Bombers' Notebook

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Bombers' Notebook
Getting the Bombers' Notebook in the N64 version




Keeps track of timed events during three days

The Bombers' Notebook is an important item that tracks many of the characters from Majora's Mask, along with their schedules. The Notebook, created by the "Bombers Secret Society of Justice", details the times, days and locations of available side quests that Link can complete. The Notebook serves as a guide for solving the problems of the residents of Termina, which ultimately leads to finding many secrets, masks, upgrades, and unlocking cut-scenes at the end of the game.

The Notebook differs greatly between the Nintendo 64 and the Nintendo 3DS (Majora's Mask 3D) versions of the game. In the Nintendo 64 version, Link receives the Bombers' Notebook by entering the Bombers' Hideout and then exiting while in Hylian form. Link will be confronted by Jim, who will be impressed that Link knew the secret code. Jim will then award Link with the Bombers' Notebook. Link can also earn the Bombers' Notebook by playing 'Hide-n-Seek' with the Bombers for a second time, this time with Hylian Link. Upon receiving the Notebook, Link will earn a Happy Sticker for the Bombers' entry, signifying that there are no more quests involving the particular character. Link can access the Notebook within the start menu.

In Majora's Mask 3D Link automatically receives the Bombers' Notebook after learning the Song of Healing. It is given to Link by the Happy Mask Salesman. The 3DS version has additional functionality, including a listing of Events. Events can be triggered by talking to various characters throughout Termina. The events are broken down into ongoing events and completed events. Furthermore, the actual Bombers themselves will run up to Link at various times in the game to talk with him. They will give him hints about the events, known as Rumored Events, that help guide Link to completing some of the various side quests.

Majora's Mask 3D still has a similar scheduling chart as the Nintendo 64 version, but that too also has some additional functionality. Link can create an alarm for a specific time of day to remind him when a particular side quest is set to take place.

Quests (Majora's Mask 3D)

A Stay at Stock Pot Inn

Anju's Anguish 
  • Appointment with Anju: Speak with Anju at the front desk of the Stock Pot Inn while wearing Kafei's Mask on the First Day or First Night between 2:18 pm and 7:50 pm. She will ask Link to meet her in the kitchen that night at 11:30 pm to speak about Kafei.
  • A Midnight Request: Meet Anju in the kitchen of the Stock Pot Inn between 11:30 pm and 6 am on the First Night. She will give Link the Letter to Kafei and ask him to mail it for her.
  • Deliver the Love Letter: Place the letter in any postbox in Clock Town before 9 am on the Second Day.
  • Precious Pendant: Give Anju the Pendant of Memories on the Second Day or Second Night between 4:10 pm and 9 pm.
  • The Couple's Vow: After having saved the Sun's Mask, enter the room at the top of the staircase in the Stock Pot Inn. Witness Anju and Kafei's vow at 4:30 am on the Final Night to receive the Couple's Mask.

A Testament of Love

  • The Letter's Recipient: After delivering Anju's letter, enter the Back Room of the Curiosity Shop via the Laundry Pool while he is distracted with the Postman between 3:10 pm and 3:50 pm on the Second Day. Speak with Kafei once he re-enters to receive the Pendant of Memories.
  • Raid Sakon's hideout in Ikana shortly after 6 pm on the Final Night and save the Sun's Mask.

For this event to take place, you must not save the old woman in north clock town on the first night! Go to Ikana Canyon at 6:00 PM of the Final Night and go to the area near the beginning to the right. Here, you'll find Kafei hiding behind some rocks, waiting for Sakon, who will appear at 6:15 and enter the hideout at 7:00. Follow him and Kafei inside. Inside, you will play as both Link and Kafei. As Link you kill enemies to open doors and as Kafei, you step on switches to change the conveyor belt speed and open doors.

  • Kafei: Push a block onto blue switch.
  • Link: Deku Baba.
  • Kafei: Avoid red, touch yellow. Blue's in corner.
  • Link: Two Deku Babas.
  • Kafei: Try to push/pull blocks onto the yellow block and avoid the red one entirely. Try to push the block above the blue on onto it.
  • Link: Wolfos.
  • Kafei: Switch.
  • Link: Switch.
  • After having saved the Sun's Mask, enter the room at the top of the staircase in the Stock Pot Inn. Witness Anju and Kafei's vow at 4:30 am on the Final Night to receive the Couple's Mask.

