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The Bokoblin is an enemy found in the Zelda series. They appears as large rat-like creatures and come in a variety of colors. These enemies will often wield weapons and will attempt to attack Link if he comes within it's range of sight.

The Wind Waker

Bokoblins are very common in The Wind Waker, the most often seen variant being the blue-skinned, Boko stick-wielding, though they can wield any weapon with ease. Green Elites can carry shields for extra defense. They are also capable of great feats of strength, being able to use weapons such as Pikes and Darknut Swords with one arm without any hindrance. However, the attack power remains the same. Unlike Moblins, Bokoblins have more bat-like faces, and come in three different variants: Blue (Ordinary) Green (Elite) Pink (Scout)

Bokoblins, in any form, can sometimes drop Joy Pendants when killed. Also they are easily stolen by the Grappling Hook. The Bokoblins are also much more intelligent than their Moblin counterparts. They are scared of bombs and will run away if Link pulls one out. Ironically, Bokoblins cannot swim, even though they frequently appear on rafts and submarines and they can fall off. Sometimes, when walking on a bridge, Bokoblins lose their balance and nearly fall, but manage to hang on on the bridge. When this happens, a single hit of a sword or some other weapon causes the Bokoblin to fall and die. One Green Bokoblin serves as the first mini-boss of Forsaken Fortress, and it's guarding Link's sword.

Twilight Princess

The Bokoblins also make an apperance in Twilight Princess, although there are only two varations. They are just as short but are much less intellegent. They are common in the southern and eastern parts of Hyrule Field as well as Faron Woods. There they are with their blue skinned variants and use a stick to fight. Later in the game you meet their purple variations which wield swords and take many more hits to kill than their previous form.

Although the Bokoblins aren't the smartest cretures in the Zelda series, they are not completely brainless, as shown in the beginning of the game where two can be seen talking.

Skyward Sword

Bokoblins have a much different visual look this time around, taking on a more moblin-like appearance. Some of the orange moblins have a small cap on top of their head and also have leopard skin underwear, but it does not seem to have an effect on how they battle.

They wield small swords and will use them to block Link's attacks. They will move the sword from left to right, or hold it up, blocking directional attacks from Link's blade. Three successful hits from the sword will defeat a Bokoblin.

Bokoblins are commonly found in both field and fire areas of the game. When they detect Link's presence, they will sprint towards him and strike at him with their sword.

Later on in the game, Bokoblins will be armed with bows and arrows, making them even more dangerous. As you progress through the game they will also be able to take more strikes from your sword. Projectile weapons will be a more efficient way to take down this variation.

Green Variation

Green Bokoblins wield hammers and are seen to be wearing skull caps. Some are found on tightropes, where link must make them fall off to continue.

Orange Variation

This variation of the Bokoblin has three different types. Sword wielding, Club wielding and Archer.

Zombie Variation

A new variation known as zombie bokoblin, are zombified enemies found in the underground section of the ancient cistern. They are slower than the normal variation and do not have a sword to block Link's attacks. However, they come at Link endlessly, are difficult to kill, and a new one comes as soon as Link kills one. They are also able to follow Link across many obstacles, such as climbing ropes.