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===Big Green ChuChu===
This is a list of bosses found in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap|The Minish Cap]]''.
'''Dungeon Boss:'''
Big Green Chuchu  [[File:Big-Green-Chuchu-Sprite.png]]            

Threat: [[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]]       
== Bosses ==
=== Big Green ChuChu ===
{{Main|Big Green ChuChu}}
This Green [[ChuChu]] appears as a giant but in reality it is the same enemy that you have been battling in the [[Minish Woods]]. There is an obvious twist to it. You are in [[Minish]] form during this battle so this usually simple enemy is now the guardian of the [[Four Elements#Earth Element|Earth Element]].

Attacks: [[File:1-4 Heart.png]] Contact
=== Gleerok ===
The main boss of the [[Cave of Flames]] and the guardian of the [[Four Elements#Fire Element|Fire Element]]. Gleerok lives in his pit of Lava in the center of the room.

Pre-Battle: After entering the boss room a short cut scene will play. In the cut scene, you will see a chuchu appear and
=== Mazaal ===
hop toward the shrine and it will disappear into the shrine. After the cut scene, you will see balls of jelly fall to the
ground and dissolve. The frequency of the jelly balls will start out slow, speed up, and slow down again. After the last
jelly ball has dissolved, a gigantic chuchu will fall into the room.
A classic Zelda type boss that makes some sort of appearance in many Zelda games. Mazaal consists of his main head area as well as two detached arms.

=== Big Octorok ===
{{Gallery/Box|file=Bigrenchuchuentering1.png|caption=The chuchu is normal-sized...''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=Bigrenchuchuentering2.png|caption=But when it enters the shrine...''}}
{{Main|Big Octorok}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=Bigreenchuchudizzy.png|caption=He is giant! Oh Nooooo!''}}
Like the Big Green ChuChu fight before, this battle is with a regular [[Octorok]] but you battle it as a Minish, making the battle a lot more difficult. It has the power to change the setting of the room to ice and has a variety of different attacks. The Big Octorok is the guardian of the [[Four Elements#Water Element|Water Element]].

=== Gyorg Pair ===
{{Main|Gyorg Pair}}
The Gyorg Pair is a very unique boss. There are two body portions of Gyorg as you would guess by the name. They have a variety of attacks and Link must also account for lack of walls. This boss battle takes place in mid-air! It gets pretty chaotic during this battle with so much stuff going on at once. The Gyorg Pair are the protectors of the [[Four Elements#Wind Element|Wind Element]].

=== Vaati Reborn ===
{{Main|Vaati Reborn}}
[[Vaati]] uses the power of the [[Light Force]] to transform his body into this evil sorcerer known as Vaati Reborn. This phase of Vaati awfully resembles [[Patra]] from [[The Legend of Zelda]].

-The battle begins with the chuchu slowly moving toward you. It may also jump high in the air and try to land on you.
=== Vaati Transfigured ===
Avoid the chuchu and use your gust jar to suck up its foot. Once enough of the foot has been sucked up, the chuchu will
sway back and forth in large movements while trying to follow you until, finally, it falls over. It will always fall over
{{Main|Vaati Transfigured}}
toward the side you are standing on. Once he's fallen down, slash away at its head. Eventually, the chuchu will stand
Vaati Transfigured is the second form that Vaati takes. The eyes surrounding him have now become more attacked to his body.
upright again and regrow its foot.

=== Vaati's Wrath ===
{{Main|Vaati's Wrath}}
Vaati's Wrath is the final boss in the game. It takes on two forms with the first being his main body with two long arms to its sides. Once those are defeated Vaati will turn to using its eyes to shoot electric orbs out at Link. Link must time his hits perfectly in order to defeat Vaati's Wrath.

== Mini-Bosses ==
{{Gallery/Box|file=Bigreenchuchujump.png|caption=He tries to stomp at Link''}}
=== Madderpillar ===
{{Gallery/Box|file=BigreenchuchuSucking1.png|caption=Link uses the gust jar to take him down...''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=Bigreenchuchudown.png|caption=...And slashes at the head to cause damage.''}}

-You will need to repeat the same process at least two(2) more times to defeat the chuchu. After enough damage has been
=== Spiny ChuChu ===
caused to it, the chuchu will begin jumping much more frequently. This will not, however, affect the battle process. After slashing the chuchu enough, it will begin to explode. After a bunch of small explosions, the chuchu will explode into a cartoony puff.
{{Main|Spiny ChuChu}}

