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Abram Nguyen ~ Lingo210

My name is Abram Nguyen, I'm 15 years old, and I've been a Zelda fan since I was about 3 or 4, although I didn't fully realize how much of a fan I would become. I love taking photos with my Canon and playing Zelda, of course. I'm currently playing Hyrule Warriors and I've played most of the games in the Zelda franchise already. My favorite Zelda game of all time has to be Majora's Mask. I love the vast number of background stories I encounter every time I play it. There certainly are not as many side quests as there are characters and their inside stories. By "inside" I mean insight. There is so much behind even one character, such as the postman who is always frantically running around and working. Even when he's resting, he's timing his steps and movements. All these "inside" factors, stories, lore, history, and questing is what I love most about Majora's Mask.

Favorite Zelda Games

  1. Majora's Mask
  2. Ocarina of Time
  3. Wind Waker
  4. Twilight Princess
  5. Skyward Sword

Played Zelda Games Header text
Ocarina of Time Example
Majora's Mask Example
The Legend of Zelda Example
A Link To The Past Example
Link's Awakening Example
Oracle of Seasons Example
Oracle of Ages Example
The Wind Waker Example
The Minish Cap Example
Twilight Princess Example
Phantom Hourglass Example
Spirit Tracks Example
Skyward Sword Example
Hyrule Warriors Example
Example Example