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Subterranean Lava Dragon





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1 Heart.png Contact (air)
1 Heart.png 1 Heart.png Contact (ground)
1 Heart.png 1 Heart.png Slash
1 Heart.png 1 Heart.png Rocks
1 Heart.png1 Heart.png1 Heart.png Firey Breath



It's the Boss of the Fire Temple,
revived by the Evil King. I don't
know its weak point...

Subterranean Lava Dragon: Volvagia, or more simply known as just Volvagia, is the fifth boss from Ocarina of Time and resides in the Fire Temple. It is unknown how it flies without the aid of wings or any other flight-capable appendages.


Volvagia appears as a large, red, orange-bellied snake. It has two arms each with has three fingers. Perhaps the most interesting feature of Volvagia's appearance is the rock-like 'mask' on his face; it has two large curved horns. In addition to that, a fiery mane protrudes from the back of its head.


Volvagia was a plague to the Gorons and was renowned for its insatiable appetite for them. It was finally defeated and put to rest by the Hero of the Gorons using the legendary hammer.[1] Volvagia was actually dead prior to the game taking place but, as of Ganondorf's conquer of Hyrule, it was re-animated by Ganondorf. This was to make an example of the Gorons to anyone who dare defy him. Darunia, knowing himself as a decedent of the original Hero of Gorons, set off to attempt to defeat Volvagia, unfortunately without the help of the Megaton Hammer. He is later defeated by Link, using the legendary Megaton Hammer,and a Heart Container is obtained from the remains of his skull.[2][3]


The arena in which Link faces Volvagia in is octagonal with several lava pits in it. One of the pits will spew small amounts of lava and the villainous boss will stick its head out. Link must then hit it with the Megaton Hammer, stunning it and leaving it vulnerable or risk being whipped by Volvagia's fiery mane. After this, it will fly out of the hole and breath fire. The tremor that it causes when emerging from beneath the arena causes rocks to fall from the ceiling. An easy way to avoid such attacks is to hang on to the edge of the arena as it is climbable. As the battle goes on, several lava pits will spew lava and Link will find it more difficult to predict where Volvagia will appear.


Like when most bosses are defeated, Link will receive a Heart Container for his brave efforts. A portal to the Sacred Realm will appear, causing Link to come face-to-face with Darunia, who reveals himself to be the Sage of Fire.[4] Darunia will then bestow upon the hero the Fire Medallion, bringing him one step closer to his confrontation with Ganondorf.[5]


  • Volvagia uses the same route as an Arwing from Star Fox 64.



  1. "A long time ago there was an evil dragon named Volvagia living in this mountain. That dragon was very scary! He ate Gorons! Using a huge hammer, the hero of the Gorons... BOOOM! Destroyed it just like that. This is a myth from long ago, but it's true! I know, because my dad is a descendant of the hero!" — Link the Goron, Ocarina of Time.
  2. "Everybody was taken to the Fire Temple... While my dad was out... Ganondorf's followers came and took them all away! All of them will be eaten by Volvagia! Dad said that Ganondorf has revived Volvagia... As a warning to those who might oppose him, Ganondorf is going to feed them all to Volvagia! Dad went to the Fire Temple all by himself to try to save everyone... Please help, Link! I'll give you this heat-resistant tunic!" — Link the Goron, Ocarina of Time.
  3. "Who's there? Is that you, Link...? Oh, it really is Link! You've grown so big since I last saw you! I want to have a man-to-man talk with you, but now's not the time. Ganondorf is causing trouble on Death Mountain again! He has revived the evil, ancient dragon Volvagia! On top of that, he is going to feed my people to that evil dragon as a warning to other races that might resist him... If that fire-breathing dragon escapes from the mountain, all of Hyrule will become a burning wasteland! I will go on ahead to try to seal up the evil dragon... I'm concerned, though, because I don't have the legendary hammer... But I have no choice. Link...I'm asking you to do this as my Sworn Brother... While I'm trying to deal with the dragon, please save my people! The prisoners' cells are in the opposite direction. I'm counting on you, Link!" — Darunia, Ocarina of Time.
  4. " By the way, I, the wild Darunia, turned out to be the great Sage of Fire... Isn't that funny, Brother? Well, this must be what they call destiny. Nothing has made me happier than helping you seal the evil here!" — Darunia, Ocarina of Time.
  5. "Hey, Brother, take this! This is a Medallion that contains the power of the fire spirits--and my friendship." — Darunia, Ocarina of Time.