-After a few seconds, the Earth Element will float down into Link's hands. Congratulations on your first element. A heart container and a warp tile will be left behind. Grab the heart container(if you want it) and head through the warp tile to go back to the dungeon entrance.
=== Darknut ===
{{Main|Silver Darknut}}

=== Big Blue ChuChu ===
{{Gallery/Box|file=EarthelementGet.png|caption=Link obtaining the [[Earth Element]].''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=DeepwoodshrineHeartContainer.png|caption=Link after defeating the boss, with the Heart Container available.''}}
{{Main|Big Blue ChuChu}}

=== Red Darknut ===
{{Main|Red Darknut}}

=== Black Knight ===
'''Dungeon Boss''': Gleerok [[File:Gleerok.gif]]                     Threat: [[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty ON.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]][[File:Difficulty OFF.gif]]                 
{{Main|Black Knight}}

Attacks: [[File:1-4 Heart.png]] Fall in Lava
{{Cat|The Minish Cap|Bosses}}
{{Cat|The Minish Cap Bosses| }}
[[File:1-4 Heart.png]] Contact with fire on ground
{{Cat|Bosses|Minish Cap, The}}
{{Cat|Listings|Minish Cap Bosses}}
[[File:1-4 Heart.png]] Falling Rocks
[[File:1-4 Heart.png]] Contact with rising Lava
[[File:1-2 Heart.png]] Fire ball(also makes Link run around fast)
Pre-Battle: When you open the Boss door, you will enter a room with a few pots and a large hole in the floor. When you
fall down the hole, you'll enter the battlefield. A room with nothing but a square pit of lava in the center. Gleerok will
slowly rise up from the lava and roar.
{{Gallery/Box|file=GleerokStart.png|caption=Link falling to the boss chamber.''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=GleerokPresent.png|caption=Gleerok, pretty intimidating.''}}
-The battle will begin with Gleerok shooting fire balls at you. Dodge these fire balls as best you can and circle around
Gleerok. When you have a clear shot, use your Cane of Pacci to flip his back shell over. The shell will land on him and
break while he will fall down, stunned. Run up Gleerok's neck to the small crystal on his back and slash like crazy at it.
Eventually, you won't be able to hit the crystal anymore. When this happens, run back up his neck to the main land. He
will ease into the lava and blocks will fall from the ceiling. If you did enough damage, the lava in the center of the room
will rise up, leaving only one strip of safe land around the room. The lava will fall back down, eventually, and Gleerok
will come back up.
{{Gallery/Box|file=GleerokFireball.png|caption=Gleerok Throwing fireballs.''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=GleerokNeckWalk.png‎|caption=Link walking in Gleerok's neck to hurt it.''}}
-Gleerok will shoot a continuous wave of fire on one side of the arena, so just stay away from there and you should be fine.
In this round, Gleerok will move around a little bit faster and shoot fire balls a little more often. Just move around him
again and shoot his back with the Cane of Pacci. He will fall down again, so run up his neck and slash the crystal again.
Run off his back before he can sink in to the lava. The blocks will fall again and the lava will rise again, so just avoid
it as normal. Gleerok will rise out of the lava again.
{{Gallery/Box|file=Gleerokflamethrower.png|caption=Gleerok used flamethrower! It's super effective!''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=GleerokRocks.png‎|caption=Dropping rocks from the ceiling.''}}
-This time around, Gleerok will shoot continuous flames at two sides, so look out. He will also spin around a lot faster.
Otherwise, the fight is the same. Flip his shell and slash his back crystal. After he has taken enough hits, the screen
will go white and you and him will appear at the bottom part of the arena. Gleerok will start exploding and eventually
blow up into a cartoony puff.
-The lava will harden and Link will walk into the center of the room. The Fire Element will float down to Link's hands.
Congratulations on your second element. A heart container and a warp tile will appear at the top of the room. Grab the
heart container(if you want it) and head through the warp tile to go back to the entrance of the dungeon.
{{Gallery/Box|file=Gleerok Dying.gif|caption=Gleerok dying animation''}}
{{Gallery/Box|file=ObtainingFireElement.gif|caption=Link obtaining the [[Fire Element]]''}}
Dungeon Boss: Mazaal                          Threat: 5/10
Attacks: 0 Contact with Head...
1/4 Contact with hands...
1/4 Shrink Ray(also makes Link shrink)...
1/2 Crush...
1 Grab and Slam...
Pre-Battle: After opening the boss door, you will enter a room with twelve(12) skulls that may contain hearts or arrow
refills. Once you go through the door up above, you will enter the battle ground. You will see a large stone head on a
stand. The head will begin to glow and will lift off the ground. The stand will disappear and to large robotic hands will
appear in front of the head and move to its sides. The hands will clench into fists several times, then, the battle will
-The battle starts with Mazaal lifting up one of its hands to crush you with. You need to go up to the hand he isn't using
and shoot the pink eyes with arrows until the hand falls. Then, you can swing at the pink eye until it blows up and falls
to the ground, turning that side of the head dark. Mazaal will then try to grab you, so just outrun his hand. Shoot arrows
at the pink eye on the other hand until it falls, then, slash at the eye until that hand blows up and falls. The entire