The Never-Ending Meeting

  • Enter the Mayor's Official Residence in East Clock Town between 10 am and 8 pm on the First or Second Day, or between 10 am and 6 pm on the Final Day. Wear the Couple's Mask and speak to the men arguing in the room to the left. Mayor Dotour will realize the futility of the argument upon seeing Link's mask and will reward him with a Piece of Heart.

Madame Aroma's Search

  • Find My Son!: Speak to Madame Aroma in the Mayor's Official Residence between 10 am and 8 pm on the First or Second Day. She will ask Link to find her son and give him Kafei's Mask.
  • Kafei's Leftovers: Go to the Curiosity Shop Back Room between 6 am and 10 pm on the Final Day and speak with the Man from Curiosity Shop. He will give Link the Keaton Mask and the Special Delivery to Mama.
  • Make a Special Delivery: Bring Madame Aroma the Special Delivery to Mama at the Milk Bar after 10 am on the Final Day. She will reward Link with a Bottle filled with Chateau Romani.

A Challenge to Count On

  • Speak with the Postman at the Post Office in West Clock Town between 3 pm and 12 am on the First Day or between 5 pm and 12 am on the Second Day. Play his mental training game and stop at exactly ten seconds to earn a Piece of Heart.

The Postman's Peril

  • Give the Postman the Special Delivery to Mama after 12 pm on the Final Day. Follow him and wait until he stops for a moment before leaving town. Speak with him to get the Postman's Hat.

Curiosity Shop Rarity

The Bomb Business

History of the Carnival

  • Speak to Anju's Grandmother on the First or Second Day in her room at the Stock Pot Inn while wearing the All-Night Mask. Listen to her story about the Carnival of Time and choose the first answers to earn a Piece of Heart.

Termina Mythology

  • Speak to Anju's Grandmother on the First or Second Day in her room at the Stock Pot Inn while wearing the All-Night Mask. Listen to her story about the Four Giants and choose "I dunno" to earn a Piece of Heart.

The Ghost of the Inn

  • After 12 am on any night, give a letter or Title Deed to ??? in the Stock Pot Inn restroom. It will reward Link with a Piece of Heart.

A Melancholy Melody

A Dance with Meaning

  • Dancing with a Ghost: After midnight on any night, play the Song of Healing for Kamaro in north Termina Field to receive Kamaro's Mask.
  • The Rosa Sisters' New Groove: On the First or Second Night, use Kamaro's Mask to dance for the Rosa Sisters in West Clock Town. They will reward Link with a Piece of Heart.

Music Moves the Heart

  • Sound Check at the Milk Bar: Between 10 pm and 5 am on the First or Second Night, speak to Toto at the Milk Bar in Hylian form and perform part of "Ballad of the Wind Fish".
  • The Troupe Leader's Memories: Speak to Toto again while wearing each transformation mask until the entire song is complete. Gorman will be so moved that he will reward Link with the Troupe Leader's Mask.

A Race near Milk Road

Protect Romani's Cows!

  • Assistant Ghost Stopper: Speak to Romani at the Romani Ranch on the First Day and play her target shooting game. She'll then teach you Epona's Song, which allows you to call your horse whenever you want. She will also invite Link to help her fend off ghosts at 2 am.
  • Busting the Ghosts: Return to the ranch at 2:30 am on the First Night and keep the ghosts away from the barn until 5:15 am.
- Ride Epona around and shoot them with arrows to kill them. They drop arrows when killed and there are also a ton hidden in the bushes, so bear that in mind.
- Circle the barn to ensure you get them in a cycle. If the dog begins growling, it means one is getting close. If it's too hard play the Inverted Song of Time to slow them down to 1/3 that of normal.
- At 5:30 am Romani will reward Link with a new Bottle filled with Milk.

Protect the Milk!

  • Speak to Cremia inside the barn on the Second Day after saving the cows from the aliens. Agree to help accompany her on her delivery. Go to the ranch at 6 pm on the Second Night and speak with her again. You will be required to fend off the burglars who are attacking the cart. Use your bow to keep the thieves (the Gorman Brothers) away from the milk. If you have the Circus Leader's Mask, use that to scare them away. Afterwards, Cremia will reward Link with Romani's Mask.

