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==''Tears of the Kingdom''==
==''Tears of the Kingdom''==
{{see also|The Beast and the Princess}}
Cima can be found within the [[Bronas Forest]] where she is conducting research on the nearby [[Dondon]]s. She has a small stand with a [[Cooking Pot]], with numerous rare gems on the table, including a [[Diamond]], [[Ruby]], [[Sapphire]], [[Zonaite]], and [[Opal]]. If Link tries to take one of the gems, Cima will stop him, saying that the gems are a precious clue to understanding the lives and habits of the Dondon.{{Ref|''Tears of the Kingdom''|Excuse me, can't take that gem.|'''Cima'''}}{{Ref|''Tears of the Kingdom''|That gem is a precious clue to understanding Dondons' lives and habits.|'''Cima'''}}
Cima tells Link about the Dondons and their behaviors. One day, Cima had dropped some [[Luminious Stone]]s and a Dondon came charging over, gobbling up the stones. This shocked Cima, considering that Dondons have no interest in ordinary food, but loved to chomp on luminious stones. Shortly thereafter, Cima had found some rare gems right in the area where the Dondon were grazing. The gems that they dropped are the ones that Cima has on her table, which she is studying.{{Ref|''Tears of the Kingdom''|You'll have to bear with me. It's a bit of a long story. One day, some luminous stones I'd picked up fell out of my bag. Before I knew it, a Dondon charged over, and then... Chomp, chomp! It gobbled the luminous stones right up! These animals show no interest in food... and then luminous stones, of all things, spark their hunger? I was shocked! After a while, we found gems on the ground where the Dondon grazed. Those...are the gems. Where they came from remains a little uncertain, but I think the Dondon created them after eating the luminious stones. If that's the case, I might learn more about the nature of Dondons by studying those. So please, don't take them.|'''Cima'''}}
Cima describes the area as a sanctuary for the Dondons, despite there being only five of them known to exist. The dondons are found of hylians and will follow them around.{{Ref|''Tears of the Kingdom''|This is a sanctuary for Dondons, the new animal species discovered by Princess Zelda. Dondons are quite precious, as we've only found five of their kind in the wild. Please be gentle if you touch them. They might look intimidating, but you've got nothing to worry about. They're a good-natured sort. When the princess came to research the Dondons, they used to go tromping around after her wherever she went. I think they're actually quite fond of us two-legged folk. That reminds me... Did you hear that rumor about Princess Zelda being seen riding a beast? Well, I'd bet what people actually saw was her with a Dondon back when she established this sanctuary! It just goes to show how much rumors can take a life of their own. Dondons aren't beastly. They're adorable.|'''Cima'''}} Cima encourages Link to spend some time with the Dondons.{{Ref|''Tears of the Kingdom''|Thank you... And please, be sure to spend time with the Dondons while you're here.|'''Cima'''}}
===The Beast and the Princess===
{{main|The Beast and the Princess}}
Cima watches the [[dondon]]s in their pen, across the [[Floria River]] from Lakeside Stable.
Cima watches the [[dondon]]s in their pen, across the [[Floria River]] from Lakeside Stable.