head will then shake and fall to the ground. Shrink to Minish size and go through the small hole on the head's chin.
Inside, you will see six(6) pillars, but only one will be glowing. Swing at the glowing pillar until it blows up. Once it
does a crane will pick you up and take you out of there. Once you're out, Mazaal will be back to normal, so return to
normal size.
-The second part of the fight will be the same, but Mazaal will attack with both hands, alternating between the two. This
may make it harder to get a clear shot, but don't give up. He has no new attacks, so just shoot the pink eyes and slash
them until his hand shuts down. Do it again for the other hand and go shrink yourself. When you get inside Mazaal this
time, however, there will be dirt filling the room. Equip the Mole Mitts and dig your way to the correct pillar, slash
away at it, and it will explode. The crane will come by again and carry you out. Mazaal will be, once again, back to
normal, so resize yourself.
-The final part of the battle will be the same process, but Mazaal will have a new attack--the Shrink Ray. This attack
doesn't do much damage, but it will force you to resize in one of the corners before continuing. Otherwise, repeat the
process of shooting his pink eyes, shrinking, and entering the head. When you are inside, you'll have to dig your way to
the pillar again. Once the pillar is hit enough this time, all of the pillars will blow up and the room will begin to
explode. You will be transported to the arena, right in front of Mazaal as he starts exploding.
-Eventually, Mazaal will explode into a cartoony puff. A heart container will appear and the door at the top of the room
will open. Grab the heart container(if you want it) and head through the door.
===Big Octorok===
Dungeon Boss: Big Octorok                  Threat: 6/10
Attacks: 1/4 Contact...
1/4 Rocks...
1/4 Shattered Rocks(on ground)...
1/4 Falling rocks...
1/2 Ice Breath(freezes Link)...
1 Inhale(spits Link out across the room)...
Pre-Battle: After melting the element only to have it stolen by that GIANT octorok, you can enter the room it went into.
Once inside, the octorok will turn around and screech at Link, much to his surprise. The battle will unexpectedly begin.
-The battle begins with the octorok shooting boulders at you, which you are supposed to deflect with your sword. If you
don't deflect the boulders they will hit the walls and shatter into pieces that stick to the ground. After deflecting
three(3) boulders back at it, the octorok will freeze itself and the flower on its back will dry out and lower to your
level. The entire floor will also freeze. You will have to use your Flame Lantern to light the dry flower on fire.
However, the octorok will use ice breath on you. The flame will run up the stem and melt and burn the octorok. The octorok
will start freaking out and ramming into walls, causing blocks to fall. Eventually, the octorok will stop ramming the walls
and the ice will thaw.
-In the second part of the fight, the octorok will suck in air before it shoots boulders. If you get sucked up by it, you
will take heavy damage and get launched across the room. After deflecting three(3) boulders, the octorok will freeze
everything again. The battle is the same here, but the octorok will spin around faster. Just light the dry flower on fire
using the Flame Lantern to make the octorok burn and slam into the wall. Look out for the falling blocks and the ice will
-In the final part of the battle, the only difference is that the octorok may create a smokescreen that you'll have to
light using the Flame Lantern. Avoid the air the octorok sucks in and deflect the boulders it shoots. This time, the
octorok won't freeze itself. After you've deflected three(3) boulders the octorok will spin around while starting to
explode. It will eventually explode into a cartoony puff.
-After a few seconds the Water Element will float down into Link's hands. Congratulations on your third element. A heart
container and a warp tile will appear. Grab the heart container(if you want it) and go through the warp tile to return to
the entrance.
===Gyorg Pair===
Dungeon Boss: Gyorg Pair          Threat:7/10
Attacks: 0 Divebomb(small)...
0 Spits mini gyorgs(big)...
1/4 Falling off...
1/4 Contact with mini gyorg...
1/2 Contact with tail(big or small)...
1 Tail whip(small)...
1 Energy Balls(small)...
Pre-Battle: After the ridiculously long dungeon, you'll open the boss door and enter a room with a few skulls laying
around. If you go further, you'll find a big whirlwind on top of a pyramid. Enter it and you'll end up riding on a blue
gyorg. The battle will officially begin when you jump onto the larger gyorg.
-The battle will begin with the gyorg bringing up three(3) eyes in a pattern that can  be matched by the warp tiles on its
back. You will have to split yourself into three(3) Links that match the eye pattern and hit all the eyes simultaneously.
This will cause all eight(8) of its eyes to appear. These eyes are its weakpoint, so slash away at them. It will then
start exploding and a smaller gyorg will fly by, so jump onto it.
-This part of the fight is rather straightforward. The gyorg will open one(1) of its eyes for a short time. This is its
weakpoint, so slash it. The gyorg will spin its tail around to try and hit you. You will just have to jump over the tail.
After hitting three(3) of its eyes, the gyorg will fly towards the bigger gyorg, so jump onto it.
-This part of the battle is remarkably similar to the first one. This time, however, the smaller gyorg will fly just off