Cucco Shack's Cute Chicks

Find the Stone-Faced Soldier

Great Fairy of Clock Town

Main article: Great Fairy of Clock Town

Great Fairy of the Swamp

  • Find all the fifteen Stray Fairies in Woodfall Temple and bring them to the Fairy's Fountain in Woodfall. This will revive the Great Fairy of Wisdom, who will double the size of Link's magic meter.
    • The Woodfall and Snowhead Great Fairies were reversed for Majora's Mask 3D. In the N64 version, the Great Fairy of Power will power up Link's Spin Attack for recovering the Woodfall Stray Fairies.

Great Fairy of the Mountains

  • Find all the fifteen Stray Fairies in Snowhead Temple and bring them to the Fairy's Fountain located under the entrance to the temple. This will revive the Great Fairy of Power, who will power up Link's Spin Attack.
    • The Woodfall and Snowhead Great Fairies were reversed for Majora's Mask 3D. In the N64 version, the Great Fairy of Wisdom will double the size of Link's magic meter for recovering the Snowhead Stray Fairies.

Great Fairy of the Ocean

Great Fairy of the Canyon

Business Scrub Scramble

Main article: Business Scrub Scramble
  • Grab the Moon's Tear: Use the telescope in the Astral Observatory and look at the top of Clock Tower. After watching the Moon's Tear drop from the sky, go outside and grab it.
  • The Town Deku Flower: Give the Moon's Tear to the Business Scrub in South Clock Town to receive the Town Title Deed. Link can use the Deku Flower here to get the Piece of Heart on the platform in front of Clock Tower.
  • The Swamp Deku Flower: Speak to the Business Scrub outside the Swamp Tourist Center in Hylian form and trade the Town Title Deed for the Swamp Title Deed. Link can use this Deku Flower to get a Piece of Heart on the roof of the Tourist Center.
  • The Mountain Deku Flower: Speak to the Business Scrub in Goron Village in Deku form and trade the Swamp Title Deed for the Mountain Title Deed. Link can use this Deku Flower to get a Piece of Heart on a nearby ledge.
  • The Ocean Deku Flower: Speak to the Business Scrub in Lulu's room in Zora Hall in Goron form and trade the Mountain Title Deed for the Ocean Title Deed. Link can use this Deku Flower to get a Piece of Heart on a higher platform in this room.
  • The Canyon Deku Flower: Speak to the Business Scrub in Ikana Canyon in Zora form and trade the Ocean Title Deed for the Deku Flower. Link can use this Deku Flower to get a Piece of Heart on the opposite ledge.

Bank Loyalty Program

Main article: Bank Loyalty Program
  • A Special Gift from the Bank: Deposit 200 Rupees in the Bank in South Clock Town and the Banker will reward Link with either the Adult Wallet or the Giant Wallet depending on whether Link has received a wallet upgrade already.
  • Breaking the Bank: Deposit 5,000 Rupees in the Bank to be rewarded with a Piece of Heart.

The Suspicious Ocean House

Main article: Majora's Mask Skulltula Houses#Oceanside Spider House

Target-Shooting Champ

  • Clear the Town Shooting Gallery: Earn a score of 40 or more at the Town Shooting Gallery in West Clock Town, which is open between 6 am and 10 pm on all days. Link will be rewarded with an upgrade to his Quiver.
  • Master the Town Shooting Gallery: Earn a score of 50 at the Town Shooting Gallery to earn a Piece of Heart.

Swamp Shooting Champ

  • Clear the Swamp Shooting Gallery: Earn a perfect score at the Swamp Shooting Gallery on the Road to Southern Swamp, which is open between 6 am and 10 pm on all days. Link will be rewarded with an upgrade to his Quiver.
  • Master the Swamp Shooting Gallery: Earn a score of 2180 or more at the Swamp Shooting Gallery to earn a Piece of Heart.

Three Days of Gaming

  • Bombchu Gallery: Earn a perfect score on the Bombchu Gallery minigame at Honey & Darling's Shop between 6 am and 10 pm on the First Day.
  • Basket Bomb: Earn a perfect score on the Basket Bomb minigame at Honey & Darling's Shop between 6 am and 10 pm on the Second Day.
  • Target Shooting: Earn a perfect score on the Target Shooting minigame at Honey & Darling's Shop between 6 am and 10 pm on the Third Day.
  • Clear All Three Games: Get perfect scores on each of the three games once in a single cycle to earn a Piece of Heart.

