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Major Characters


Main article: Link

Link is the hero and primary protagonist of Twilight Princess, where he is a ripe seventeen-year-old boy. He works as a rancher, and lives in Ordon Woods. He is dressed in a multi-colored shirt and pants, and sandals. He buys a slingshot and shows it off to the kids when a Monkey comes and Malo, Talo, and Beth run after the monkey. Talo keeps running after the monkey, while Malo and Beth get left behind. Link has to find Talo and the monkey. After he saves Talo and the monkey he returns to Ordon Village. The next day he prepares to go off for Hyrule Castle to deliver a gift, but Ilia notices a cut on his horse, Epona, and yells at him. Link must then go to Ordon Spring in order to retrieve his horse. After taking a secret passageway to get past the locked gate, Link reunites with Epona. But then the gate bursts open and a Bulblin knocks Link unconscious. Their leader then kidnaps Ilia and Colin and blows his horn, causing a portal to open. Link then wakes up and notices the children gone. Frantically, he runs after them, only to run into a huge black wall preventing him from proceeding. A monster pulls him through the wall into Faron Province, which is now covered in Twilight. This causes him to transform into a sacred wolf. He meets up with Midna in the Twilight Realm who becomes his partner for this game. Link meets Zelda and eventually returns to the light. Throughout the game, Link has to return the Tears of Light to the Light Spirits, and go through three dungeons to get three Fused Shadows. As Link progresses through Hyrule, he learns more about Midna, the Twili, and Zant and how all of the three are associated with one another. After collecting the Fused Shadows, Midna meets a terrible fate and Link becomes cursed to permanently roam as a wolf. He helps Midna visit Princess Zelda, who entrusts him to save the Kingdom of Hyrule from the tyranny of Zant, and tells Link a way to transform back into a human. He acquires the Master Sword, removing his curse, and travels to the Gerudo Desert to seek the Mirror of Twilight, which he finds has been broken by Zant. He then has to repair the Mirror of Twilight that was broken into four pieces. Once he does so, he has access to the Palace of Twilight. He goes there to defeat Zant and save Hyrule Castle from the Twilight. He eventually goes on to confront his old nemesis, Ganondorf and defeats him, bringing peace to Hyrule. In the end credits, he is seen riding away on his horse, leaving the Faron Woods to an unknown location, also leaving the Master Sword back in its pedestal. His role in Twilight Princess ranges from many things, but he ultimately strives to help Midna in reclaiming her power and helping her people.

Wolf Link

Main article: Wolf Link‎

Wolf Link can use his senses to see these spirits, or areas where he can dig. He is also faster than Link's Hylian form. Midna often rides on his back in this form, unless he is in sunlight. Eventually, Link gains the Shadow Crystal and, between this and the Master Sword, is able to turn into a wolf at any time. This becomes extremely useful, as this is the only way Link is able to freely warp, unless there are other people nearby, in which case Midna will not allow Link to transform or warp, Link attacks by jumping and biting. Link can also lunge at enemies and latch onto some. Once latched on, Link can proceed to bite viciously until the enemy knocks him off.

Wolf Link is unable to use any items; however, he is able to use his senses. He uses this ability to track down smells, including Ilia's Scent, and the scent of the Ordonian children. Additionally, many NPC's are afraid of Wolf Link, and will scream and run or cower in fear if he appears in the Light World. If Link scares the guards in Castle Town, they'll drop their weapons. The best place to do this is around the fountain.

Wolf Link also features the unique ability to charge an attack and release it to instantly kill nearly any enemy caught in the area of effect. This is done by releasing the power of Midna's Fused Shadow.

  • Wolf Link is replaced in Hyrule Warriors by a Twilight Wolf created by Midna. The Twilight Wolf attacks similarly to Wolf Link.


Main article: Midna

Midna is the secondary protagonist and the guide character in Twilight Princess. For much of the game, Midna takes the form of an imp-like creature. It is later revealed that this is not her true form and is part of curse placed on her by Zant.

