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'''Isle of Rebirth''' is a [[Zelda Classic]] custom quest developed by Evan20000. A difficult-ish quest that takes Link across the island of Remdra in his quest to rescue Princess Zelda.
'''Isle of Rebirth''' is a [[Zelda Classic]] custom quest developed by Evan20000. A difficult-ish quest that takes Link across the island of Remdra in his quest to rescue Princess Zelda.
==Everything (needs to be organized)==
Piece of Heart: One screen north of the start, talk to the old man down the stairs. After that, open the chest for a Piece of Heart.
Wooden Sword: In the Hori Woods, there is a cabin with the head Wizzrobe. Talk to the man inside to get the Wooden Sword.
Piece of Heart: Follow through Hori Woods past a couple mushrooms. There’s a room with a ton of blue Moblins. Kill them all and grab the heart.
Ocarina: In Hori Village’s shop for 100 rupees.
Bombs: In another shop west of Hori in a town named Brihton.
Magic Shield: Also in Brihton, in the same shop as the bombs.
Guitar: North of the shop is a house. Go in, play the Ocarina on the block, and open the chest.
Piece of Heart: In Blue Woods is a Forest Mansion. One screen west of the entrance is an ice puzzle. Beat it to get a piece of heart.
Mushroom: In the Blue Woods is a strange man. He’ll give you a mushroom.
Bomb Bag Upgrade: Behind a bombable wall just past the northeast exit of Brihton village and a bit north of the Blue Woods. Costs 100 Rupees.
Fresh Pineapple: Give the Guitar to the boy in Hori.
Piece of Heart: Just west of the river with the bridge out is a soft dig spot. Bomb it, beat all the enemies inside, and pick up the heart.
Piece of Heart: In the Forest Mansion, kill all the Armos in the room to the right of the entrance. Or just kill enough to reach the spark switch. Hint: the northeast corner of the room is where you can kill enough to reach it.
Piece of Heart: In the Forest Mansion is a spike trap room. Go to the upper right corner by hiding where the bushes are when the spikes are up, and moving when they’re down.
Piece of Heart: In the northwest room of the Forest Mansion, follow the darker tiles to the chest without stepping on the lighter ones.
Piece of Heart: In the Blue Woods, second entrance east of Brihton, there is a bombable rock. Follow it north to the bombable wall. Kill all the Moblins, then go up and get the heart piece. Oh, and please spare his life.
Boomerang: Go north past Brihton from the northwest exit. East of the first non-town screen will be a shop with a chain chomp. Buy the boomerang for 150 Rupees.
Entrance to Level 1: South of Hori. You’ll see four blocks at the south end. Follow it to a beach, then follow it east to enter the dungeon.
Level 1: Seaside Ruins
Compass: In the first room of enemies after you defeat them all.
Map: Go right two screens from the first room of enemies. Past the traps is the map.
Small Key: In the sand flow room with three columns flowing to the middle, kill all Stalfos/Crabs to get a key.
Small Key: North past the block puzzle, then west. In the v-shaped room with Blades is a key when you beat all the enemies.
Candle: Go through the lock block northwest of the entrance. Kill the Dodongo and the Stalfos to get a Candle.
Cursed Skull: Go north and around the plateau from the beginning. Back directly north of the start, light the torch and grab the Skull.
Small Key: In the sand swirl room, there’s a cracked wall up north. Bomb it. Go through the hole, and use your candle to light the room. Step on the switch before going to the key.
Boss Key: Go to the first room of enemies. Follow the path all the way west, staying along that wall. Go through the locked door and kill the dodongo for the boss key.
Boss Room: There’s a plateau right north of the entrance. Go up the stairs and follow it all the way for the boss room.
Blue Crustacean Crabalt: He’ll charge at you. Quickly dodge and swipe him with your sword. Wait in one spot, and when you just see him appear, move out of the way and hit him. When he does the maneuver where he jumps, face away from where he was before the jump and quickly swipe your sword. (ex: if he pops out to your east, then jumps, face west and tap the sword button rapidly.) You won’t take damage when you’re swiping him if you deal damage to him.
Piece of Heart: Burn down the tree in Hori.
Prison Key: There’s a river with the bridge out you’ve seen a lot. Go northeast from there but not up the stairs, and burn the tree, and go down to get the key.
