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Mastro is a character in Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom

Mastro can be found with Violynne on a stage outside the Woodland Stable. They briefly speak about what happened, but the two are worried nobody will take it seriously. They want to tell the Lucky Clover Gazette, but it is all the way in the Hebra region, where they are working out of a Stable.[1][2][3]

Serenade to a Great Fairy

Main article: Serenade to a Great Fairy

After Link visits the Lucky Clover Gazette and meets up with Penn, this will begin the Potential Princess Sightings!. At this point, Link can return to the Woodland Stable and help out Violynne and Mastro.

He and Violynne will explain the accident the two experienced during the Upheaval, which caused their horse to run away and their wagon, Breezer, to break.[4] As they describe it, a woman with blond hair jumped in front of them and caused the accident.[5] Since that night, the Great Fairy has been hiding in her bud, refusing to come out.[6] The Great Fairy loves the duo's performances, but they have no way to reach her. This issue begins the Serenade to a Great Fairy Side Adventure.[7]

After Link obtains a Horse and repairs their wagon, Mastro and Violynne will hop in.[8] [9] When they reach the Great Fairy, the two will perform a song, with Mastro directing and Violynne playing her Violin.[10][11] This will cause the Great Fairy to emerge once again.[12][13] Violynne admits to Mastro that she thought the other musicians left because they didn't like how she played, but Mastro tells her that isn't true.[14][15] Violynne says she's heard other Great Fairies are also hiding, and thinks hearing music will cheer them up as well.[16] Mastro thinks of reuniting their troupe, and declares it will be called The Stable Trotters.[17] Mastro says they should get ready for traveling to the other Great Fairies, which completes the side adventure. [18]

Serenade to Cotera

Main article: Serenade to Cotera

After completing the Serenade to a Great Fairy, Mastro and Violynne will now appear at the Dueling Peaks Stable, where the Stable Trotters are performing. Here, they are joined by Eustus, after Link has completed The Hornist's Dramatic Escape by saving Eustus from a hole on his way to Rito Village.[19]

Mastro is concerned about the Great Fairy Cotera, whos is one of hte notable attractions of the Dueling Peaks Stable.[20][21] She hasn't emerged from her flower yet and Mastro thinks she's just scared to come out. One of the previous members of the Stable Trotters, Beetz, would play the drums and would be the perfect thing to cheer her up. [22] However, Beetz has since left the group. Mastro mentions that a traveler heard a drum up near Kakariko Village, near Bonooru's Stand. This will begin the Serenade to Cotera quest.

After Link travels north and completes the Honey, Bee Mine quest, Beetz will join the troupe at Dueling Peaks Stable. Mastro is a bit saddened that members of his band are so worried about him. Although he thinks the members should instead be worried about the declining audience of the Stable Trotters.[23] Mastro wants to reach the Great Fairy, but the Big Twin Bridge is broken.[24] Beetz suggests that they simply cross the river, to which Mastro agrees.[25][26] The troupe all then depart to the Squabble River just to the south.

Mastro thought it would be easy to cross the river, but now realizes even if they took Breezers wheels off and floated it across the river, the strong current would prevent them from crossing.[27][28] After Link builds a raft, sets Breezer on top of it, and places it in the water, Mastro is excited once again and will hop into the wagon, with the rest of hte troupe members.[29]

After Link has brought the troupe to the other side, Mastro will instruct them to take their places, where they will then perform for the Great Fairy.[30][31] After Cotera comes out of her bud, Mastro will thank Link and reward him with a Silver Rupee.[32][33] Mastro and the rest of the troupe will then head off, looking to rescue the rest of the fairies.[34][35]