Lucky Numbers

Main article: Lucky Numbers
  • Win the Lotto on the 1st Day!: Play three numbers at the Lottery Shop in West Clock Town on the First Day. Between 6 pm and 11 pm on the First Night, re-enter the shop to learn the winning numbers. Play those numbers on the First Day during another cycle to earn the 50 Rupee reward.
  • Win the Lotto on the 2nd Day!: Play three numbers at the Lottery Shop in West Clock Town on the Second Day. Between 6 pm and 11 pm on the Second Night, re-enter the shop to learn the winning numbers. Play those numbers on the Second Day during another cycle to earn the 50 Rupee reward.
  • Win the Lotto on the Final Day!: Play three numbers at the Lottery Shop in West Clock Town on the Final Day. Between 6 pm and 11 pm on the Final Night, re-enter the shop to learn the winning numbers. Play those numbers on the Final Day during another cycle to earn the 50 Rupee reward.

Master Swordsman

Main article: Master Swordsman
  • Go to the Swordsman's School and play the expert course. Jump Slash every log that appears to earn a Piece of Heart.

A Treasure-Chest Prize

  • Enter the Treasure Chest Shop in West Clock Town between 6 am and 10 pm on either the First or Second Day or between 6 am and 6 pm on the Final Day. Speak to the Treasure Chest Shop Gal while wearing the Goron Mask and play the minigame. The reward for this game is a Piece of Heart.

Deku Flower Power

Main article: Deku Flower Power
  • Break the 1st Day's Record: Enter the Deku Scrub Playground in the fenced-off section of North Clock Town between 6 am and 11:30 pm on the First Day. Beat the minigame before time runs out.
  • Break the 2nd Day's Record: Enter the Deku Scrub Playground in the fenced-off section of North Clock Town between 6 am and 11:30 pm on the Second Day. Beat the minigame before time runs out.
  • Break the Final Day's Record: Enter the Deku Scrub Playground in the fenced-off section of North Clock Town between 6 am and 11:30 pm on the Final Day. Beat the minigame before time runs out.
  • Master Deku Flower Jumping: Beat the minigame three days in a row to receive a Piece of Heart.

Find a Keaton!

  • Wear the Keaton Mask and enter an area where the grass scurries, the most accessible of which is in North Clock Town. Slash at the grass and wait for a Keaton to appear. Answer the questions in the Keaton Quiz correctly to receive a Piece of Heart.

Secret Gossip

  • Southern Gossip Stone: Fall into a hole in South Termina Field containing four Gossip Stones. While wearing any of the three transformation masks, play said mask's respective song for the Gossip Stone. For instance, while wearing the Deku Mask, play the Sonata of Awakening. The Gossip Stone will change color.
  • Western Gossip Stone: Fall into a hole in West Termina Field containing four Gossip Stones. Wear the same mask and play the same song to make the Gossip Stone change color.
  • Northern Gossip Stone: Fall into a hole in North Termina Field containing four Gossip Stones. Wear the same mask and play the same song to make the Gossip Stone change color.
  • Eastern Gossip Stone: Fall into a hole in East Termina Field containing four Gossip Stones. Wear the same mask and play the same song to make the Gossip Stone change color.
  • Match the Stones' Colors: Once all the stones have changed to the same color, Link will be rewarded with a Piece of Heart.

Follow That Scrub!

  • Unidentified Flying Scrub: After trading the Moon's Tear for the Town Title Deed, return to the Astral Observatory and use the telescope. Watch the Business Scrub fly around until he lands in a hole nearby.
  • Spot the Business Scrub: Enter the hole in Termina Field and confront the Business Scrub. He will offer to sell Link a Piece of Heart for 150 Rupees, however, Link can decline and instead purchase it for 100 Rupees.

