Skyward Sword Characters

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This is a list of characters found in Skyward Sword.

Major Characters


Main article: Link

Link is the hero of Skyward Sword, starting off the game as a young man living in Skyloft who attends a Knight Academy. Link is dressed with boots, green pants, and a sweatshirt, not unlike the rest of the citizens of Skyloft. He is a very active young lad who goes skydiving and bird riding to impress Zelda and his other classmates. Each of the citizens of Skyloft have large birds that they use for transportation, but Link has a rare red bird that he befriends early on. Link is very close friends with Zelda and they seem to care greatly for each other. Early on in his quest, Link successfully wins a bird race conducted by the Ceremony Leader and this allows him to win a prize from Zelda.

While Link and Zelda are riding off through the clouds, a sudden tornado has been summoned, causing Zelda to fall off her bird and get sucked down into the land below. Link goes after Zelda, but appears to be knocked out cold by the huge fall. Before falling into the land below he is saved by his Loftwing and taken back to Skyloft. When he gets back to Skyloft he is given his green tunic, which represents his year in the Knight Academy, to him by Gaepora.

Link will travel down to the land below in search of Zelda. Throughout his quest, he will use a standard set of inventory items that he will upgrade along the way as he battles through the overworld and dungeons, attempting to save Hyrule from the evil that lurks there. Using his Loftwing Link will travel between Skyloft and the surface world. Part of his quest will take him to the Silent Realm, an alternate dimension of the surface world, where he must collect tears of light and avoid guardians without the aid of his sword. He will fight many foes along the way, but perhaps none fiercer than the Demon Lord Ghirahim. Ghirahim is also in search of Zelda and has no problem bringing Link within an inch of his life. It is up to our hero to defeat Ghirahim, rescue Zelda, and save the lands of Skyloft and Hyrule.


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Main article: Zelda

Zelda is a resident of Skyloft, a classmate of Link and one of his closest friends. It is obvious from very early on that Zelda has a thing for Link. She too enjoys soaring through the clouds on top of her own bird. Despite being a normal girl in the town, Zelda seems to have some special status amongst the people of Skyloft. Early on in the game, Zelda gives out a prize to whomever wins the flight race.

After Link successfully wins the race, Zelda leaps off of the ledge from Skyloft, dropping down onto Link's bird to congratulate him. Things eventually take a turn for the worse when Link and Zelda are flying about. A huge tornado is summoned causing Zelda to fall off her bird and get sucked to the land beneath the clouds. As she falls to the ground, she appears to be swallowed by a giant monster. Ghirahim claims that a servant of the Goddess rescued her from the tornado and she was taken to the Forest Temple. It is unknown whether this creature, which strongly resembles a creature Link encounters in the land below, is the servant, or if it is what the servant rescued her from.

Link, his rival, and the evil Ghirahim set out to look for Zelda. Link is out to rescue her while Ghirahim seeks her holiness for some unknown end. Her importance is a mystery, but she is referred to as an "oracle" and "a female servant of the goddess". She apparently has been taken to the Forest Temple, but is taken elsewhere before either Link or Ghirahim have a chance to reach her. Link picks up her trail in Eldin Volcano, but not before Ghirahim enters. It is uncertain who will find her first and what will become of her.


Main article: Ghirahim

One of the game's antagonists, the demon Ghirahim is a tall and slender man with grayish skin and albino hair. His bodysuit and mantle are decorated with diamond patterns. He is skilled in the ways of magic, his sorcerous powers allowing him to teleport, conjure knives, and summon a distinct black sabre with which he is incredibly skilled.

He is one of several members of a tribe that rules over the surface world. His standing in this tribe, whether it be leader or merely a member, is uncertain. They seek Zelda's holy power so that he may revive his master and in an attempt to capture her, Ghirahim uses his considerable magical powers to form the massive tornado which was intended to kidnap Zelda. Before she could fall into their hands however, a servant of the goddess saved Zelda, which greatly enraged Ghirahim.

Ghirahim's regard for himself is incredibly high. He prefers to be referred to by his full title, Lord Ghirahim and he constantly mocks Link's ability in combat. His arrogance is second only to his depravity. Ghirahim enjoys bloodshed, and in his anger at the whale's interference he attacks Link and toys with him. He enjoys appearing out of nowhere and taunting his victims from close behind, and constantly licks his lips and at the air when he is excited about violence.