Piece of Heart: Go out the northwest exit from Brihton. Go east until you see a house with trees blocking it. Burn them and go in.
Level 1 Arrows: In Hori Woods is a cave blocked by trees. Go inside and you can get the level one arrows. You need to get the Bow before these are of any use to you.
Spin Attack: There is a shack in southwest Brihton. Burn the tree, and go in to get a scroll.
Damp Egg: Go to the very northwest area of Hori where you burned the trees. Follow the path east and talk to a raven in the trees.
Entrance to Marsh: West of Hori Woods, you saw a red tree. Burn it down, and the mushrooms will become cuttable (red).
Remdra Prison: Northwest of Brihton is that building with a keyhole. Go inside.
Compass: Take the east path. Go up one more and kill all the guards for the compass.
Small Key: Go past the compass, past the block puzzle, and to a room with four cells and a spark. Kill all the Moblin and grab the key.
Cursed Skull: One more past the small key, kill all the Guards to get the skull.
Map: Go up past the entrance and beat all the Guards for the Map.
Small Key: One north and one east from the entrance, beat all the enemies and light the torch.
Boss Key: East, and up past the locked door. Stun the Warden and you’ll get his key.
Bow: Go up from the start and past the big lock. Instead of a boss battle, the nice Moblin man will give you the Bow.
Piece of Heart: From the start, go up and use your bow on the blue emblem. Go up the vines, and follow the path east of here. Go until you get a cave. Kill all the Gels in here to get a Heart.
Quiver: North of the start, up the vines, and east is a bombable wall. Inside, pay money for the bigger Quiver.
Piece of Heart: In the northeast corner of the Marsh, there is a piece of heart at the bottom left corner behind a tree.
Entrance to Level 2: In the Marsh, there is a blue emblem. Shoot it with an arrow. Find your way around (go through Hori Woods), and go in.
Level 2: Murky Palace
Small Key: In the first room, shoot the eye switch that doesn’t follow you. Go west, and push all the blocks onto the switches. From this room, go west again. Use your candle on the torch and a chest with a key will appear.
Map: From the start, go north one, and east. Follow all the way east and take the north path. Go past the stairs, and follow all the way up. Once you go down a long bridge, the map is south and west in a tiny room.
Step Ladder: Past some marshes, you’ll find a dodongo snake with a flower that shoots fireballs. Beat the snake (bombs are not required) and head south and beat the Ropes to get the ladder.
Cursed Skull: Northwest of the entrance, eventually you’ll come across a room with moveable torches. Move them onto the switches, and a hole will open. Fall down it, and one screen right is the chest.
Small Key: In the basement is a room with an unlit torch and water that you can walk across in certain spots. Use your ladder to go around, and use the candle on the torch. Go east and open the chest.
Small Key: Take the path west of the hole we created. Follow it to get a small Key after beating all the enemies in the last room.
Boss Key: Fall down the hole you created. If you have a small key, use it on the lock. Follow the path down to get the key.
Compass: You’ll find a room with a bunch of blocks. They look kinda like three triangles. If you push them into triangles (one on top, three middle, five bottom) from the bottom up, like the triforce, a chest will appear with the Compass.
Small Key: In the room with floor holes and armos, fall down through the three squares at the bottom. Follow the path west until you get to a key.
Boss Room: Go back down your hole. Take the path with the last locked door, and follow it all the way until you reach the boss.
Cybernetic Experiment Moldorm Prime: If you want an easy way to take him down, use bombs. Time them well enough, and he’ll take damage multiple times from one explosion. Bring all 12 bombs to make it a bit easier.
If you want a(n honestly barely fair) challenge, battle him like a Moldorm. Walk around the pond in the middle, following the same direction as him, swinging your sword at the end of his tail. When he starts to fly, if you see shadows, just walk around and avoid the boulders. Sometimes he’ll charge from the top/bottom at you. If so, stand in one spot, and as you just see him, move towards where his tail will be, and swipe when you have the chance. Eventually, he’ll do both attacks at once. Just keep dodging and you’ll take him out. Spin attacks do extra damage, but you move slower.
