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After traveling into the Gerudo Highlands and finding the statue. Link can take a picture and return to Bozai. At this point Bozai will open up to Link, stating that the statue was just an urban legend and doesn't actually exist. He explains that he just made it up to keep Link engaged in hopes of forming a relationship.{{Ref|''Oh! Oh, thank goodness! You made it back safely! You were gone for so long, I started to fear the worst... I have to come clean. The eighth heroine is just an urban legend-it doesn't actually exist... I... Well, I just wanted an excused to get close to you, y'know? I wanted to keep you engaged so I just thought up something impossible to hold your interest... And as a result, I put you in harm's way! I'm a cad! And I've been so, so worried... I won't put you in danger anymore! From now on, I'll be your protect-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Although when Link tells him it actually does exist, he thinks Link is just trying to make him feel better.{{Ref|''Are you trying to console me because I've been so heartsick over this? You're such a kind soul. But no need to coddle me. From now on I'll-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Then when he actually shows him the picture, Bozai is surprised and is about to ask Link to spend some time with him.{{Ref|''That...certainly is...the way it was rumored to look... That- THAT'S AMAZING! I thought it was just an old wives' tale! The eighth heroine actually exists?! If the rest of the world knew this, it'd be absolute bedlam! ...But I won't tell anyone... Yeah, that way, it'll just be our little secret, right? Sort of a bonding thing. And yeah, i-if it's OK, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Link interrupts him and asks for the Sand boots, which Bozai will take them off.{{Ref|''Oh... Oh, OK... Just a second. I'll take them off... '' - '''Bozai'''}} Bozai will then ask for his Snow Boots back and will head over and sit beneath the tent in front of Gerudo Town. This will complete the side quest.{{Ref|''Treat them as tenderly as you would me. *ahem* And now, could you be a lamb and return my snow boots? Otherwise ol' Bozai's going to be barefoot! All right, we're done here! Boy, but these will make running in the sand pretty difficult, and I'm pretty tired anyway from my jogging regimen... I think I'll just park myself under the tent in front of Gerudo Town and take five. Care to join me later?'' - '''Bozai'''}}
After traveling into the Gerudo Highlands and finding the statue. Link can take a picture and return to Bozai. At this point Bozai will open up to Link, stating that the statue was just an urban legend and doesn't actually exist. He explains that he just made it up to keep Link engaged in hopes of forming a relationship.{{Ref|''Oh! Oh, thank goodness! You made it back safely! You were gone for so long, I started to fear the worst... I have to come clean. The eighth heroine is just an urban legend-it doesn't actually exist... I... Well, I just wanted an excused to get close to you, y'know? I wanted to keep you engaged so I just thought up something impossible to hold your interest... And as a result, I put you in harm's way! I'm a cad! And I've been so, so worried... I won't put you in danger anymore! From now on, I'll be your protect-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Although when Link tells him it actually does exist, he thinks Link is just trying to make him feel better.{{Ref|''Are you trying to console me because I've been so heartsick over this? You're such a kind soul. But no need to coddle me. From now on I'll-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Then when he actually shows him the picture, Bozai is surprised and is about to ask Link to spend some time with him.{{Ref|''That...certainly is...the way it was rumored to look... That- THAT'S AMAZING! I thought it was just an old wives' tale! The eighth heroine actually exists?! If the rest of the world knew this, it'd be absolute bedlam! ...But I won't tell anyone... Yeah, that way, it'll just be our little secret, right? Sort of a bonding thing. And yeah, i-if it's OK, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you-'' - '''Bozai'''}} Link interrupts him and asks for the Sand boots, which Bozai will take them off.{{Ref|''Oh... Oh, OK... Just a second. I'll take them off... '' - '''Bozai'''}} Bozai will then ask for his Snow Boots back and will head over and sit beneath the tent in front of Gerudo Town. This will complete the side quest.{{Ref|''Treat them as tenderly as you would me. *ahem* And now, could you be a lamb and return my snow boots? Otherwise ol' Bozai's going to be barefoot! All right, we're done here! Boy, but these will make running in the sand pretty difficult, and I'm pretty tired anyway from my jogging regimen... I think I'll just park myself under the tent in front of Gerudo Town and take five. Care to join me later?'' - '''Bozai'''}}
==The Forgotten Sword==
{{main|The Forgotten Sword}}
