Dwarven Swordsmiths

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Dwarven Swordsmiths
Dwarven Swordsmiths





The Dwarven Swordsmiths are a pair of characters from A Link to the Past and Ancient Stone Tablets.


A Link to the Past

The two dwarves work as swordsmiths for a living at their workshop on the eastern edge of Kakariko Village. They discourage people from attempting to temper a sword on their own seeing as they are the only professionals around. When Link first goes to meet them, he only finds one of the swordsmiths at the house, tinkering away at a piece of metal. He tells Link that he can't temper his sword at the moment because his partner has not returned.


After Link obtains the Titan's Mitt from the Gargoyle's Domain dungeon and heads to the southern part of the Village of Outcasts, he will find a strange frog who is trapped behind some black stones. Using the Mitt, Link removes the stones that are in the way in order to set him free. After Link talks to him, he finds out that the frog is the missing swordsmith. The frog then requests that Link take him back home.

Using the Magic Mirror, Link transports the two back to the Light World and takes the other swordsmith (who is now back to normal) to his home. Once there, the two swordsmiths are overjoyed to have found each other and as a reward they offer to temper Link's sword the next time he comes by. When Link comes by again, the two are ready to temper his sword. They give him a big discount and let him pay only 10 Rupees as a thank you and with the Hero's permission they begin their work. Once Link returns once more, he finds that the sword has been tempered in a red and much more powerful sword than he had before.

During the Ending, the swordsmiths are seen working in their Smithy.

Ancient Stone Tablets

Dwarven Swordsmith Lost Woods - AST.png

Shortly before the beginning of Week 2, one of the dwarves goes to the Lost Woods to pick mushrooms and becomes trapped. The other remains in their Swordsmiths' Shop and tells the Hero of Light what their partner had gone to do and that they had not returned. If the Hero finds the other dwarf in the woods, where they had become trapped in bushes, they will ask to be helped back to their partner. Once back in the Swordsmiths' Shop, the two will temper the Hero's LV1 Sword into a LV2 Sword.

If this sidequest is not completed in Week 2, in subsequent weeks both swordsmiths are present in their workshop and will temper a LV1 Sword. They do not further temper the LV2 Sword, nor temper a LV3 Sword or the Master Sword (which retains its fully-upgraded Golden Sword form from A Link to the Past). If the Hero has a rented LV2 Sword from the Rental Shop, the swordsmiths will upgrade their sword to LV2 permanently, and any time remaining on the rental is lost.