  1. "Should we tell the newspaper...what happend here?" — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  2. "Absolutely. We'll tell this whole awful story to the Lucky Clover Gazette and no one else. They'll take it seriously!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  3. "I don't know how we'll get word of this too them though... The Lucky Clover Gazette is in the Hebra region. They're working out of a stable, I heard. That's all so far west though..." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  4. "Well, we had our accident here one awful night, some time after the Upheaval. We saw the Great Fairy nearby...vanish from view. It was troubling somehow. We got in our wagon to go to her. That's when it happened..." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  5. "Frightful, the whole thing! That's when the woman with blond hair jumped out in front of us. Our horse bolted away—off it ran, into the night. But the real tragedy! That involved one of the most crucial members of our troupe..." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  6. "At least no one was hurt. But since that night, the Great Fairy has been hiding in her bud. She seems afraid of something." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  7. "Whatever reasons the Great Fairy has for hiding herself away, we thought a performance would cheer her up. But with Breezer broken down, we can't transport our small troupe or our instruments there." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  8. "I can't believe it!" — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  9. "Violynne! He's made some sort of change to Breezer. We may be able to be on our way now. Quick, let's get in. We wouldn't want to be left behind!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  10. "Thank you. We can take it from here! All right, Mastro, lead us into the performance..." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  11. "Our little troupe must play with all the heart we can—for the Great Fairy!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  12. "Behold, Violynne! The Great Fairy graces us with her presence!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  13. "Truly divine..." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  14. "Mastro... I thought...the rest of our musicians left the troupe because they didn't like how I played my violin." — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  15. "Violynne! That wasn't it at all! Why, you moved the heart of the Great Fairy herself with your violin. Your playing is impeccable." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  16. "I guess...I really did do that, didn't I? I've heard the other Great Fairies also are hiding away in their buds... I bet if you—I mean, we—play music for them, that's cheer them up too!" — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  17. "A brilliant idea! And you know what that calls for? Reuniting our troupe... The Stable Trotters!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  18. "Thank you for helping us get here. It means a lot to me. We're a troupe of two for now. But, oh, you just wait! I just know we'll get the other musicians back with us somehow!" — Violynne, Tears of the Kingdom
  19. "Hello, hello! I know you, traveler! We've had a delightful devleopment. Look! I mean, listen! It's Eustus...he and his horn are back in our troupe! It's heartbreaking to think of the poor fellow getting stuck in a hole on the way to Rito Village. Note to self—Eustus doesn't get to drive the cart anymore. But I'm glad he's out of his funk and fit as a fiddle. Eustus's horn will blow the Stable Trotters back on course! I'm brimming over with happiness to the point that I can't keep a lid on it!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  20. "And I must say, it's good to see a friendly face, one who no doubt shares my concern for the Great Fairy?" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  21. "Ah, I must be mistaken. I merely assumed because the Great Fairy Cotera is such a notable attraction to Dueling Peaks Stable." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  22. "Alas, the local Great Fairy hasn't emerged from her flower bud in quite some time. I'm sure she's scared to come out, just like the Great Fairy at Woodland Stable. She used to listen to Beetz's drum so fondly... Hearing his lively beat again will be just the thing to cheer her up, but... Beetz simply...isn't here." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  23. "Ah, there's the man of hte hour! Look at this—or rather, listen! It's Beetz! Our stalwart drummer, Beetz, has returned! A sorry troupe leader I am, making my band members worry about me that way. What they really ought to be worried about is our declining audience. But! The beating heart of the Stable Trotters pulses once more! Three cheers for our own Beetz! I'm brimming over with happiness to the point that I can't keep a lid on it!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  24. "The bridge to the Great Fairy is broken. How are horses supposed to cross?" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  25. "Yo! If the bridge is no good, how about we cross the river?" — Beetz, Tears of the Kingdom
  26. "That's right! We can cross the river! To the river, everyone! All together now! I'm sure the Great Fairy will give you her blessing when she wakes up. If you have time, I'd be honored if you could be there for our performance!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  27. "The bridge is a busy, but I thought it might not be so hard to cross the river. I see now that I was mistaken! Even if we took off our Breezer's wheels and floated across the river, the current would run that plan aground. The Great Fairy is so near, yet so far! I have absolutely no idea what to do." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  28. "Our Breezer was built for traveling roads, not rivers. If we tried to ford it, we'd all sink before we reached the Great Fairy's side." — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  29. "Such joy! Elation! The very words I've been waiting for! Everyone, get on board before he changes his mind!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  30. "Places, everyone, places! The Great Fairy needs us!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  31. "Oho! We've done it!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  32. "The musical stylings of the Stable Trotters are the cure for anyone's malaise!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  33. "Thank you once again! I've prepared a token of thanks fo substantial that I hope your pockets are double-stiched! You deserve every last bit of it!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  34. "And now that my own pockets are lighting, I can concentrate on the performance!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom
  35. "I'm proud to say that the Great Fairy Cotera is at peace! But she wasn't the last Great Fairy still shut away in her flower bud. That's why we must be off at once to visit the next Great Fairy. Thank you for your invaluable assistance!" — Mastro, Tears of the Kingdom