Midna is the only character in Twilight Princess to have voice acting. However, she does not speak in any particular language, just incomprehensible sounds for effect. Throughout the game, Midna's character changes dramatically. She begins as callous, uncaring and patronising, and tries to use Link for her own good, but she soon realizes that Link is more than just a tool; she values him and Princess Zelda as friends and her character becomes warmer. Midna possesses one piece of the Fused Shadow before she meets Link.

Role in Story==

Midna is first seen spying on Link from behind a tree in the Twilight-engulfed Faron Woods when Link first transforms into his Wolf form. By the end of the game, it is revealed that Midna is in fact the Twilight Princess. She is from the Twilight Realm and is the ruler of it and the Twili race that dwell there. She originally joins Link on his quest so that she can acquire the three fragments of the Fused Shadow, defeat Zant, and reclaim her throne. When these are taken away from her by Zant, she tries to take Link to the Twilight Realm to avenge him, only to find the Mirror of Twilight broken into shards. The Ancient Sages inform Midna and Link that only the true leader of the Twilight Realm could shatter the Mirror of Twilight, Zant could merely break it into pieces.So Midna and Link go in search of the other three pieces of the Mirror of Twilight.

As the story progresses, she later ends up developing feelings for Link and the Light World, and helps him defeat Ganondorf. After doing so, she transforms back into her true form. After saying goodbye to Link, she re-enters the Twilight Realm to once again lead her people. However, in the process of her departure, she shatters the Mirror of Twilight, proving herself the true leader of the Twilight Realm, yet breaking the only known connection between the two worlds in the process.


Main article: Zant

Zant is the secondary antagonist of Twilight Princess, although for most of the game, he appears to be the main villain. Zant is a part of the Twili race, a race that was banished to the Twilight Realm as a result of their ancestors attempting to seek domain over the Sacred Realm. Zant claims himself to be the King of Twilight, but his power is a false one, as Midna is the rightful leader. During the beginning of the game, Zant seems to be a steady figure, barely showing any emotion or weakness. However, during the boss fight he unravels, showing his true personality.

Dark Interlopers

Zant is a descendant of a group of sorcerers named the Interlopers. This tribe excelled in shadow magic and intended to use the power of the Fused Shadow to seek domain over the Sacred Realm. However, the three Light Spirits of Hyrule intervened, taking the Fused Shadows and breaking them into four separate fragments. With the power of the Fused Shadows gone from their grasp, the tribe was left powerless. They were chased across the lands of Hyrule and were driven into another Realm by the Light Spirits. Over time the Interlopers eventually evolved into a peaceful tribe known as the Twili.

The Twili race became gentle creatures and over time a monarchy was established in order to lead the tribe. Zant had been a loyal servant to the monarchy of the Palace for many years. He was meant to be next in line to ascend the throne, but it was Midna, chosen by her father, the former king of the Twilit Kingdom, as the true leader, now to be known as the Twilight Princess. As his indignation of the royal clan of the kingdom grew, Zant, distraught by this news, looked to the heavens for an answer. It was at this moment that he was gifted a mysterious foreign power by his supposed god.

This power was gifted to Zant by Ganondorf, who had previously escaped his imprisonment in Arbiter's Grounds. Due to his failed execution, the remaining Sages decided the only option now was to seal Ganondorf into the Twilight Realm. Ganondorf housed his power into Zant at one request, that he merge light with shadow, therefore creating complete darkness. Zant took this power and usurped the throne of the Twilight Realm. With this false power, Zant turned the realm's inhabitants into mindless Shadow Beasts and Midna into an imp. Zant then proceeded to invade Hyrule Castle and force Princess Zelda to give up the throne. In a plan to shroud the Kingdom in Twilight, the King of Shadows sent out the devilish Shadow Beasts and ordered them to steal the light from the provinces across Hyrule. The Kingdom now became a world suspended in perpetual Twilight.