Unfortunately for Link, Ghirahim's arrogance seems justified. Link barely survives his tornado and the battle with Ghirahim himself, only surviving because of the Skyward Sword. Link's life does not matter to Ghirahim but he offers Link mercy after their battle, threatening to kill him if he ever interferes again.


Main article: Hylia

The people of Skyloft appear to worship only one goddess, and have no knowledge of the Triforce. This goddess is also known by Ghirahim, the Demon Lord of the land below. She sends her servant to save Zelda from Ghirahim's grasp.

A massive statue of the Goddess can be seen looking over the city of Skyloft. Not much is known about this statue, but it has a real world similarity to the Christ the Redeemer statue that looks over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the beginning of the game Fi leads Link to a secret room in the Goddess statue that houses the Goddess Sword.


Main article: Fi

Link's sidekick in this game appears as a female spirit-like entity called Fi. Both her and Zelda bear the same diamond crest on their chests. She is first encountered in a dream when she appears from the sky above Link as he is falling to the land below. Later he sees her and chases her around Skyloft until she leads him to the Goddess Statue revealing a secret room housing the Goddess Sword. Her origins are a mystery. With her advising and aiding him Link journeys to the Forest Temple, where he fights Ghirahim. The Demon Lord himself states that the Goddess Sword is the only thing that kept Link alive during their fight.

Fi's humanoid form appears by expanding out of a light from the hilt of the Goddess Sword and disappears by shrinking and returning to that light. She does not seem to act human, speaking to Link like a robot as she analyzes his items and surroundings and gives him information about them. When Link enters a new area, Fi comes out of the sword and announces where you are and a very brief blip about it. Also, when Link finds an upgrade or a new item, Fi comes out of the sword and tells you what the item is and what it does. When she talks to Link, she refers to him as master.

The Sky


Main article: Batreaux

Batreaux is a demon found on Skyloft. He first appears during the Missing Kukiel sidequest, when you must uncover a secret door in the graveyard that leads to his house. Although Link is lead to believe that he kidnapped Kukiel, he hasn't harmed her. Even though the people of Skyloft fear him and call him a monster, he is a friendly demon and wishes to become human himself. To help him accomplish this, you must find 80 Gratitude Crystals found across The Sky to help him transform. For more information, check out our Gratitude Crystals page.


Main article: Beedle

Like his previous incarnations, Beedle is a shop owner and sells a wide variety of very useful items, only this time, he sets up business in a floating wooden shop. Link can grab onto a rope and be pulled up to the shop via a pulley mechanism. The inside of Beedle's shop is covered in large gears, which Beedle keeps spinning via a bicycle-like machine. His shop carries four items at any time, ranging from item-carrying pouches to pieces of heart. His familiar "OH" sound effect has been carried over from The Wind Waker.


Main article: Bertie

Like in previous games, the Potion Shop owner can make and sell potions for Link to carry around in his bottle. His shop is located in the Skyloft Bazaar. This particular potion shop owner also seems to be a parent, carrying an infant on his back as he stirs his cauldron. He can also upgrade Link's potions to make them stronger if Link can pay the rupee cost as well as bring him the required types and number of insects.


Main article: Cawlin

This is the shorter of Groose's two lackeys. He is ill-mannered and he only does things if they benefit him. Cawlin aids Groose in obstructing Link's victory in the Bird Riders Ceremony by throwing eggs at Link. Later on in the game when Zelda disappears, Cawlin can be seen wandering around the Knight Academy with nothing to do, complaining about how sad Groose is and antagonizing Link. He eventually develops a love interest in Karane, but is rejected and falls into a depression.

Crimson Loftwing

Main article: Crimson Loftwing

Link's feathery friend is his mode of transportation when traveling amongst the clouds. Link can leap off ledges and call his bird as he falls. Link's bird will swoop right underneath him giving Link a perfect landing spot. Link can use his bird to travel between the various islands in the sky.

Link's bird seems to have some sort of connection with Zelda's bird, as the two can be seen flying together even when Link and Zelda are not with each other. Link's bird can hold more than one passenger at a time, as Link and Zelda are both riding on the bird simultaneously at one part in the game.

