down the hall. If you only fall down one hole, work your way around to open up another one in the same place. After you do that, hit the spark switch to open the path to the boss door.
|'''Boss Key'''
|Get back to where you unlocked the blocks previously. When you get to a fork in a room with invisible fire traps, take the southeast exit. There is a lone hole to go down. If you go, take the room to the north if you opened it. If so, go in. In this room is three golems. Use your Staff (and a potion or two) to beat everything for the boss key.
! class="label" colspan=3 |'''Boss: Slumbering Horror: Tartaros'''
|'''Phase 1'''
|There is a big cocoon in the middle-top of the field. The boss will appear just to its left, so if you stand at the bottom-left corner of the cocoon, you can get a free spin attack on him. First of all, the cocoon itself will attack sometimes. It might shoot streams of fire in some directions. It also likes to take a cue from Medusa and shoot a wave or two of bubbles so you can’t attack. The monster itself will do a lot of flying around the room. Sometimes, he will summon Fire Keese. These will turn into Vires (that turn into 2 fire keese when you kill them) and the keese like to try and avoid you. You’re in big trouble if Keese are on the field at the same time you are unable to use your items. He also shoots lasers in 4 directions. Sometimes they will rotate. It will be impossible to avoid this and the fire streams if they’re up at the same time. His last two attacks are to shoot two rows of fireballs at you, and to make rings of fire around himself when he moves.
|'''Phase 2'''
|The cocoon is only hittable with its mouth open. Try to stand either below, right of, or left of it when you can. It will continue to throw fire streams and bubbles at you. Another attack it has it is to blow whirlwinds at you, or it can shoot one big white laser at you. Either one can be avoided by going from one position to another. The hardest part of this phase comes when it summons Stalfos. Those are not easy to kill without taking damage, so be careful.
|'''Phase 3'''
|As soon as the boss is full-size, try to shoot it with a bunch of arrows. First, it will summon a large number of Stalfos to walk around. '''(No more information available at this point.)'''