Link gets caught up in Zant's evil plot during the end of the prologue. King Bulblin and his army of Bulblins invade the safety of the Ordona Province, attacking Link and its inhabitants. Link later on wakes up after being left unconscious, realizing that both Colin and Ilia have been taken. Link proceeds to head over the bridge and onto Faron Province, but instead he is faced with a curtain of Twilight. A Shadow Beast then drags the young hero into the Twilight-filled province of Faron, thus starting the events of the main plot.

Link first hears about the whereabouts of Zant when escaping his imprisonment in Hyrule Castle. Midna assists the young hero in reaching the tower where Princess Zelda resides. She tells Link about how Zant invaded the safe confines of the castle where she was forced to give up the throne. Zelda also explains to Link how Hyrule is covered in perpetual Twilight, and all of its inhabitants have turned into helpless spirits, who know only fear. Later on in the game, after restoring the light to Faron Province, the Light Spirit, Faron, tells Link about a dark power that lies in the Forest Temple. This is a fragment of the Fused Shadows, and Faron tells Link that he must use this dark withered power to defeat the King of the Shadows, Zant.

Link first encounters Zant after collecting the third and final piece of the Fused Shadow from the Lakebed Temple. Zant halts Link and Midna as they exit. The Light Spirit, Lanayru, tries to intervene, but Zant once again steals the light, thus restoring Twilight to the province. Zant also takes the Fused Shadows from Midna, calling them an old and withered power, proclaiming that his power is new and was granted to him by his god. Wolf Link tries to attack Zant, but, in the process, Zant uses his dark powers to curse Link, meaning he is now suspended in beast form. The Usurper King then goes on to tell Midna of his desires, and that darkness and light will meet at last while asking the cursed imp to join him on his quest. After Midna refuses to aid Zant, he manipulates the Light Spirit Lanayru to return Midna to the Light World, leaving Midna an inch away from death.

Later on in the plot, Link and Midna find the whereabouts of the Mirror of Twilight, hidden within Arbiter's Grounds. This is the only connection to the Twilight Realm, so Link has to pass through the grounds to reach the Mirror Chamber. Upon navigating through the dungeon, Link finds the remains of a skeletal being covered in sand. Zant appears and is surprised that the young hero has made this far, he then explains to Link that this is the last time they shall meet alive. The King of Shadows then pulls out the Twilight Sword and thrusts it into the skull of the remains. This brings the seemingly dead being to life and this is the fourth boss of the game, Stallord. Upon defeating Stallord, Link makes his way up to the Mirror Chamber where he finds the mirror broken. The Ancient Sages tell the young hero that this was the work of a dark power that once resided within the demon thief Ganondorf. The Sages also tell Link that they previously sealed Ganondorf within the Twilight Realm and that this could be the source of Zant's power.

After collecting the three Mirror Shards, Link and Midna are now able to access the Twilight Realm and confront Zant. Upon entering the realm, Link has to restore the two Sols to the plaza. Each Sol is found on the opposing ends of the Palace. Once the Sols have been returned to their original position it powers up Link's Master Sword. The Master Sword now becomes the Light Sword and it allows Link to clear up the shadows that block the entrance to Zant's Palace. Link advances to the northern palace where he confronts Zant. Upon entering the throne room, Zant explains his hatred for the Light World, saying they trapped his people like insects in a cage. He also explain his frustrations with not becoming king and how he was gifted power by his god, Ganondorf, who was ultimately using Zant.

After Link defeats Zant, he explains that the curse set up on Midna cannot be broken. This curse was put on her by his god, Ganondorf, who is now reborn in the Light World. Zant proclaims that as long as he lives, Ganondorf shall resurrect him. It is at this moment that Midna wields the complete power of the Fused Shadow to ultimately kill Zant. However, after the defeat of Ganondorf, Zant can be seen snapping his neck upon Ganondorf's death. This could be seen as symbolism of the betrayal.

Main article: Zant (Boss)
Zant boss fight

Zant is one of the longer boss fights in Twilight Princess and the battle itself is composed of six stages. Each stage of the fight takes place at a different boss battle location, including the Forest Temple, Goron Mines, Lakebed Temple, and more.

