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The Lost Woods is a staple of the Legend of Zelda series, having appeared in six games to date. It first appeared in the original Legend of Zelda game, and last appeared in Spirit Tracks. It usually takes on the form of a maze, with one real path. The same screen repeats until Link take the right direction a number of times, usually 4. If a wrong turn is taken, the maze resets, and Link must start again.


The Legend of Zelda

The Lost Woods in the original Legend of Zelda appeared in southwest Hyrule, and they guarded access into the Graveyard. Link can learn the secret to getting past the woods by paying the Old Woman in the waterfall, whom will give Link information.[1] After paying her a decent amount, she will tell Link the secret to getting past the Lost Woods, which of course is to get north, west, south, west.[2] Link can then use this information to traverse throught the Lost Woods, allowing him to reach the Graveyard, and subsequencely, the Magical Sword and Level 6.

A Link to the Past

Main article: Lost Woods (A Link to the Past)

Ocarina of Time

The Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time are found in the southern portion of the Kokiri Forest. Its inhabitants include Skull Kids, Deku Scrubs, and occasionally a Kokiri. Link first goes searching through the Lost Woods in search of Saria. He eventually finds her in the Sacred Forest Meadow, directly under the entrance to the Forest Temple. It is here when Saria teaches Link Saria's Song, thus allowing them to communicate even when they're far away from each other. Link will again visit the Lost Woods as an Adult in search of the Forest Temple.

Oracle of Seasons

[Insert Information]

Four Swords Adventures

[Insert Information]

Spirit Tracks

In Spirit Tracks, the Lost Woods can be found in the wooded area to the immediate west of Whittleton. If Link attempts to traverse the Lost Woods without first learning information from the villagers of Whittleton, he will surely get lost and have to start over. By listening to the villagers of Whittleton, he will learn that the trees tell Link where to go, except for the fourth tree, which has no sense of direction. Link can use this advice to get to the end of the Lost Woods and find the Forest Sanctuary.