Piece of Heart: There is a beach south of Brihton. Follow it west, and use you ladder to navigate a corner. Keep going, and burn down a small tree. Follow the cave all the way, and in the last room, a chest will appear with a Heart.
Magic Container: Southwest of Brihton, past the beach, is a green house with boxing gloves on it. Go inside, and follow north. Talk to the kangaroo from Holodrum to increase your magic meter.
Blessed Star: Beat the Arena (where you got the magic) to get a blessed star.
Strange Seeds: Past the Arena is a bombable wall. In the cave, bomb the wall to the right. Talk to the snake to trade your Egg for Seeds.
Piece of Heart: In the same cave as the seeds is a heart for beating all the gels around the Armos.
Goron’s Grotto: Northwest of Brihton are two holds you can use your ladder to pass. Inside, use bombs on the cracked left wall.
Compass: In the room with four blocks, kill all the gels to get a compass.
Map: Past the eye switch in the room with the green pegs, kill all the gels in here and the map will appear next to the lava.
Small Key: When you shoot a blue crest with an arrow, a bridge will appear. Go south, and in that little hut is a goron with a key.
Boss Key: Northwest of the bridge you just created, staying on the left wall, is the boss key just sitting there for you. It’s past where you light a torch.
Boss Door: In the same room as the hut.
Manhandla: Either kill it by slashing each head, or time a bomb to blow up many or all at once.
Power Bracelet: Reward for beating Manhandla.
Piece of Heart: North of Brihton is a pond with a staircase behind it. You can walk over the pond in two spots with the ladder. Use your Gauntlets to get the chest inside.
Piece of Heart: After you get the Gauntlets, blow up the wall at the entrance to Blue Woods closest to Brihton. In there, past the rock, is the heart.
Entrance to Level 3: West of Brihton was a desert. Follow the desert around, and in there is a big building, Corona Mines. You can cut the sprouts with your sword, so don’t think they’re blocking you off. There’s a south entrance south of it, too.
Level 3: Corona Mines
Compass: North. West of the first bridge you create, in the room with the boss doors. Beat all the enemies and the compass will appear.
Small Key: North. In a room with a red crest on the wall. Shoot it, and grab the chest.
Small Key: North. Take the path west in the room with the cement blocks. Follow the path all the way, and light the torch for a key.
Cursed Skull: South. East from the first fork of the south entrance. Blow up the rock statue, and head south. In here is a chest with a cursed skull (assuming you stepped on the switch already).
Map: South. From the start of the south entrance, go straight up.
Hammer: North. From the room with the blocks that create flooring, go west. On the tracks is a spark switch. Step on it, and open the now obtainable chest for the Hammer.
Small Key: North. In the room where pegs are blocking a chest and two sets of two eye switches.
Small Key: South. From the entrance, go all the way right and down. Light the torch with your hammer to get the key.
Boss Key: South. Take the path east from the room with the blocks that create flooring in the north half. Take the path, and enter the southern ruins. Hammer the pegs, then complete the puzzle for a chest with a boss key.
Generator: South. There is a room that doesn’t seem like it gives you any options. Use your arrows on the right torch, and it’ll light the left one.
Boss Door: North. Northwest of the start, you saw this earlier. If you got all the generators, the path is open.
Crazed Overseer Corgoro: Just keep hitting him. Bombs are good at first, then use your hammer. When he rains rocks down at you, stay in one place (unless there’s a shadow over you) for a bit, then move, since the last one is homing. When he makes fire bars, circle with them and hit him when you can. Run in circles, avoiding shadows, when he makes fire bars in the air.
Big Bomb: Northwest of Brihton at the Goron Shop for 100 Rupees. Use it to blow up the big wall.
Piece of Heart: At the east end of the Northern Remdra plains near the beginning of the northern section. In a screen with diamonds on either side of two tiles worth of holes, beat the enemies for a heart piece.
Pot Roast: In the Glim City shop for 150 rupees.
Piece of Heart: In a cave north of Glim City. You can grind through the spikes to open the chest for a heart. You’ll probably die on your way back at this point. If you don’t want to spend a life, save your game before you die, which will warp you to the beginning of Northern Remdra without raising your death counter.