to the side shooting energy balls. These energy balls will eliminate any clones of you, so avoid them as best you can.
Otherwise, the fight is the same. It will bring up three(3) eyes in a certain pattern, so make copies of yourself to match
the pattern and hit all of them simultaneously, revealing all eight(8) eyes. You will have to do this one more time to get
on the smaller gyorg.
-On the smaller gyorg again, it will do nothing different, but mini gyorgs will fly at you in waves from one direction at a
time. Otherwise, hit the eye that he reveals three(3) times to get back to the big gyorg.
-At this stage of the battle, the small gyorg will still shoot energy balls at you, but it's movements will be erratic and
it will fly straight through your path to the eyes. Otherwise, just do what you've done the whole fight. Clone yourself,
hit its eyes simultaneously, and slash at his vulnerable eyes. After doing this twice, the smaller gyorg will fly by so you
can jump on top of it.
-This time, the small gyorg won't spin its tail around to hit you, but the mini gyorgs will still fly by. The gyorg will
also fly back and forth over top of the big gyorg. After hitting its eyes three(3) times, the small gyorg will begin to
explode, so jump onto the big gyorg. You will see the small gyorg finally die off to the side of the screen.
-Now that you killed the small gyorg, it will not shoot energy balls at you, but the mini gyorgs come in very frequently.
The only thing you'll have to do now is hit its eyes simultaneously and slash its vulnerable eyes. After it has taken
enough, the gyorg will start exploding and the screen will go white.
-You'll appear at the top of the pyramid where the whirlwind was, and after a few seconds the Wind Element will float down
in front of Link, who will walk up and grab it. Congratulations on your fourth and final element. A heart container and
warp tile will appear one level lower. Grab the heart container(if you want it) and go through the warp tile to return to
the entrance.
===Vaati Reborn===
Final Boss (Phase One): Vaati Reborn
Threat: 6/10
0 teleporting
1/4 contact
1/2 eyes
1/2 clouded eyes
1 fire (also makes link run around fast)
1 eye beams
4 dark cloud (up to this much)
After the long barrage of enemies you can go up the stairs and a cut scene will begin. In the cutscene Vaati explains how close he is to being finished with draining the light force from Princess Zelda. He will then open a hole in the ground where Link is standing and you will fall down into the previous room. Vaati will appear in front of you and explains that he will defeat you, and quickly transforms into his first incarnation.
-The battle begins with Vaati sending out two(2) small eyes that spin around him quickly. Standing where you started and swinging your sword should destroy them quick, causing a big eye on his stomach to open. This is his weak spot, so swing like crazy at it. If you take too long to destroy the eyes, he may shoot fireballs in random directions and eventually pull in the eyes and send a small, dark cloud after you. These clouds deal heavy damage if they hit you. However, you can suck them in with the gust jar or just outrun them. The eye will eventually close and he will shake around for a moment, invulnerable.
-The next stage of the battle is similar except he now brings out four(4) eyes to spin around. These eyes will also stop every so often and shoot beams straight down the screen. Vaati may also teleport around occasionally. Repeat the process of destroying the eyes and slashing at his big eye. When the big eye shuts, he will shake about more and bring out four(4) more eyes.
-In this stage he will move around more often and teleport more, but the process is the same. After the eyes are destroyed, however, he will teleport to avoid you hitting his big eye. After the eye shuts, he will shake about more and bring out four(4) eyes covered by dark clouds.
-In this stage, you will have to use the gust jar to suck the dark clouds off the eyes to make them vulnerable. The process is, once again, the same. Vaati will, however, teleport much more often and move left to right when the eyes shoot beams. When his big eye is opened, he will teleport quite a bit more often. Once his eye shuts, he will shake around even more and the process will repeat two(2) more times.
-After slashing his eye enough, he will start exploding and the screen will go white. You'll then be teleported to the next part of the battle.
===Vaati Transfigured===
Dungeon Boss(Phase Two): Vaati Transfigured    Threat: 8/10   
0 Contact...
1/4 Contact with Dark Spikes...
1/2 Falling Rocks...
1/2 Launched Dark Spikes...
1 Electric Orbs...
You will be transported to a new room after defeating Vaati Reborn. Vaati will then commend you for your bravery and assure your defeat. He will then float down in front of you and explain that his power is beyond your comprehension. He will insult the Four Sword and promptly transform. After his rude statements, the battle will begin.
-The first part requires you to shoot at his eight(8) giant eyes with arrows. Watch out for him shooting bunches of purple spikes. The spikes can be destroyed for occasional arrow refills or hearts. He will also cause rocks to fall from the ceiling and shoot electric orbs at you. After four(4) of his eyes have turned reddish-orange, you must clone yourself using the Four Sword in the same pattern as the vulnerable eyes. Once cloned correctly, you must avoid the dark spikes on the ground, along with the other obstacles, working your way to the vulnerable eyes. Once close enough to Vaati swing your sword so all the vulnerable eyes are hit at once. If done correctly, the eyes will disappear and Vaati will fall down, vulnerable. Swing your sword wildly at his center eye to damage him. He will eventually get back up and his eyes will reappear.