  • Zant plays a similar role to Agahnim from A Link to the Past and Ghirahim from Skyward Sword, as he plays the role of a puppet to the main antagonist.
  • Within the boss battle against Zant, each stage replicates a previous boss, using similar items and strategies.
  • During the death of Ganondorf, Zant appears before Ganon and snaps his neck. This could be interpreted as a break in the bond of power that the two shared or a symbol of revenge.
  • Zant is the first notable villain to actually give Link a Heart Container after his defeat.

Princess Zelda

Main article: Zelda

Zelda returns in Twilight Princess as the princess of Hyrule and one of the game's protagonists. Like other titles in the series, Zelda is kidnapped by Ganondorf during the course of the game.

==Hyrule plunged into Twilight====

During Twilight Princess's prologue events, Link, in Ordon Village, prepares to transport the Ordon Sword to Hyrule Castle. On the day of Link's planned departure, numerous shadow beasts appeared throughout Hyrule and stole the light of the light spirits in Hyrule, which allowed the land to succumb to twilight. All creatures of the light world are transformed into spirits in the twilight, and they are unaware of the reality of their surroundings. Link, however, is transformed into a sacred wolf - a sign to Midna that he is the chosen hero she seeks to aid her in her own quest for vengeance against Zant. She assists Link in reaching the tower of Hyrule Castle where Zelda resides so that Link can learn the reality of the darkness over Hyrule.

Like Link, Zelda is not transformed into a spirit in the twilight but remains a Hylian as the Princess of Hyrule Castle. Upon meeting Link, she tells Link the tale of how Zant launched a raid on Hyrule Castle with the assistance of several shadow beasts. Zant quickly defeated the throne room's garrison and gave Zelda an ultimatum to surrender or die. Zelda, fearful for the welfare of the people of her kingdom, surrendered to Zant who then plunged the land of Hyrule into twilight.

==Zelda's Sacrifice====

After Link retrieves the three Fused Shadows for Midna, Zant appears and casts a curse on Link which prevents him from returning to Hylian form when not in Twilight. After Midna refuses to assist Zant in conquering the world of light, he mortally wounds her by exposing her to light. Immediately after this, the Light Spirit Lanayru transports Link and Midna from Zant's presence, and the injured Minda tells Link to hurry to Princess Zelda.

After reaching Zelda, Midna pleads with Zelda to help break the new curse on Link and tells her that he is needed to save the world of light. Zelda informs Link and Midna that the curse on Link was caused by an evil power which can only be cleaved by the sacred blade of evil's bane, the Master Sword. She goes on to tell them to search for the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove behind Faron Woods.

Midna asks Link if he can reach the sacred grove alone then asks Zelda to tell him where the Mirror of Twilight is. Zelda suddenly realizes Midna's importance and desire to help them protect the world of light. Zelda then passes her life energy into Midna to heal her and subsequently disappears.

==Battle with Ganondorf====

After acquiring the four shards of the Mirror of Twilight and defeating Zant, Link and Midna return to Hyrule Castle for the third time to confront Ganondorf. Upon reaching the castle tower, Zelda's body is locked motionless above Ganondorf on the throne of Hyrule Castle. Ganondorf reveals to Link that after he was banished to the void, he used the hatred of the people of the Twilight Realm as nourishment to grow strong again. He then manipulated Zant to open the path to return to the world of light and usurp control over Hyrule.

Zelda's body is then used by Ganondorf as a puppet in battle against Link. After Link defeats the puppet Zelda and the beast Ganon, Zelda reawakens as herself; she had been using Midna to harbor her soul. Zelda and Link finally team up against Ganondorf in battle throughout Hyrule field. Zelda uses light arrows to stun Ganondorf so that Link can reach him on horseback to attack with the Master Sword. After knocking Ganondorf from his horse with Zelda's assistance, Link defeats Ganondorf with the Master Sword on foot.


