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Finished Spirit Temple
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Since we did make a deal with Nabooru, we need to take them to her, instead of keeping them for ourself.  Before you get to, though, a sandstorm blows a scream to your ears.  You see the witches sucking Nabooru into the sands.  She warns you to escape.  You can go back inside and slowly work your way out, or just jump down.  Alternatively, the quickest choice is to play the Prelude of Light; warp back to the Temple of Time to become an adult again.
Since we did make a deal with Nabooru, we need to take them to her, instead of keeping them for ourself.  Before you get to, though, a sandstorm blows a scream to your ears.  You see the witches sucking Nabooru into the sands.  She warns you to escape.  You can go back inside and slowly work your way out, or just jump down.  Alternatively, the quickest choice is to play the Prelude of Light; warp back to the Temple of Time to become an adult again.
Warp back to Desert Colossus.  Head to the bean plant and ride it for the Heart Piece on the arc near the entrance.  Ride it again (if it's night; if not, play the Sun's Song first) and get the Golden Skulltula on the plateau in the northeast part of the area.  Head back to the entrance and go in.
Upstairs, look up to see a boulder in the ceiling.  Use a well aimed Bombchu to destroy it.  Get a good angle and Longshot all the way up.  Now, with your Silver Gauntlets, push the extra large and extra heavy block until it falls into place.  Continue through, past the opened chest to the door, to find yourself in the room with the statue of the evil Desert Colossus.  Exit through the west door and use your Longshot to reach the small chest you released as a child for a Small Key. 
Hit the crystal switch, and drop down.  Through the door, use the Megaton Hammar on the Rusty Switch to drop a chest... into the area where you have to be a child to access.  Head back, in the Desert Colossus room, solve the blue button switch puzzle again, and head up to the room with the Red Bubbles.  This time you can easily kill them.  Let the Red Bubbles run into your shield, then slash them dead.  Begin solving the sun block puzzle, and a couple Wallmasters may be released at you, so deal with them the usual way.  If they get you, you'll have to make it all the way back and start over, so be careful.
The third block will open the door.  The fourth and fifth blocks appear to do nothing individually, but when both are in the light, another translucent block will appear.  Use the Longshot on the target above it to gain an angle you can get the Golden Skulltula (on the first translucent block) with your Longshot.  At this point you can go through the newly opened door, outside jump down and enter the Spirit Temple again (useful because the items and pots reset, but so do the enemies you've killed) or you can head back the way you came.
Back to the room with the Desert Colossus, get a good vantage point to shoot all three torches with fire arrows in rapid succession (can be upstairs, or down, anywhere where you can shoot all three from the same spot) to unlock the door on the east side.  Climb the stairs, and Longshot to the torch over there.  A Floormaster may be here, so take care of it if you need to.  (You can kill two birds with one stone here; if the Floormaster is within Longshot range, you can Longshot him, stunning him and getting you over there and in prime position to strike.)
If you want to collect all the chests, climb to the top here, and at the gap on the far east side use your Lens of Truth to see the invisible chest.  Longshot to it to gain a single heart, then jump onto the statue's other hand and play Zelda's Lullaby to release the last chest here with a blue rupee.  If you jump down for that, climb back up, and use your small key to take the upper door on the east side.
Destroy the four Beamos in this room to release a chest containing some Arrows. Play the Song of Time standing near the block at the northwest corner to move it under the floating block.  Get close to the two blocks now, and play the Song of time again.  This moves the first block back, and moves the floating one down.  The box on top of it falls, but lands on it's new position.  Stay where you are and play it once more, the floating block rises again, and the first time block goes to it's floor-level place.  Jump over, grab the box which fell on it, and place it on the blue switch to unlock the door and continue.  If you lose the box at any time, leave from the door you entered and come back to try again.  Through the new door, you'll find...
Use your shield well and fight with Targeting techniques!<br>
The Dinalfos is just an upgraded version of the Lizalfos.  They have most of the same attacks, use the same tactics, and even make the same noises.  They even prefer to attack in pairs like their counterparts.  They have a nastier appearance, though, and are more aggressive and won't run if hurt.  Their swords are also more adept at sneaking past your shield.</blockquote>
Deal with them, don't be discouraged if you lose a heart or two.  When they're gone, approach the chest, and Navi will target it.  "What's that?" she asks.  Let's find out.  Open the chest and you'll be frozen, much like the Freezzard's from the Ice Cavern did to you.  Including sound effects.  The upside is a heart, so if you break out of it quickly enough (ie; mash buttons) you'll gain more than you lose.  Open it or leave it, it's your choice.  Proceed through the door the Dinalfos opened by their defeat.