Link's Bird is a rare breed of Loftwing Bird that he befriends at some point, possibly before the story starts, in a ceremony. Link's Bird was stated to be a special bird by the developers, and it is unclear if this is the only trait that makes him special or if there is more to it.


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Main article: Croo

This man can be found in the Bazaar near the entrance. He will invite Link for a drink, and if Link says yes, will explain more about the Knight Academy. He says there are Rescue Knights that will save people who fall off of Skyloft, and that it takes much experience to become one, but his son was able to do it.


Main article: Dodoh

This strange character operates and owns the gaudy Fun Fun Island in the sky where Link can play a minigame called Dodoh's High Dive, in which you launch high in the air, then attempt to earn rupees by passing through score multipliers and landing on a small colored square on a huge spinning wheel. If you pass through all five multipliers and land on the 50-rupee space, Dodoh promises to give a special prize. He is a cheerful man who speaks of little else other than his game. Dodoh's High Dive can only be played after Dodoh loses his wheel and Link recovers it with the help of Scrapper..


Main article: Dovos

Dovos can be found near the restuarant area of the Bazaar. He is a lover of food, and will talk to Link about becoming a Knight.


Main article: Eagus

Eagus, also known as Knight Commander Eagus, is one of the residents of Skyloft and can be found in the Knight Academy's Sparring Hall. He helps Link early in the game by giving him some basic training, teaching him various techniques with the sword and shield. Eagus will give Link his first sword that he gets within the game, the Practice Sword.


Main article: Fledge

Fledge is a resident of Skyloft, and a fellow Loftwing rider. He didn't make the cut for the Wing Ceremony this year, so he had to stick around at the Knight Academy and move barrels. If you talk to Fledge twice, or simply pick up a barrel, he'll ask you to walk it over to the Lunch Lady in the kitchen. If you do so, talk to Fledge a third time to receive 20 rupees.

Later on in the game is it revealed that Fledge knew what Groose was going to do with your bird, and informs you they hid it near the waterfall in Skyloft.


Main article: Gaepora

Gaepora is the headmaster of the knight academy but seems to hold an even higher position of authority in Skyloft, slightly higher than the ceremony leader. He observes the ceremony, offering a scolding remark to Groose. His decorative red sash is similar to the ceremony leader's except that it features four golden triangles, as well as the Skyloftian bird symbol on its back. His belt also has a bird design. Gaepora is Zelda's father and has a symbol on his back almost identical to hers. His robes bear a striking resemblance to those of Rauru, who credited himself as one of the ancient Sages who constructed the Temple of Time. He also has long eyebrows and laughs with a "Hoo Hoo Hoo" much like Kaepora Gaebora, said to be a reincarnation of an ancient Sage. Some even think he resembles the Kings of Hyrule who appears in The Adventure of Link, The Wind Waker and The Minish Cap.

After Zelda is taken by the tornado, Link goes to Gaepora to tell him of Zelda's fate and ask for help. Gaepora thinks of his daughter as strong and is not worried, but can only offer Link support and give him his green tunic from being promoted to Senior Class, saying his old clothes were not suitable for a journey.


Main article: Gondo

A mechanic by trade, Gondo runs the Scrap Shop in the Bazaar where he will upgrade most of Link's equipment throughout the game, using Treasure Link acquires killing enemies throughout the game. He can also repair Link's shield.


Main article: Goselle


Main article: Greba


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Main article: Groose

Groose appears throughout the game in different ways. He has a thing for Zelda and is determined to win the birdriding competition to impress her. He and his lackeys compete very roughly with Link, and tries to knock him around to prevent him from taking the bird statue first. He also has his lackeys, Cawlin and Stritch throw eggs at Link to slow him down. The ceremony leader specifically warned against this behavior just before the contest began, and the old man singled out Groose as someone who is prone to not play by the rules. He will probably be trying to rescue Zelda before Link does, but it is not known whether he will be a help or a hindrance to Link's quest.


Main article: Gully

Gully is a child found in Skyloft who teaches Link how to roll. After Link knocks down the Sky Stag Beetle, Gully will chase after it and lose it before falling off of Skyloft. He also gives hints about Beedle's Air Shop.