Magic Container: Near the big lake in a cave. This room also has spikes, and another screen east. Go open the chest for magic.
Blue Tunic: Take the path north starting at the beginning of Northern Remdra. At the fork, take it west, down, and around. The knight will give you a tunic.
Yoshi Doll: Talk to the man near the shop in Remdra Crossroads.
Piece of Heart: Southeast of Remdra Crossroads is a small, one-screen cemetery. Push the bottom-left block to the left and defeat all the enemies inside.
Piece of Heart: In the volcanic area, right south of the eye glass design, directly south from the start on a platform.
Bomb Bag Upgrade: In the same screen as the piece of heart. Directly south of the entrance to the volcano from the eyeglass.
Abandoned Forge: In Rurol Town near the volcano.
Compass: North of a water room, where the boss door is. Beat all the Moblins for the Compass.
Small Key: One room west of the Compass.
Cursed Skull: In the shaky room with the moblins, beat them all to get the skull.
Map: North of the block puzzle, push all the blocks into the rocky spots to get a chest with the map.
Small Key: From the east path, take the bridge north until a screen with blade traps and moblins. Beat them all and a key will appear.
Boss Key: North of the room with the spike traps and spark switches, in a chest.
Noble Sword: Defeat the Patra then head right a room to get a sword upgrade.
Piece of Heart: On the snowy mountain. Follow the path up some stairs and across a step ladder bridge.
Skull Key: South of the Remdra Crossroads is the group of stumps shaped like a cross. (or diamond; there are four of them.) Bomb the soft spot, and go through the cave to get the Skull Key.
Entrance to Level 4: In Glim City past the locked gate.
Level 4: Unhallowed Chapel
Small Key: From the start, all the way to the right in the spike room. It will appear on a ledge you can’t reach from this room.
Small Key: After the Scourge, follow east, and use your arrow on the torch. Go up a room to get a small key.
Lens of Truth: After the second Scourge encounter. Go up the stairs in a room with 6 eyes to get the Lens from the chest.
Map: Past the room you walked through the wall is the chest near the lens tiles.
Compass: In the first room of the dungeon, after you get the Lens. Light the torch to make the chest appear.
Small Key: North of the raised platform where you got a key is a hole with some lens tiles on it. Go north, and in the next room, light the torch to be able to open the chest.
Note: In the room with pegs and the blade traps, use the Lens.
Small Key: Go north from where you flooded the basement. Follow through the spike path with your Lens and the key is in a small room.
Small Key: After creating a bridge that leads to a healing torch, find a four-way path. Go south to get a key you made the chest appear for.
Boss Key: After creating a square bridge over a gap, take a left. Go left through the room with the spark switches, being very careful, and in this room is the boss key.
Boss Door: In the room with the two sets of three spike traps past the healing torch.
Enemy of the Living Scourge: Just hit it in the back until it dies. The only challenge is its high health. Bombs are good because the blasts hit his whole body, including is back. The Candle’s flame is similar, but you can only use it once. The Spin Attack is also very forgiving. When he creates black shadows that become hands, just keep walking so they can’t get you, and they won’t become hands.
Stormwoods Island: North of the eye tile north of the volcanic area.
Small Key: In the room with a bunch of Armos in formation, use your Lens.
Map: Take the right path from the entrance. Past a room with two spike traps after a bombable wall.
Compass: After beating all the enemies in the room after going up vines.
Small Key: In a chest left of a room you created two bridges in.
Boss Key: After the block puzzle.
Boss: The sand flows counter-clockwise, so use that to stay away. Place bombs if he’s chasing, and if not, use your spin attack.
Thieves Wallet: After beating the boss. Holds 500 Rupees, and is full!
Piece of Heart: Southwest corner of Glim City using your Lens.
Ice-Melting Candle: In the Remdra Crossroads shop for 300 Rupees.
Raft: In the Raft Shop north of the start screen for 400 Rupees.
Piece of Heart: After getting the Hookswitch, go out Brihton’s northwest exit. Go west one, and inside the cave. Use the hookswitch to get the heart.


