Hyrule Warriors

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This article describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda canon.
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors English Logo.png
Hyrule Warriors English Boxart.png



Japan August 14, 2014
Europe September 19, 2014
Australia September 20, 2014
United States September 26, 2014



Omega Force
Team Ninja



Hisashi Koinuma
Yosuke Hayashi
Eiji Aonuma (supervisor)


Hyrule Warriors (ゼルダ無双—Zelda Warriors) is an upcoming Zelda spin-off game[1] for the Nintendo Wii U. It is a collaborative effort between Tecmo Koei, the creator of the Dynasty Warriors series, and Nintendo, the creators of the The Legend of Zelda series. It was announced during a Nintendo Direct presentation on December 18th, 2013. The gameplay is highly similar to that of Dynasty Warriors, but the Zelda universe serves as the setting.

During E3 2014, the game was detailed more by Nintendo and Tecmo Koei. It will feature multiple playable characters, including Link, Zelda, Impa, Midna, and Agitha. The game also includes an original character, Lana. The villain was named to be Cia, an evil witch who kidnaps Zelda early on in the game. Other villains include Volga and Wizzro, who are clearly references to Volvagia and Wizzrobes, respectively, of the Zelda series.

Hyrule Warriors is scheduled for release on September 26th for North America, as well as September 19th for Europe. Hyrule Warriors releases in Japan on August 14th.






TODO: attacks and combos, dodging, locking on

Weak Point Smashes

After certain attacks, some enemies will become vulnerable to counterattacks, signified by a Weak Point gauge that appears before their heads. Attack while the gauge is visible to reduce it. Once it is empty, the warrior will perform a powerful Weak Point Smash.

Special Attacks

Defeating enemies fills the Special Attack gauge. When the gauge is full, press A/X (Warriors/Zelda controls) to perform a powerful Special Attack.

Focus Spirit

The Magic gauge is filled using Magic Jars. Press R when the gauge is full to use the Focus Spirit technique. This will temporarily increase the warrior's speed and attack power. At the end of its duration, the warrior will perform a powerful attack. One can press A/X (Warriors/Zelda controls) to perform the attack and end the effect early.

If a certain number of enemies are defeated while Focus Spirit is active, the player will receive special bonuses such as extra rupees, EXP, hearts, rare materials, and high-rank weapons.


Press ZR to use the currently equipped item. To switch items, use Left and Right on the D-Pad or use the GamePad's touch screen.

Found in the mine in Hyrule Field
Found in Faron Woods
Found in Valley of Seers
Found in Palace of Twilight

Item Power-Ups

Sometimes defeated enemies drop item power-ups which enable the use of enhanced versions of the player's items. For example, the player may throw a giant bomb with a larger blast radius. The power-up lasts a certain amount of time, after which items return to normal.


Badge Market

The badge Market allows you to improve warriors by creating Attack, Defense, or Assist badges using materials gained by defeating certain enemies alongside a small fee in rupees.

Training Dojo

The Training Dojo allows you to level up characters by paying rupees.




Nintendo Direct Reveal Trailer 12-18-13

E3 2014 Trailer

Features Trailer


  1. "With Hyrule Warriors, there is a link between the two, but it exists as a separate dimension, so it doesn't exist as part of the main canon." — Eiji Aonuma, Game Informer Interview with Eiji Aonuma