Main article: Henya

Henya the lunch lady can be found in the Knight Academy. If you sit at one of the tables, she will yet at you for being late to breakfast, and that you'll have to wait for lunch. If you walk over to her, she'll complain about Fledge being late with her barrels. After speaking with Fledge a second time, you can take a barrel over to Henya, who will simply say thanks and mention the Wing Ceremony.

Instructor Horwell

Main article: Instructor Horwell

Horwell wears a decorative red sash across his shoulders similar to that of Gaepora and Horwell. Horwell is one of the Knight Academy Instructors and has great knowlege of bird flying.

When you first walk outside the Knight Academy, Horwell will teach you how to Z-target, how to dash while moving, your stamina meter, and also how to jump across small gaps. Horwell will ask you to retrieve Gaepora's cat Mia from up on the roof.

After climbing halfway up building, Horwell will inform you of how to climb a higher wall by telling you to push a large crate against it, helping you to reach the roof where Mia is. When you finally capture Mia and bring her back down to Horwell, he will thank you and tell you to meet Gaepora and Zelda at the Statue of the Goddess.

Instructor Owlan

Main article: Instructor Owlan

The Ceremony Leader is first seen standing next to the old man at the beginning of the Bird Rider's Ceremony. Wearing a decorative blue sash across his shoulders similar to that of the old man he seems to be an authority on bird riding. Presumably the instructor of the skill of birdriding to the youths of Skyloft and overseer of the race.

Before the race he gives Link and three other Skyloft youths the instructions for the ceremony. He attaches a ceremonial bird statue, (brought by Zelda) to a small gold bird and tells the children that whoever catches the bird and claims the statue will be this year's champion. Giving quick instructions on how to control the birds he then goes on to say that the champion will receive a gift from the lovely Zelda. Before the race begins he tells Link and three other Skyloft youths to show him just how well they have practiced. He asks to see good clean flying with no interfering with the other flyers. Then upon his command the competition begins.


Main article: Jakamar

Jakamar is a repairman around Skyloft. He's a kind and caring man who adores his wife, Wryna, and his daughter, Kukiel.


Main article: Karane

Karane often points out flaws in peoples manners or normal habits. She has a secret crush on Pipit, and is crushed on in turn by Cawlin.


Main article: Keet


Main article: Kina


Main article: Kukiel


Main article: Luv


Main article: Mallara


Main article: Mia


Main article: Orielle


Main article: Parrow


Main article: Peater


Main article: Peatrice


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Main article: Piper


Main article: Pipit


Main article: Pumm


Main article: Rupin


Main article: Rusta


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Main article: Sparrot


Main article: Strich


Main article: Wryna

Zelda's Loftwing

Zelda with her Loftwing.png
Main article: Zelda's Loftwing

Much like Link, Zelda has her own feathery friend to ride on when adventuring above the clouds. Zelda will leap off the ledge and land on top of her bird, just like all the other folks in Skyloft do. Whenever Zelda is seen flying, she always has her bluish-purple friend nearby.

Things take a turn for the worse when a tornado is summoned to kidnap Zelda. Both Zelda and her bird are falling down to the land below the clouds when Zelda appears to be swallowed by a shadow monster. Zelda's bird is not shown being swallowed by the shadow monster, therefore we do not know of its whereabouts.


Main article: Scrapper



Main article: Bucha


Main article: Erla


Main article: Faron (Dragon)


Main article: Gorko

Gorko reminds viewers of the traveling merchant Goron in disguise in The Wind Waker than in Ocarina of Time. He calls himself an adventurer, and wants to see all that the world has to offer. He shows Link new things, such as the Goddess Cube (which he named himself) He also carries a Triforce symbol with him ― the only one seen so far outside of the Siren World.


Main article: Jellyf


Main article: Lopsa


Main article: Machi


Main article: Oolo


Main article: Yerbal



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Main article: Bronzi


Main article: Cobal


Main article: Eldin (Dragon)


Main article: Guld



Main article: Kortz


Main article: Ledd


Main article: Merco

Mr. Tubert

Main article: Mr. Tubert


Main article: Nackle


Main article: Plats


Main article: Silva


Main article: Tyto


Main article: Zanc



Main article: Golo


Main article: Gortram


Main article: Lanayru (Dragon)


Main article: LD-301


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Main article: Skipper



Main article: Demise


Main article: Impa

The Imprisoned

Main article: The Imprisoned