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Revision as of 22:19, May 12, 2014

This article describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda canon.
Isle of Rebirth







Isle of Rebirth is a Zelda Classic custom quest developed by Evan20000. A difficult-ish quest that takes Link across the island of Remdra in his quest to rescue Princess Zelda.

Everything (needs to be organized)

Piece of Heart: One screen north of the start, talk to the old man down the stairs. After that, open the chest for a Piece of Heart.

Wooden Sword: In the Hori Woods, there is a cabin with the head Wizzrobe. Talk to the man inside to get the Wooden Sword.

Piece of Heart: Follow through Hori Woods past a couple mushrooms. There’s a room with a ton of blue Moblins. Kill them all and grab the heart.

Ocarina: In Hori Village’s shop for 100 rupees.

Bombs: In another shop west of Hori in a town named Brihton.

Magic Shield: Also in Brihton, in the same shop as the bombs.

Guitar: North of the shop is a house. Go in, play the Ocarina on the block, and open the chest.

Piece of Heart: In Blue Woods is a Forest Mansion. One screen west of the entrance is an ice puzzle. Beat it to get a piece of heart.

Mushroom: In the Blue Woods is a strange man. He’ll give you a mushroom.

Bomb Bag Upgrade: Behind a bombable wall just past the northeast exit of Brihton village and a bit north of the Blue Woods. Costs 100 Rupees.

Fresh Pineapple: Give the Guitar to the boy in Hori.

Piece of Heart: Just west of the river with the bridge out is a soft dig spot. Bomb it, beat all the enemies inside, and pick up the heart.

Piece of Heart: In the Forest Mansion, kill all the Armos in the room to the right of the entrance. Or just kill enough to reach the spark switch. Hint: the northeast corner of the room is where you can kill enough to reach it.

Piece of Heart: In the Forest Mansion is a spike trap room. Go to the upper right corner by hiding where the bushes are when the spikes are up, and moving when they’re down.

Piece of Heart: In the northwest room of the Forest Mansion, follow the darker tiles to the chest without stepping on the lighter ones.

Piece of Heart: In the Blue Woods, second entrance east of Brihton, there is a bombable rock. Follow it north to the bombable wall. Kill all the Moblins, then go up and get the heart piece. Oh, and please spare his life.

Boomerang: Go north past Brihton from the northwest exit. East of the first non-town screen will be a shop with a chain chomp. Buy the boomerang for 150 Rupees.

Entrance to Level 1: South of Hori. You’ll see four blocks at the south end. Follow it to a beach, then follow it east to enter the dungeon. ________________________________________

Level 1: Seaside Ruins

Compass: In the first room of enemies after you defeat them all.

Map: Go right two screens from the first room of enemies. Past the traps is the map.

Small Key: In the sand flow room with three columns flowing to the middle, kill all Stalfos/Crabs to get a key.

Small Key: North past the block puzzle, then west. In the v-shaped room with Blades is a key when you beat all the enemies.

Candle: Go through the lock block northwest of the entrance. Kill the Dodongo and the Stalfos to get a Candle.

Cursed Skull: Go north and around the plateau from the beginning. Back directly north of the start, light the torch and grab the Skull.

Small Key: In the sand swirl room, there’s a cracked wall up north. Bomb it. Go through the hole, and use your candle to light the room. Step on the switch before going to the key.

Boss Key: Go to the first room of enemies. Follow the path all the way west, staying along that wall. Go through the locked door and kill the dodongo for the boss key.

Boss Room: There’s a plateau right north of the entrance. Go up the stairs and follow it all the way for the boss room.

Blue Crustacean Crabalt: He’ll charge at you. Quickly dodge and swipe him with your sword. Wait in one spot, and when you just see him appear, move out of the way and hit him. When he does the maneuver where he jumps, face away from where he was before the jump and quickly swipe your sword. (ex: if he pops out to your east, then jumps, face west and tap the sword button rapidly.) You won’t take damage when you’re swiping him if you deal damage to him. ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: Burn down the tree in Hori.

Prison Key: There’s a river with the bridge out you’ve seen a lot. Go northeast from there but not up the stairs, and burn the tree, and go down to get the key.

