Master Craftsman's Son

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Master Craftsman's Son

The Master Craftsman's Son is the young man who appears in Ocarina of Time. His Majora's Mask counterpart is Grog, who runs the Cucco Shack.

Ocarina of Time

The Master Craftsman's Son plays a large part in the game's Trading Sequence, and is given a surprising amount of background story. He is the son of Mutoh, the boss of the carpenters,[1][2] and brother of the Cucco Lady.[3] He is unemployed[2] and can be found at night brooding beneath the large tree in Kakariko Village.

In the adult portion of the game, he travels to the Lost Woods to pick an Odd Mushroom for the old hag at the potion shop, who has always wanted to make potions using ingredients from the Lost Woods.[4] When Link encounters him in the woods, he appears to be near death. If Link brings him his old Cucco Cojiro from his sister, he sees that Link is a trustworthy person and begs Link to deliver the Odd Mushroom.[5]

Continuing the trading sequence, Link delivers the mushroom to the witch at the potion shop, who uses it to create the Odd Potion. She is upset that he entered the Lost Woods and instructs Link to take the potion to him. She calls him a fool and fears that he may turn into a monster,[6][7] which is said to happen to people who enter the woods.[8]

When Link returns to where the Master Craftsman's Son was, he does not fine him, but instead finds Fado, who informs him that the man is gone, implying that he has become a Stalfos.[9] She asks for the potion made of forest mushrooms to be returned, and in exchange she gives Link the Poacher's Saw that the Master Craftsman's Son left.


This section contains non-canon fan theory and speculation.
  • The Potion Shop hag may be the Master Craftsman's Son's mother. Her shop is near the carpenters' house, and the Master Craftsman's Son seems more concerned that the wench receives the Odd Mushroom than for his own health.
  • The Master Craftsman's Son may have suffered from some illness which kept him from working and required the Odd Potion to cure. However, the Potion Shop hag merely references his foolishness.[10] Alternatively, he may have obsessed over getting the Odd Mushroom simply to please the Potion Shop hag, who may be his mother as stated above.



  1. "I have to tell you some juicy gossip! The boss carpenter has a son... He's the guy who sits under the tree every night... Don't tell the boss I told you that!" — Carpenter, Ocarina of Time.
  2. 2.1 2.2 "I am the boss of the carpenters that Impa hired to improve this village and make it into a true city! But young men these days don't have any ambition... Do you know what I mean, kid? My workers are just running aimlessly around the village, and they're not making any progress at all... Even my own son doesn't have a job, and he just wanders around all day!" — Mutoh, Ocarina of Time.
  3. "Oh, your Cucco looks pretty happy! He must have awakened an extremely lazy guy! You're a good Cucco Keeper! I'll give you a rare, valuable Cucco, if you're interested... Its name is Cojiro, and it used to be my brother's Cucco. Its blue body is quite charming. It's so cute! Since my brother has gone, it's strange, but Cojiro has stopped crowing." — Cucco Lady, Ocarina of Time.
  4. "I heard that the Lost Woods, where fairies live, is a strange place with many mysterious smells. I wish I could just once make medicine with some of the strange things I might find there... I may not be able to see very well anymore, but my nose still works fine! Hehehe!" — Granny, Ocarina of Time.
  5. "You... You must be a nice guy! Must be! You must be!! Please Mr. Nice Guy! Please! Deliver this stuff to the old hag in the potion shop in Kakariko Village!" — Grog, Ocarina of Time.
  6. "That bum! He had to go into the forest..." — Granny, Ocarina of Time.
  7. "If you see that fool, give this to him. It is the strongest medicine I have ever produced. However, this potion will not work on a monster..." — Granny, Ocarina of Time.
  8. "They say that when non-fairy folk enter the Lost Woods, they become monsters!" — Gossip Stone, Ocarina of Time.
  9. "That guy isn't here anymore. Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody, Stalfos. So, he's not here anymore. Only his saw is left. Hee hee." — Fado, Ocarina of Time.
  10. "They say that there is no medicine that can cure a fool... I guess that's true..." — Granny, Ocarina of Time.