After completing The Eighth Heroine quest, Bozai will sit down under the tent, just outside of Gerudo Town. Link can talk to him while wearing the Gerudo Clothes, at which point Bozai is upset that the two didn't get much time to spend together alone.{{Ref|''You! You came! I mean, hey, yeah, of course. Figured you'd swing by. Yup. Do the ol' swing-by. We didn't get a chance to spend much time together earlier, did we? Whoosh! Total whirlwind! So...wanna hang out?'' - '''Bozai'''}} When Link tells Bozai he wants his snow boots, Bozai is a bit surprised, but also reluctant to give them, as then he'd have nothing to wear on his feet.{{Ref|''What? You want my snow boots, too?'' - '''Bozai'''}}{{Ref|''Ha! Well aren't we greedy! Oh should I say insatiable for boots. A boot thirst that cannot be slaked! Adorable. But listen, if I give you these, then I'll have nothing for my feet!'' - '''Bozai'''}} However, Bozai doesn't want to upset Link, so he agrees to give them to him if he can complete another task.{{Ref|''Oh, man what should I do? THINK, Bozai. Can't put her in a bad mood... OK... Do NOT blow this. Just relax and work a little verbal magic... How could I resist a request from you? No lie, you really gave me a surprise earlier...and I love surprises. Surprise me again like that... and I'll give you these snow boots as a surprise present!'' - '''Bozai'''}}
The Eighth Heroine was missing is sword and Bozai wonders where it can be. All of the other Seven Heroines can be see with their sword in hand, but the eighth one is missing his.{{Ref|''So let me ask you this: Did you notice that the statue of the eighth heroine... isn't actually holding a sword? Pretty weird, right? Seven other heroines, they all have their swords! Suspicious, y'know? Which leads me to deduce that the eighth heroine must have had a sword as well. Must have! To see that such a sword actually exists, that my deduction is right... That could be no greater surprise!'' - '''Bozai'''}} Bozai will task Link in finding the sword, thinking it's likely somewhere in the steeps of the Gerudo Highlands. This time, he won't give him the snow boots as he needs something to wear.{{Ref|''What? You're really going? Wow, all right, then. The sword would be pretty big, so I doubt it could have been carried off too far. I'm betting it's probably somewhere in the steeps of the Gerudo Highlands. And the thing is, I can't lend you the snow boots this time. Just can't do it! I'm really sorry.'' - '''Bozai'''}} Bozai is secretly hoping that without the snow boots, no way Link will travel up to the Gerudo Highlands, so he actually wants him to fail and then come crawling back.{{Ref|''No way a normal person can make it though the Gerudo Highlands without good snow boots... She'll probably give up halfway through and come crawling back... Fine, you win. SO headstrong! I love it. I'll just be waiting here, OK? If you ever need me for anything above and beyond footwear, you just come find ol' Bozai anytime!'' - '''Bozai'''}}
The sword can be found at the south end of the [[Gerudo Summit]]. It's very cold, so Link will need some [[Cold Resistance]] armor to survive up there. Take a picture of the massive sword that's hard to miss and then return to Bozai. He is initially concerned, as he had heard from a traveler that Link went up into the Gerudo Highlands without any snow boots.{{Ref|''Y-you! A traveler said he saw you in the Gerudo Highlands, so I've been gnawing on my fingernails with worry! I mean, all that talk about the sword was just chitchat... I didn't think you'd go up there without snow boots! Anyway, are you OK?'' - '''Bozai'''}} After Link shows Bozai the picture, he is completely shocked. He didn't think the sword actually existed and is wondering how Link could survive up there.{{Ref|''WHAAAAAT?! It really exists?! And you went searching for it without a decent pair of snow boots... I mean, the Gerudo Highlands are unforgiving. I doubt I could survive there, and I'm burly. Who ARE you?!'' - '''Bozai'''}} Bozai will reluctantly take off the Snow Boots and give them to Link.{{Ref|''Yeah... You did risk your life to fulfill your promises, after all... It'd be pretty uncouth of me to drop my end of the bargain. Just a second. I'll take them off...'' - '''Bozai'''}}
Bozai will now be there bearfoot. It's at this point he finally pops the question to Link, asking him out on a date.{{Ref|''Well, now I'm barefoot... But if you're happy, then I'm happy! And what's more, this whole episode has endeared you even more to me! Your cutely greedy side. Your sassy, playfully rude side... Your unexpectedly tough side... Um... Would you... ...g-g-go out... ...w-w-w-with...'' - '''Bozai'''}} Link will respond with ''not a chance'', which really hurts Bozai.{{Ref|''Urk... I know of knew you'd say that... but would it have killed you to let me finish the question?'' - '''Bozai'''}} He will ask if he can just gaze at Link until he disappears from his vision.{{Ref|''At the very least, let me gaze after you until you disappear from my vision!'' - '''Bozai'''}}