Piece of Heart: Go out the northwest exit from Brihton. Go east until you see a house with trees blocking it. Burn them and go in.

Level 1 Arrows: In Hori Woods is a cave blocked by trees. Go inside and you can get the level one arrows. You need to get the Bow before these are of any use to you.

Spin Attack: There is a shack in southwest Brihton. Burn the tree, and go in to get a scroll.

Damp Egg: Go to the very northwest area of Hori where you burned the trees. Follow the path east and talk to a raven in the trees.

Entrance to Marsh: West of Hori Woods, you saw a red tree. Burn it down, and the mushrooms will become cuttable (red). ________________________________________

Remdra Prison: Northwest of Brihton is that building with a keyhole. Go inside.

Compass: Take the east path. Go up one more and kill all the guards for the compass.

Small Key: Go past the compass, past the block puzzle, and to a room with four cells and a spark. Kill all the Moblin and grab the key.

Cursed Skull: One more past the small key, kill all the Guards to get the skull.

Map: Go up past the entrance and beat all the Guards for the Map.

Small Key: One north and one east from the entrance, beat all the enemies and light the torch.

Boss Key: East, and up past the locked door. Stun the Warden and you’ll get his key.

Bow: Go up from the start and past the big lock. Instead of a boss battle, the nice Moblin man will give you the Bow. ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: From the start, go up and use your bow on the blue emblem. Go up the vines, and follow the path east of here. Go until you get a cave. Kill all the Gels in here to get a Heart.

Quiver: North of the start, up the vines, and east is a bombable wall. Inside, pay money for the bigger Quiver.

Piece of Heart: In the northeast corner of the Marsh, there is a piece of heart at the bottom left corner behind a tree.

Entrance to Level 2: In the Marsh, there is a blue emblem. Shoot it with an arrow. Find your way around (go through Hori Woods), and go in. ________________________________________

Level 2: Murky Palace

Small Key: In the first room, shoot the eye switch that doesn’t follow you. Go west, and push all the blocks onto the switches. From this room, go west again. Use your candle on the torch and a chest with a key will appear.

Map: From the start, go north one, and east. Follow all the way east and take the north path. Go past the stairs, and follow all the way up. Once you go down a long bridge, the map is south and west in a tiny room.

Step Ladder: Past some marshes, you’ll find a dodongo snake with a flower that shoots fireballs. Beat the snake (bombs are not required) and head south and beat the Ropes to get the ladder.

Cursed Skull: Northwest of the entrance, eventually you’ll come across a room with moveable torches. Move them onto the switches, and a hole will open. Fall down it, and one screen right is the chest.

Small Key: In the basement is a room with an unlit torch and water that you can walk across in certain spots. Use your ladder to go around, and use the candle on the torch. Go east and open the chest.

Small Key: Take the path west of the hole we created. Follow it to get a small Key after beating all the enemies in the last room.

Boss Key: Fall down the hole you created. If you have a small key, use it on the lock. Follow the path down to get the key.

Compass: You’ll find a room with a bunch of blocks. They look kinda like three triangles. If you push them into triangles (one on top, three middle, five bottom) from the bottom up, like the triforce, a chest will appear with the Compass.

Small Key: In the room with floor holes and armos, fall down through the three squares at the bottom. Follow the path west until you get to a key.

Boss Room: Go back down your hole. Take the path with the last locked door, and follow it all the way until you reach the boss.

Cybernetic Experiment Moldorm Prime: If you want an easy way to take him down, use bombs. Time them well enough, and he’ll take damage multiple times from one explosion. Bring all 12 bombs to make it a bit easier. If you want a(n honestly barely fair) challenge, battle him like a Moldorm. Walk around the pond in the middle, following the same direction as him, swinging your sword at the end of his tail. When he starts to fly, if you see shadows, just walk around and avoid the boulders. Sometimes he’ll charge from the top/bottom at you. If so, stand in one spot, and as you just see him, move towards where his tail will be, and swipe when you have the chance. Eventually, he’ll do both attacks at once. Just keep dodging and you’ll take him out. Spin attacks do extra damage, but you move slower. ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: There is a beach south of Brihton. Follow it west, and use you ladder to navigate a corner. Keep going, and burn down a small tree. Follow the cave all the way, and in the last room, a chest will appear with a Heart.