Pictograph Contest

The Terrifying Swamp House

Main article: Majora's Mask Skulltula Houses#Swamp Spider House

A Potion Hag's New Business

A Royal Rush

  • Rescue the Deku Princess!: After completing the Woodfall Temple, speak to the Deku Princess in the final room. Swipe her up in a Bottle.
  • The Deku Princess Returns!: Bring the Deku Princess back to the Deku King at the Deku Palace.
  • Chase the Deku Butler: Go to the Deku Shrine, which lies to the west of the Deku Palace and is only accessible by water. Speak to the Deku Butler to begin this minigame. If Link can keep up with the butler, he will reward Link with the Mask of Scents.

A Goron's Grief

  • The Elder's Son is Sleepy: Play the Goron Lullaby for the Elder's Son to put him to sleep. This also lights two torches in the area.
  • Light the Torches: Use a Deku Stick to light all the torches in the area. This will cause the chandelier above to begin spinning.
  • Find the Rock Sirloin: Go to the Elder's Son's room and charge up a Goron Roll in the direction of the chandelier. If Link is lined up correctly, he should break a piece of the chandelier. Continue doing this until the Rock Sirloin falls out.
  • Feed the Hungry Goron: Bring the Rock Sirloin all the way to Mountain Village where there is a lone Goron wearing a frog mask on a ledge. Throw the Rock Sirloin up to him and he will reward you with Don Gero's Mask.

An Explosive Exam

  • Go to the cave on the east wall of Goron Village (known as the Goron Powder Keg Shop) and speak to Medigoron. He will give you a Powder Keg as part of a test. Bring the Powder Keg to the Road to Goron Village and let it explode near the boulder on the ledge. Return to Medigoron, who will now certify you to carry Powder Kegs.

Goron Races! Rock 'n' Roll!

  • After destroying the boulder on the Road to Goron Village with a Powder Keg, enter the Goron Racetrack. Win the race here to receive a new Bottle filled with Gold Dust.

A Sharper Sword

  • The Famous Razor Sword: The Mountain Smithy's hearth is frozen over. Fix this by either pouring Hot Spring Water on it or defeating Goht and bringing back springtime to the mountains. Either way, give the Smithy the Kokiri Sword for one day and pay 100 Rupees to have it fashioned into the Razor Sword.
  • The Glorious Golden Sword: Give the Razor Sword and Gold Dust to the Mountain Smithy and he will forge the Gilded Sword in one day.

Reunite the Frog Choir

  • The Ocean Temple Frog: Speak to the frog left behind after defeating Gekko in the Great Bay Temple while wearing Don Gero's Mask.
  • The Swamp Temple Frog: Speak to the frog left behind after defeating Gekko in Woodfall Temple while wearing Don Gero's Mask.
  • The Southern Swamp Frog: Speak to the frog on the log in the water of Southern Swamp while wearing Don Gero's Mask.
  • The Laundry Pool Frog: Speak to the frog at the Laundry Pool in Clock Town while wearing Don Gero's Mask.
  • The Frog Choir Reunited: Go to the Mountain Village in the spring (after defeating Goht) and conduct the frog choir while wearing Don Gero's Mask. Link will be rewarded with a Piece of Heart.

Win Big at the Doggy Race

  • Between 6 am and 8 pm on any day, go to the Doggy Racetrack at the far end of Romani Ranch. Bring a dog to Mamamu Yan, bet 50 Rupees and win to receive 150 Rupees and a Piece of Heart. To better assure victory, Link can use the Mask of Truth to see which dogs are more confident in their abilities.

Fishy Friends

  • Collect Fish in Bottles and drop them into the tank containing two larger fish at the Marine Research Lab. Keep doing so until one fish grows enough to eat the other and spits out a Piece of Heart.

Spider House Mystery

  • Speak to the Stalchildren in the Oceanside Spider House while wearing the Captain's Hat to learn the secret pattern. Shoot arrows at the symbols in the Spider House's dining room in the order specified to open the way to a chest containing a Piece of Heart.

A Fish Wish

Gimme a Break

  • During the daytime, play the pot-breaking game at the Zora Game Site in Zora Cape. Link can earn 90 Rupees if he can break all the pots using one boomerang attack (in Zora form) or a Powder Keg (in Goron form).

Race the Beaver Bros.!

  • Pro Swimmer!: Use the Hookshot to enter the Waterfall Rapids area above the Zora Cape. Speak to the beaver here. If Link can beat both Beaver Brothers in the Beaver Race, he will be rewarded with an Empty Bottle.
  • Master Swimmer!: Beat the Beaver Brothers again in a slightly harder race to receive a Piece of Heart.