- In the second part of the fight, Vaati will be slightly more aggressive in his attacks and movements. The pattern of vulnerable eyes will also change, but the process is the same. Shoot his eyes with arrows until four(4) are reddish-orange and vulnerable. Clone yourself to match the eye pattern and avoid all attacks and obstacles until you reach him. Hit the four(4) vulnerable eyes simultaneously, and Vaati will become vulnerable again. Swing at his eye to damage him until he brings his eyes back.
-In the third part of the fight, Vaati will be significantly more aggressive with the electric orbs and much more aggressive in his movements. The pattern of vulnerable eyes will be different again, but the process is still the same. Shoot his eyes until four(4) are vulnerable, clone yourself to match the pattern of vulnerable eyes, slash the eyes simultaneously, and slash his main eye repeatedly.
-In the fourth part of the fight, Vaati never stops moving around, but he is still just as aggressive with his attacks.
Another new eye pattern is in place, but, again, the process hasn't changed. Repeat the process from the last three parts of the battle while avoiding his attacks and quick movements.
-If Vaati isn't destroyed after four(4) processes, he may need one(1)-two(2) more. His aggressiveness will not change, but the eye pattern will. Once Vaati has taken enough hits, he will begin to explode.
-Vaati will exclaim of his godly power and unstoppable might. He will question his loss to a child, and explode into a cartoony puff. You will then be transported to the battleground of the first phase of the Final Battle. Ezlo will comment on your impressive work and the door at the top of the room will open.
===Vaati's Wrath===
Dungeon Boss(Phase Three): Vaati's Wrath            Threat: 10/10         
1/2 Contact with Vaati...
1/2 Contact with Arms...
1/2 Arm Beams(from the ground arms)...
1/2 Eye Beams...
1 Electric Balls..
1 Arm sweep...
1 Arm spin(from the ground arms)...
2 Arm from the ground...
After restoring Zelda and working your way to the Sanctuary, a lightning bolt will drop in front of Link and Zelda. Vaati's voice will be heard. He claims they will not escape, and that Link will see the true power of the Light Force. He will then call himself "the master of this world." Link will then be transported to a new battleground, with cloning tiles and a size converter. Vaati will float down, grow two(2) arms and four(4) eyes. Then, the battle will begin.
-The battle will begin with Vaati chasing after and possibly shooting you with balls of electricity. He will then force one of his arms into the ground. His arm will pop out where you are standing, and unless you move quick enough, you'll get hurt pretty bad. Once his arm is above ground, it may swing around a few times or shoot small orbs at you. You can shoot the arm with the Cane of Pacci and it will reveal a small opening. Use the size converter behind Vaati to shrink down to Minish size and enter the small hole. Inside, you'll see ten(10) small bladed objects with eyes. All of them are invincible except for one. The one that is not invincible has a brighter eye than the others. Once you have destroyed the correct object, the room will begin to shake. Exit the room and the arm will blow up in four(4) sections. Return to the size converter and return to normal size.
-The second arm is taken out in much the same way. Lure Vaati to force the arm underground and dodge the arm when it comes up from the ground. Be careful to avoid any attacks by the arm and hit it with the Cane of Pacci. Shrink down and enter the hole the arm. Once inside, you will find ten(10) more bladed objects. This time, however, you'll need the Flame Lantern to find the correct bladed object. Once you've destroyed the correct object, exit the room and the arm will explode. Vaati will then grow four tiny wings and the small eyes in front  of him will spread out a little bit.
-The next part of the battle involves the Four Sword and Vaati pummeling you with tons of electric balls. You must clone yourself and hit the beams Vaati shoots from his four(4) eyes back at him. These beams must hit the eyes they came from. However, there is no set pattern for how many times he will shoot electricity before shooting the eye beams, so watch out. The electric balls will travel in a wave every time, but if an electric ball hits you or any of your clones, you'll get shocked and lose all of your clones. Once you've deflected all the beams correctly, the eyes will disappear and Vaati will lose his wings and fall down. Once he has fallen down, he is vulnerable. Swing your sword like crazy until he regrows his wings and eyes.
-The same process must be repeated two(2) more times for Vaati to be defeated. Clone, dodge, deflect, swing. After Vaati has taken enough he will begin to explode, starting with his eye.
-Vaati will call Link a fool and remark of his once great power. He will then start bursting in five(5) places and start blowing up everywhere. The screen will turn white.
-Congratulations! You've just beaten the best GBA game ever. Sit back and watch the ending cut scene.