Magic Container: Southwest of Brihton, past the beach, is a green house with boxing gloves on it. Go inside, and follow north. Talk to the kangaroo from Holodrum to increase your magic meter.

Blessed Star: Beat the Arena (where you got the magic) to get a blessed star.

Strange Seeds: Past the Arena is a bombable wall. In the cave, bomb the wall to the right. Talk to the snake to trade your Egg for Seeds.

Piece of Heart: In the same cave as the seeds is a heart for beating all the gels around the Armos. ________________________________________

Goron’s Grotto: Northwest of Brihton are two holds you can use your ladder to pass. Inside, use bombs on the cracked left wall.

Compass: In the room with four blocks, kill all the gels to get a compass.

Map: Past the eye switch in the room with the green pegs, kill all the gels in here and the map will appear next to the lava.

Small Key: When you shoot a blue crest with an arrow, a bridge will appear. Go south, and in that little hut is a goron with a key.

Boss Key: Northwest of the bridge you just created, staying on the left wall, is the boss key just sitting there for you. It’s past where you light a torch.

Boss Door: In the same room as the hut.

Manhandla: Either kill it by slashing each head, or time a bomb to blow up many or all at once.

Power Bracelet: Reward for beating Manhandla. ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: North of Brihton is a pond with a staircase behind it. You can walk over the pond in two spots with the ladder. Use your Gauntlets to get the chest inside.

Piece of Heart: After you get the Gauntlets, blow up the wall at the entrance to Blue Woods closest to Brihton. In there, past the rock, is the heart.

Entrance to Level 3: West of Brihton was a desert. Follow the desert around, and in there is a big building, Corona Mines. You can cut the sprouts with your sword, so don’t think they’re blocking you off. There’s a south entrance south of it, too. ________________________________________

Level 3: Corona Mines

Compass: North. West of the first bridge you create, in the room with the boss doors. Beat all the enemies and the compass will appear.

Small Key: North. In a room with a red crest on the wall. Shoot it, and grab the chest.

Small Key: North. Take the path west in the room with the cement blocks. Follow the path all the way, and light the torch for a key.

Cursed Skull: South. East from the first fork of the south entrance. Blow up the rock statue, and head south. In here is a chest with a cursed skull (assuming you stepped on the switch already).

Map: South. From the start of the south entrance, go straight up.

Hammer: North. From the room with the blocks that create flooring, go west. On the tracks is a spark switch. Step on it, and open the now obtainable chest for the Hammer.

Small Key: North. In the room where pegs are blocking a chest and two sets of two eye switches.

Small Key: South. From the entrance, go all the way right and down. Light the torch with your hammer to get the key.

Boss Key: South. Take the path east from the room with the blocks that create flooring in the north half. Take the path, and enter the southern ruins. Hammer the pegs, then complete the puzzle for a chest with a boss key.

Generator: South. There is a room that doesn’t seem like it gives you any options. Use your arrows on the right torch, and it’ll light the left one.

Boss Door: North. Northwest of the start, you saw this earlier. If you got all the generators, the path is open.

Crazed Overseer Corgoro: Just keep hitting him. Bombs are good at first, then use your hammer. When he rains rocks down at you, stay in one place (unless there’s a shadow over you) for a bit, then move, since the last one is homing. When he makes fire bars, circle with them and hit him when you can. Run in circles, avoiding shadows, when he makes fire bars in the air. ________________________________________

Big Bomb: Northwest of Brihton at the Goron Shop for 100 Rupees. Use it to blow up the big wall.

Piece of Heart: At the east end of the Northern Remdra plains near the beginning of the northern section. In a screen with diamonds on either side of two tiles worth of holes, beat the enemies for a heart piece.

Pot Roast: In the Glim City shop for 150 rupees.

Piece of Heart: In a cave north of Glim City. You can grind through the spikes to open the chest for a heart. You’ll probably die on your way back at this point. If you don’t want to spend a life, save your game before you die, which will warp you to the beginning of Northern Remdra without raising your death counter.