Through the door you'll find another Iron Knuckle.  Use the same tactics you did the first time you fought; bait him into attacking, then use an attack (preferably a jump attack) when it's safe.  Rinse and repeat.  Trick him into destroying the pillars/throne if you need health.  When he goes down, go through the door he so kindly opened in order to find...
<blockquote>New Item: Mirror Shield<br>
The shield's polished surface can reflect light or energy!<br>
Equip this immediately!  Not only does it provide all of the defensive capabilities of the Hylian shield, as a bonus any energy attack used will be reflected back at the user!  And, possibly the best part, a Like Like won't eat it!  Not to mention it's shiny.... Be amazed in the shiny!</blockquote>
Head back the way you came until the Dinalfos ambush you... again.  Defeat them... again.  Climb on top of the time block on the side the light is shining from, and use your shield to reflect it towards the sun emblem on the wall.  When the door opens, take it.  Defeat the Gibdo to claim the Boss Key!  Back through the Dinalfos (you can just ignore them now if you want) and head back all the way to the Desert Colossus room once again.  This time, go downstairs (deal with or ignore the Floormaster) and take the lower eastside door.  In here, two Stalfos attack you, but luckily they don't regenerate eachother. 
Defeat them using jump attacks as much as possible, because the whole time a Wallmaster is trying to descend upon you.  When they're gone, deal with the Wallmaster, then focus on the suns on the wall.  Using your mirror shield, you'll find that all three are wrong, and each sends another Wall master after you.  Defeat them all (or dodge them, these extra ones only come once) to open the gate.  Drop down, avoid the sliders (the pots here contain hearts if you need it), and through the door.
Now you find yourself on the other side of the water fountain from the first room.  Take the door immediately to your right.  Use your Longshot to claim the Golden Skulltula on the roof, then jump down into the sand.  You'll be ambushed by about a dozen Leevers.  Defeat them all (quick-spin attacks are recommended), but make sure to keep moving so you don't sink into the sand.  You'll hear the success tune and a larger Leever will arise.  This one is more powerful, but also slower.  Defeat it to make a chest with 50 rupees appear.  Play Zelda's Lullaby on the triforce to open the door and exit. 
Grab the Silver Rupee just outside the door, the get the one on the bottom of the steps.  Use the Megaton Hammer to destroy the boulder and press the rusted switch.  Quickly run to the gap and jump over, claiming the third Silver Rupee. In the main room, grab the last two to drop the final chest here, and claim another Silver Key.  Now, hookshot up, and work your way all the way around until you come to the other side of the Water Fountain again.
(Note: If you're not collecting Golden Skulltulas, head to the locked door in the Beamos room instead.)
Use your key on the east door, and smash the rusty switch here with your Megaton Hammer.  Jump down, to the side so the large Club Moblin can't get you. Deal with him with whichever means you chose (I like smashing his foot with the hammer).  Then, look at the gate you opened.  It has a time block above it, so enter and play the Song of Time.  You'll open a gate with the Lon Lon's Ranch crate above it, so go in that alcove and play Epona's Song.  This opens the gate to the Sun alcove.  Play the Sun's song, then the new alcove doesn't have a clue.
It's not going to be a teleportation spell, and obviously won't be one we've used.  This leaves Saria's Song, Zelda's Lullaby, and the Song of Storms.  A little trial and error reveals that the winds of the Song of Storms will blow open the last gate.  That one also doesn't have a clue, but Zelda's Lullaby will unbar the door the Club Moblin was guarding.  In here you'll be ambushed by ten Skulltula's, and the Lens of Truth reveals another directly over the chest.  The chest only contains fifty rupees, but the real prize here is another Golden Skulltula. 
Claim the token, then warp back to the Temple of Time to become a child.  Warp back immediately, and take the left tunnel to claim the chest you released as an adult for the last Small Key.  Play the Prelude of Light again, grow up, and play the Requiem of Spirit one last time.  Work your way up to the beamos room (they should all still be gone, regardless of your trip through time) and use your last Small Key on the door in this room.