Latest revision as of 19:48, August 29, 2024

This is a list of bosses found in The Minish Cap.


Big Green ChuChu

Main article: Big Green ChuChu

This Green ChuChu appears as a giant but in reality it is the same enemy that you have been battling in the Minish Woods. There is an obvious twist to it. You are in Minish form during this battle so this usually simple enemy is now the guardian of the Earth Element.


Main article: Gleerok

The main boss of the Cave of Flames and the guardian of the Fire Element. Gleerok lives in his pit of Lava in the center of the room.


Main article: Mazaal

A classic Zelda type boss that makes some sort of appearance in many Zelda games. Mazaal consists of his main head area as well as two detached arms.

Big Octorok

Main article: Big Octorok

Like the Big Green ChuChu fight before, this battle is with a regular Octorok but you battle it as a Minish, making the battle a lot more difficult. It has the power to change the setting of the room to ice and has a variety of different attacks. The Big Octorok is the guardian of the Water Element.

Gyorg Pair

Main article: Gyorg Pair

The Gyorg Pair is a very unique boss. There are two body portions of Gyorg as you would guess by the name. They have a variety of attacks and Link must also account for lack of walls. This boss battle takes place in mid-air! It gets pretty chaotic during this battle with so much stuff going on at once. The Gyorg Pair are the protectors of the Wind Element.

Vaati Reborn

Main article: Vaati Reborn

Vaati uses the power of the Light Force to transform his body into this evil sorcerer known as Vaati Reborn. This phase of Vaati awfully resembles Patra from The Legend of Zelda.

Vaati Transfigured

Main article: Vaati Transfigured

Vaati Transfigured is the second form that Vaati takes. The eyes surrounding him have now become more attacked to his body.

Vaati's Wrath

Main article: Vaati's Wrath

Vaati's Wrath is the final boss in the game. It takes on two forms with the first being his main body with two long arms to its sides. Once those are defeated Vaati will turn to using its eyes to shoot electric orbs out at Link. Link must time his hits perfectly in order to defeat Vaati's Wrath.



Main article: Madderpillar

Spiny ChuChu

Main article: Spiny ChuChu


Main article: Silver Darknut

Big Blue ChuChu

Main article: Big Blue ChuChu

Red Darknut

Main article: Red Darknut

Black Knight

Main article: Black Knight