Light It to Right It

  • Light the four torches on the upper level of the Zora Hall using Fire Arrows. The reward for this task is 5 Rupees.

Playing Paparazzi

  • Take a pictograph of Lulu and sell it to the Zora on the upper level of the Zora Hall for a few Rupees.

A Zora Swan Song

  • A Forgotten Hint, a New Song: Go to Mikau's room in the Zora Hall and read his diary. In it are the notes to a song.
  • Session with Japas: Enter Japas' room at Zora Hall. Speak with him as Zora Link and play the notes that were written in Mikau's diary. Japas will help you complete the new song.
  • Session with Evan: Go to Evan's room at Zora Hall. Speak with him in any form other than Zora Link and play the new song that Link and Japas created. He will reward you with a Piece of Heart.

The Seafarer's Challenge

  • Between 7 am and 4 am on any day after defeating Gyorg, Link can jump on a boat at the Great Bay Coast. This boat will bring Link to a series of islands. Jump off here, speak to the Fisherman and play his jumping minigame. If Link can score at least 20 points in two minutes, he will be rewarded with a Piece of Heart.

Buried Treasure

  • Explore the Graveyard on the 1st Day: On the First Night, speak to the Stalchildren at the Ikana Graveyard while wearing the Captain's Hat. Tell them to tear down the gravestone they are surrounding, then venture Beneath the Graveyard. Inside, light all the torches to proceed. Defeat the Iron Knuckle in the next room and learn the Song of Storms.
  • Explore the Graveyard on the 2nd Day: On the Second Night, speak to the Stalchildren at the Ikana Graveyard while wearing the Captain's Hat. Tell them to tear down the gravestone they are surrounding, then venture underground. Use the Lens of Truth to proceed through the next couple of rooms, then defeat the Iron Knuckle to obtain a Piece of Heart.
  • Explore the Graveyard on the Final Day: On the Final Night, speak to the Stalchildren at the Ikana Graveyard while wearing the Captain's Hat. Tell them to tear down the gravestone they are surrounding, then venture underground. Make Dampé dig in the patches of ground until all three flames appear. Defeat the Big Poe and climb up the ledge. Open the chest to get a Piece of Heart.

Free the Canyon Ghosts

  • Enter the Poe Collector's Spirit House at the north end of Ikana Canyon and speak with him to play a minigame. Defeat all four Poe Sisters within the time limit to earn a Piece of Heart.

Vanquished Foes Return

  • Go to the Secret Shrine by swimming upstream in the river at Ikana Canyon. Enter all the rooms here and defeat all the mini-bosses to get a Piece of Heart.

Child's Play

  • Child with an Odolwa Mask: Give a mask to the child wearing Odolwa's Remains running around Inside the Moon and complete his mini-dungeon. Give him another mask at the end.
  • Child with a Goht Mask: Give two masks to the child wearing Goht's Remains inside the Moon and complete his mini-dungeon. Give him two more masks at the end.
  • Child with a Gyorg Mask: Give three masks to the child wearing Gyorg's Remains inside the Moon and complete his mini-dungeon. Give him three more masks at the end.
  • Child with a Twinmold Mask: Give four masks to the child wearing Twinmold's Remains inside the Moon and complete his mini-dungeon. Give him four more masks at the end.
  • The Final Mask: After having given all 20 of his masks to the children on the Moon, Link can speak to the child wearing Majora's Mask who will give him the Fierce Deity's Mask.

The Bombers' Code

Main article: The Bombers' Code
  • This is completed automatically upon receiving the Bombers' Notebook.

Fraternal Milk

  • The Troupe Leader's Request: Between 6 am and 12 pm on the Second Day, speak to Gorman on the Second floor of the Stock Pot Inn while wearing the Troupe Leader's Mask. He will request special milk, but he would specifically like it delivered afternoon.
  • Speak to the Gorman Brothers at the Gorman Track between 12 pm and 6 pm to get some Mystery Milk. It will only last two minutes of real time, so run it over to Gorman speedily.
  • Gorman will enjoy his Mysterious Milk and state that he feels better, rewarding Link with an Empty Bottle.