Average Middle-Aged Man

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The Average Middle-Aged Man is a character from A Link to the Past.


A Link to the Past

The Average Middle-Aged Man is found at the entrance to the Desert of Mystery just west of the Great Swamp. He will sit in meditation, not speaking to Link even if Link is trying to communicate. A sign can be found next to the man that states, Pay no attention to the average middle-aged man standing by this sign. Leave him alone!

If Link lifts up the sign, the Average Middle-Aged Man will begin to follow Link and will continue to do so until Link leaves the screen. If Link tosses the sign aside, the man will break his silence and tell Link, Why did you take my sign? It says plain as day to just leave me along! Sheeesh!.

The Thief that lives within the Den of Thieves in the Lost Woods mentions the Average Middle-Aged Man. The thief informs that the man was an ex-member of the Gang of Thieves that is staying at the entrance to the Desert of Mystery.

The Man is a master locksmith, capable of picking almost any lock. When Link enters the Dark World and visits the Village of Outcasts, he will come across a Locked Chest, located in a building corresponding to the Smithery from the Light World. Link can bring this Locked Chest all the way to the Average Middle-Aged Man in the Light World and the man will pick the lock for Link. The man will give Link the contents of the treasure chest if he promises not to tell anybody who his true identity is. The contents in the chest consist of a Magic Bottle.

After the man has opened the Locked Chest, he will no longer care if Link picks up his sign that is right next to him.

