Gohma (Hyrule Warriors)

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Hyrule Warriors Artwork Gohma.png


Arthropod Cyclops Monster






In Other Languages[show]
Language Name
Japan 日本語 魔眼鎧殻種ゴーマ (Evil Armored Eye Shell Species: Gohma)
France Française Gohma, cyclope démoniaque cuirassé (Gohma, Demonic Armored Cyclops)
Spain Español Arácnido parásito acorazado Gohma (Parasitic Armored Arachnid: Gohma)
Germany Deutsch Vielfüßiger Monsterzyklop Gohma (Many-footed Monster Cyclops: Gohma)
Italy Italiana Gohma, artropode corazzato (Gohma, Armored Arthropod)

Gohma is one of the Giant Bosses in Hyrule Warriors.

Hyrule Warriors

Like its previous incarnations, Gohma is an evil beast with a giant eye and many legs.[1] Along with its many legs, it boasts powerful claws. While being very large and armored, Gohma is surprisingly quick and nimble because of its strong legs.[2]

Legend Mode

Within Legend Mode, it is first fought as the boss of Faron Woods in "The Sorceress of the Woods" scenario. Once the Hyrulean Forces reach the Enemy Base, Wizzro leaves the battlefield and summons Gohma to kill them.[3][4] If it is not defeated some time after being summoned, Gohma is able to leap from the Enemy Base to the Great Deku Tree, beginning a massive strike on the Deku Tree.[5] As a result, the Hyrulean Forces suffer from a loss of moral and forces the player to travel to Gohma before the Allied Base falls. However, if Gohma is badly damaged afterwards, it temporarily withdraws from the Deku Tree by leaping into another keep, which allows for the Deku Tree to heal for a couple moments. Once Gohma is defeated, the Hyrulean Forces win the battle.[6]

It later appears as a commander of the Monster Forces along with Manhandla and King Dodongo in the "Ganondorf's Return" scenario of Gerudo Desert. Once Ganondorf defeats the Aeralfos at the Sacred Grounds, Manhandla and Gohma reveal themselves and try to rendezvous.[7] After Ganondorf defeats Gohma and the other giant bosses, his forces win the battle, fortifying his position at Gerudo Desert.

In the Master Quest DLC Pack, two Gohmas are led by Ganondorf, wanting to gain the Triforce of Power from Cia, in the "Darkness Falls" scenario of the Valley of Seers. At the beginning of the stage, he commands them to capture the East and West Keeps by the ruins for him,[8] forcing Cia and Volga to defeat the Gohmas and defend the keeps.[9] If the Dark Forces do not stop the Gohmas from taking the keeps, their moral falls, and the keeps must be retaken from Ganondorf's Forces.


Gohma usually attacks with its deadly claws. When Gohma lifts its left claw, it swipes with just the same claw, and Gohma will do a spinning tornado attack when it raises its right claw. Balls of acid are another attack it is able to perform, and it can emit a laser with its powerful eye from a distance.[10] If Gohma looks to the right, it will do a horizontal laser in an arc,[11] and if it looks down, Gohma is about to do a vertical laser that starts on the ground and move straight up.[12] As a result of its nimbleness, it is also able to leap high into the air and stomp back down on unsuspecting warriors.[2][13] When it leaps into the air, a large, white circle is left behind, indicating where Gohma is going to land when it returns.[14] Gohma can charge into its enemies, and it can use its forelegs by shoving them into the ground before removing them.

Similar to Oracle of Seasons, it is able to close the armor on its forelegs into a shield when attacked, preventing any damage to its eye.[15] When Gohma has shot a laser, it becomes immobile before attacking again, its eye becoming blue.[16] While its laser attacks make it immobile, its eye can become defenseless also when Gohma shoves its forelegs into the ground and becomes stuck. During this time, an arrow from the Bow can be fired at the unprotected eye and temporarily stun it, exposing its Weak Point gauge.[17][18] Like other bosses, a Focus Spirit Attack can automatically expose its gauge.[19] If the forces do not completely reduce the gauge before Gohma becomes mobile, it counterattacks by spinning around on its back before resuming its attacks. After completely reducing the Weak Point gauge, they can perform a Weak Point Smash that greatly damages Gohma. Once one Weak Point Smash is dealt to Gohma, it gains a new attack by building up a ball of energy before firing this giant, electrifying ball at the ground.[20] When it is charging it, Gohma leaves its eye defenseless, allowing for another way to expose its Weak Point gauge. Once Gohma is defeated, it can either drop acid or a lens, its silver and gold materials respectively.



  1. "Gohma is a legacy Zelda enemy known for its one large eye and spider-like appearance." — Nintendo Console Gaming, Facebook Profile
  2. 2.1 2.2 "For something so large and armored, it's surprisingly quick and nimble, able to leap high into the air and stomp back down on unsuspecting warriors." — Nintendo Console Gaming, Facebook Profile
  3. "Ooh... What if I had IT kill them...? Hiya ha ha! That's so naughty! I love it!" — Wizzro, Hyrule Warriors
  4. "Once you reach the Enemy Base, Wizzro retreats again and calls up the aid of the cycloptic arachnid Gohma." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 28
  5. "Gohma has begun a massive strike on the Deku Tree!" — N/A, Hyrule Warriors
  6. "The good news is, once you've defeated the Gohma, the scenario ends and you're declared the victor!" — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  7. "Their commander has appeared? Good. If I eliminate them, his minions will kneel before me." — Ganondorf, Hyrule Warriors
  8. "Gohmas! Captures those keeps for me!" — Ganondorf, Hyrule Warriors
  9. "Defeat the Gohmas and defend the keeps by the ruins!" — Mission Description, Hyrule Warriors
  10. "Gohma is content to fire lasers at enemies from a distance, but can also get in close and personal with deadly claws and painful acid." — Nintendo Console Gaming, Facebook Profile
  11. "If Gohma looks to the right (its left), it'll do a horizontal sweeping laser in an arc in front of it." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 28
  12. "If it looks down slightly, it's about to do a vertical laser that will start on the ground and move straight up." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  13. "The Gohma leap into the air and come crashing down, damaging anything and anyone unlucky enough to be under it." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  14. "Just pay attention to the large white circle it leaves behind when it jumps; this is an indicator of where the Gohma is going to land when it returns from its journey into the stratosphere." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  15. "The eye may be its weakness, but Gohma isn't about to leave it vulnerable, protecting itself with tough armor when not shooting lasers at anyone that bothers it." — Nintendo Console Gaming, Facebook Profile
  16. "With each of these laser attacks, the Gohma's eye becomes blue after or during the attack." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  17. "What if we aim at that huge eye? I'm no expert, but an arrow to its eye should really hurt it!" — Lana, Hyrule Warriors
  18. "When you see that blue pupil, that's your time to strike! Fire an arrow right into its eye and its Weak Point Mark will appear." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29
  19. "The great benefit to ending your Focus Spirit with that particular attack is that it will reveal the Weak Point Mark of almost any enemy Warrior, Captain, or Giant Boss." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 10
  20. "If you see a ball of energy building up in its eye, that means it's going to fire a giant electrifying ball at you and your allies." — Prima Games Hyrule Warriors Strategy Guide, pg. 29