Ganondorf being banished to the Twilight Realm
==Sages' Story====

Ganondorf is first spoken of about halfway through the game, once Link has completed the Arbiter's Grounds and entered the Mirror Chamber. After finding only a quarter of the Mirror of Twilight, the Ancient Sages tell Link of how the mirror was broken, which was dark power. Power that only he possesses. They are of course referring to Ganondorf. They continue to tell Link Ganon's backstory, which includes Ganon being the leader of a band of thieves who tried to control the Sacred Realm, the location that the Goddesses left the world. However, the Sages explain that he was blind of any danger, and thus was he brought to justice. A cutscene is shown of the Sages executing Ganon, right in the Mirror Chamber. However, Ganon survived because of the Triforce of Power, which he possesses. Fearing Ganon will leave the Mirror Chamber and repeat his previous offenses, the Sages use the Mirror of Twilight to banish Ganondorf to the Twilight Realm. The Ancient Sages continue by suggesting that his power has been passed on to Zant, which Midna responds to with a snide comment on how it is much too late to be figuring out where Zant got his powers. The Sages conclude their speech by telling Link he should be able to collect the fragments of the Mirror of Twilight. Ganondorf is not spoken of again until much later.

==Zant's Story====

Once Link has gathered all the Mirror Shards, entered the Palace of Twilight, and confronted Zant, he will again hear more of how Zant got his powers. Zant will start his explanation by telling Link and Midna about how he was tired of living in this world, where there was not the faintest bloom of desire. He continues by saying that he believed he would be the next to rule the Twili people, but was denied. Zant continues by telling them how he found Ganon, who he refers to as "god". There is then a scene showing Zant on the outdoor area of the Palace of Twilight, smacking the ground in frustration. A large ball appears above Zant's head, and proceeds toward him. It encompasses Zant, and Ganon will be shown, telling Zant that he will store his power in Zant, making whatever Zant desires something Ganon desires too. Zant ends his speech by saying that Ganon had only one wish, to merge light and shadow, to make darkness.

After Link has defeated Zant, Zant will reveal to Link and Midna that his god, Ganon, has already descended and been reborn in the World of Light. He continues by showing good faith in Ganon, saying that as long as Ganon survives, he will resurrect Zant without cease. This mini-scene shows how much Zant really praises Ganon, which can be interpreted as Ganon playing Zant so he can be revived in Hyrule, or as a true relationship that has mutual feelings.

Outside of the Throne Room

Ganon is finally confronted by Link at the very end of Twilight Princess, where he is physically seen for the first time. This confrontation happens at the highest tower of Hyrule Castle, in the Throne Room. Ganon can be found sitting on the throne, with Princess Zelda levitating above him, in the middle of the Triforce statue. He arrogantly introduces himself by welcoming Link and Midna to his castle. After a dramatic scene of Ganon standing up, Ganon begins his speech by making fun of Midna's people, saying it was very pathetic that they defied the gods with petty magic only to be cast aside. He continues by saying the anguish felt by the Twili people acted as his nourishment, as their hatred bled across the void and awakened him. He explains why, in his opinion, Midna's people did not succeed; it was because they lacked true power. The kind of power those chosen by the gods wield. He continues by saying that someone with the type of power would make a suitable king, while at the same time holding up his right hand, which has the marking of the Triforce of Power. After Midna vows to deny Ganon what he desires, Ganon redirects their attention to Zelda, who he refers to as their little friend. He uses Twilight-magic to possess Zelda, and this begins the epic four-phase battle that concludes Twilight Princess.

After Link completes the four and final phase of the battle by stabbing Ganon in the middle of his chest with the Master Sword, Ganon states his final words. He says to Link to not think that this is the end. He explains that the history of light and shadow will be written in blood. The scenes continue by showing the Triforce of Power leave Ganon, at which point Zant will appear, in more of an image rather than physically. He leans his head to the right, with a crack. This seemingly ends Ganon, as his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he seizes movement, yet still standing. This is the end of Ganon in Twilight Princess, but it is unconfirmed if he died or not.