A Link to the Past Heart Pieces

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Heart Pieces #1

Head to the North East exit of Kakariko, then head North until you see a clump of trees with a path that leads to darkness. Enter here and go up until you see a tree stump cave. Directly above it is a patch of grass. Slash the middle one, fall down the hole and grab heart piece number one! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #2

Head over to Kakariko, and go the the north western corner of the village. You should see a cave. Head up on top of the cave and jump off the left hand side into the hole. Place a bomb on the cracked wall above you, go through the bombed wall and open the chest to gain heart piece number two! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #3

Go to northern Kakariko villege and you should see a grey building with what looks like grass on top. That, or the owner painted the roof green. Anyway head inside, down the stairs and bomb the cracked wall directly to your right. Head through this new door and make sure to open the chest to obtain heart piece number four. NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #4

Go and head one screen south of Kakariko villege. Now if you head down and left you'll come to a red roofed house that extends past the limit of the scren. Enter and bomb the western wall. Now exit out the other door of the house, talk to the lady and complete the track in under fifteen seconds to earn heart piece number four! Oh, and if you make it to the sign, head down and you'll use a secret jump! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #5

Pay a vist to the desert and enter the cave in the upper right corner. Head up the stairs and into the next portion of th cave where you will see a crack on the bottom wall. Place a bomb, head on in, open the chest and get heart piece number five. NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #6

Go and enter the second light world dungeon, desert palace, and go to the bottom left area where you can head outside. Do so, and while making sure to stay on the cliff, head south to snag the sixth heart piece. NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #7

Head one screen left from th sanctuary, go up on the cliff, and go right one screen . You should now be on the santuary screen, but on top of a clif. All you have to do is run with your pegasus boots into the rocks piled on top of each other, head down the stairs and open the chest to obtain heart peice number seven! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #8

Head south from the Zora who sells you ythe flippers and swim down the waterfall. Now just follow the path of shallow water until you reach a cliff. Head all the way to the left to get heart piece number eight! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #9

Go to the huge staircase on death mountain and head up. Once to the top, go right for a bit and you'll notice there are caves where you can hop off the ledge and reach the entrance. Hop down to the second cave below you, enter and head upstairs. All you need to do now is follow the path until you come across heart piece number nine! NOT YET CMPLETE

Heart Pieces #10

On death mountain enter the first dark world portal. Head left until you come to the first diamond like brown patch and use the magic mirror. You should appear on a cliff and right beside you is nothing other than heart piece number ten! NOT YET COMLETE

Heart Pieces #11

When atop the pyramid in the Dark World, head down the staircase, then down the right hand one. A little to your right should be an area where you can jump down. Do so and follow the path east, then north, to heart piece number eleven! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #12

Head down one screen from the flute boy in the dark world, then keep heading south until you come across a circular patch of flowers. Stand in the middle of these flowers and use the magic mirror, then when you get to the ligth world enter the cave above and simply walk up and grab heart piece number twelve! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #13

Make your way over to lake Hylia in the dark world. Once there go to north western corner and you'll find a large patch of shallow water surrounded by small rocks. Stand in the shallow water and use the magic mirror. When you do so you should easily be able to see heart piece number thirteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #14

In southern Hyrule there is a swamp. In the south west of this swamp there is a building. Head inside and push the middle block up and then either the right or left block out. Head threw the north door and pull the switch on the right. Now when you go back outside, to the west of the structure should be heart piece number fourteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #15

Head to the graveyard north of the pyramid in the dark world. When you get there go to the north western corner of the screen and use your pegasus boots to break the rocks piled on top of each othe. Keep heading to the right until you see a staircase. Head up and use you magic mirror. Now enter the cave and bomb the northern wall. All you find in this bomb wall is heart piece number fifteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #16

Head to the entrance to death mountain, but instead of going up death mountain, head north one screen. If you see two lumberjacks cutting a tree you've come too early in the game. If there anrn't any lumberjacks, youre good to go. You should see a tree lighter green than the rest, and this is a clue that you can knock it down using you pegasus boots. Do so and enter the stump. Head up the stairs and threw the door and claim heart piece number sixteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #17

Go to and enter the dark world version of death mountain. WARNING: You will need the magic cape to get this heart piece. Once inside death mountain from the dark world perpective just follow the path until you go up a set of stairs. After heading up you will see a gap that you need to hookshot across. Now just head south and when you get to a blue bouncer just use your magic cape and walk by. Now head south out of the cave a make sure to get heart piece number seventeen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #18

Pay a visit to the village of ooutcasts, dark would version of Kakarioko. You're going to want to head to the western most part of the village and you will see a house with a picture of a treasure chest on top. Head inside. You can now play the truesure chest game at thirty rupees a pop and each game you will get two tries. Unfortunately the heart piece is random every tiem.....sigh. But continue playing and eventually you'll win heart piece number eighteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #19

To get this heart piece you will need to go east from the village of outsacsts. You will need th hammer and titnas mitts. First lift the dark green rock blocking your path, then secondly hit in all the purple stakes with the hammer.After doing this the stump in the south will turn into a staircase that you should go down. Doing so will reward you with heart piece number nineteen! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #20

Go south out of the village of outcasts then head west a screen. Keep going west and you'll come to a creature who is offering you to dig up as many treasures as you want in thirty secnds at the hefty cost of eighty rupees. If you pay up he will lend you his shovel and make sure you start digging right away. This is the second and final heart piece that is completely random, so just keep on trying and eventually you will dig up heart piece number twenty! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #21

Use your flute and fly to location 6, the desert. To your right should be a rock. Lift it and step into the portal to take you to the dark world. Jump down from the left side and make your way north until you see a building that looks like a demons head, it is left of the temple. Once inside, mak your way to the block puzzle at the far end of the room. What you need to do is push the block in the bottom left corner to the left, then the one to the right of that one to the right. Push the one on the left hand side upwards, then push the block blocking the chest to the left. Open the chest on the left to ubtain heart piece number twenty one! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #22

Go to the dark world version of the desert. Do this by flying to location six in the light world via your flute and lift the rock to your right to enter the dark wourd portal. Now go over to the upper right corner of the desert and enter the little indent in the mountain. Use your flute to enter the light world lift the boulder and head down the stairs. To complete the puzzle, refer to the screenshot, then, once complete, make sure to snatch up heart piece number twenty two! NOT YET COMPLETE

Heart Pieces #23

Go east from the tower of Hera, cross the bridge and keep going east until you come to a large structure, turle rock. Lift the rock blocking the stairs and then hit the stakes in this order: 1 2 3. This will giv you a dark world portal. Use it and make your way back west, then sout until you reach a rock to lift. Lift it and go down the stairs. Go up a bit and you'll come to an invisible pathway, cool! Use ether and you will be able to see it for a moment. Make yourway across the path and bomb he wall. Once through, bomb the western wll, go to the next room, then exit bythe south. Use the magic mirror and grab heart piece number twenty three! NOT YET COMPLWTE

Heart Pieces #24