Magic Container: Near the big lake in a cave. This room also has spikes, and another screen east. Go open the chest for magic.

Blue Tunic: Take the path north starting at the beginning of Northern Remdra. At the fork, take it west, down, and around. The knight will give you a tunic.

Yoshi Doll: Talk to the man near the shop in Remdra Crossroads.

Piece of Heart: Southeast of Remdra Crossroads is a small, one-screen cemetery. Push the bottom-left block to the left and defeat all the enemies inside.

Piece of Heart: In the volcanic area, right south of the eye glass design, directly south from the start on a platform.

Bomb Bag Upgrade: In the same screen as the piece of heart. Directly south of the entrance to the volcano from the eyeglass.

________________________________________ Abandoned Forge: In Rurol Town near the volcano.

Compass: North of a water room, where the boss door is. Beat all the Moblins for the Compass.

Small Key: One room west of the Compass.

Cursed Skull: In the shaky room with the moblins, beat them all to get the skull.

Map: North of the block puzzle, push all the blocks into the rocky spots to get a chest with the map.

Small Key: From the east path, take the bridge north until a screen with blade traps and moblins. Beat them all and a key will appear.

Boss Key: North of the room with the spike traps and spark switches, in a chest.

Noble Sword: Defeat the Patra then head right a room to get a sword upgrade. ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: On the snowy mountain. Follow the path up some stairs and across a step ladder bridge.

Skull Key: South of the Remdra Crossroads is the group of stumps shaped like a cross. (or diamond; there are four of them.) Bomb the soft spot, and go through the cave to get the Skull Key.

Entrance to Level 4: In Glim City past the locked gate. ________________________________________

Level 4: Unhallowed Chapel

Small Key: From the start, all the way to the right in the spike room. It will appear on a ledge you can’t reach from this room.

Small Key: After the Scourge, follow east, and use your arrow on the torch. Go up a room to get a small key.

Lens of Truth: After the second Scourge encounter. Go up the stairs in a room with 6 eyes to get the Lens from the chest.

Map: Past the room you walked through the wall is the chest near the lens tiles.

Compass: In the first room of the dungeon, after you get the Lens. Light the torch to make the chest appear.

Small Key: North of the raised platform where you got a key is a hole with some lens tiles on it. Go north, and in the next room, light the torch to be able to open the chest.

Note: In the room with pegs and the blade traps, use the Lens.

Small Key: Go north from where you flooded the basement. Follow through the spike path with your Lens and the key is in a small room.

Small Key: After creating a bridge that leads to a healing torch, find a four-way path. Go south to get a key you made the chest appear for.

Boss Key: After creating a square bridge over a gap, take a left. Go left through the room with the spark switches, being very careful, and in this room is the boss key.

Boss Door: In the room with the two sets of three spike traps past the healing torch.

Enemy of the Living Scourge: Just hit it in the back until it dies. The only challenge is its high health. Bombs are good because the blasts hit his whole body, including is back. The Candle’s flame is similar, but you can only use it once. The Spin Attack is also very forgiving. When he creates black shadows that become hands, just keep walking so they can’t get you, and they won’t become hands. ________________________________________

Stormwoods Island: North of the eye tile north of the volcanic area.

Small Key: In the room with a bunch of Armos in formation, use your Lens.

Map: Take the right path from the entrance. Past a room with two spike traps after a bombable wall.

Compass: After beating all the enemies in the room after going up vines.

Small Key: In a chest left of a room you created two bridges in.

Boss Key: After the block puzzle.

Boss: The sand flows counter-clockwise, so use that to stay away. Place bombs if he’s chasing, and if not, use your spin attack.

Thieves Wallet: After beating the boss. Holds 500 Rupees, and is full! ________________________________________

Piece of Heart: Southwest corner of Glim City using your Lens.

Ice-Melting Candle: In the Remdra Crossroads shop for 300 Rupees.

Raft: In the Raft Shop north of the start screen for 400 Rupees.

Piece of Heart: After getting the Hookswitch, go out Brihton’s northwest exit. Go west one, and inside the cave. Use the hookswitch to get the heart.