First thing is shoot down all of the Keese in this room so they won't mess you up.  Then, watch the pattern of the wall and time your climb so you'll collect the Silver Rupees as you ascend.  If you're between panels as they slide or you slide into the wall you'll take damage and fall all the way down.  This will inevitably take a few tries, as getting some of the off-center rupees will cause you to be too far from the next level up.  If you're going to take damage, instead let go and roll so you take none.  When you make it to the top, there will be a torch slug waiting so make sure you don't climb into him.
Through the next door, play Zelda's Lullaby on the triforce to unbar the door and continue.  These chambers hold a Torch Slug, two giant (they're just bigger, not badder) Green Bubbles, and a single Dinalfos.  Defeat them all, then in the first chamber use your mirror shield to light up the sun.  Quickly run and turn the last mirror once clockwise.  Then, turn the first mirror clockwise until it hits the second and the light shines through the bars.  Use the Lens of Truth in the light to find the small chest with the last Small Key of this dungeon.
Back through the last door, back to the door with the triforce infront of it, use the key.  This Iron Knuckle will destroy the thrones, revealing two Golden Skulltulas for you.  When you've gotten them all out in the open, finish him off and claim both tokens.  Back to the room upstairs, light up the sun to activate the elevator.  Navi will warn you of Wallmasters (even though they always attacked you on the floor of this room).  You have to defeat it on this platform without falling off.  You have little room to work with, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
Target the face of the Desert Colossus, and shine light onto it to destroy it.  Longshot to the gate and it'll raise, revealing the Boss Door.  Use the key to continue through, and face the witches that just (seven years ago) took away the only Gerudo willing to stand up to Ganondorf; Koume and Kotake.  They give life to an...
<blockquote>New Enemy: Mini-Boss, Iron Knuckle<br>
Something's strange... this is not an ordinary enemy!<br>
This "Iron Knuckle" follows most of the same strategies as it's predecasors.  And you can defeat it the same way.  Besides it's (arguably) better looks, it's slightly faster than the others, so watch out.  It also takes twice as much damage before it's armor falls off.  Remember to make it destroy the pillars for health if you need it.</blockquote>
When it's armor does fall off, it turns out to be... Nabooru!?  She appears to not know what she was doing, but then the witches take her away again.  Continue through the now open door, through the hallway, and climb up to the large square.  Walk up to be confronted by the twins again, who, after some smack talk, begin the fight...
<blockquote>Temple Boss: Sorceress Sisters, Twinrova<br>
Twinrova Koume<br>
Ganondorf's surrogate mother.  Sorceress of Flame.  She seems vulnerable to low temperature.<br>
Twinrova Kotake<br>
Ganondorf's surrogate mother.  Sorceress of Ice.  She seems vulnerable to high temperature.</blockquote>
The battle starts out with both sisters circling you from utop their broomsticks.  One of them will charge up an attack.  Koume will shoot liquid flame, which sets you on fire; it burns hotter, damaging you more, and rolling will not put it out.  Kotake will shoot liquid ice, which freezes you; it is so cold you cannot break free, leaving you stuck in place taking cold damage.  Either attack will leave a hot/cold area on the floor which will give you the effects of the attack should you walk into it.
When one attacks, raise your (mirror) shield.  When the beam hits you, redirect it at the other one.  (If you're having trouble aiming, try Targeting.  Although it's not as reliable, you don't have to manually aim.)  Make Koume's flame attack hit Kotake, and Kotake's ice attack hit Koume.  Although you would think they should, fire and ice arrows have no effect.
Score four hits total, and they'll combine into...
<blockquote>Temple Boss: Sorceress Sisters, Twinrova<br>
This is the combined form of Kotake and Koume.  Turn their magic attack back at them!</blockquote>
Now Twinrova will raise a staff, either fire or ice, and fire energy at you.  Strangly enough, the shield will not immediately reflect this energy, but rather store it.  After storing three shots of the same type, it will unleash it into a ice or fire burst, and if Twinrova is caught in it she will go down.  Longshot over to her and slash away until she rises again.
At first, she always shoots three of the same kind in a row.  But be careful, because after she has taken some damage she switches it up.  If you have an ice charge and block a hit with fire, you'll still take damage as if you were hit with the attack, and your charge will be cancelled out.  Take the first one that comes to you, and get ready to dodge.  If the opposite type comes, dodge it (standing near the edges helps, as the offending attack won't leave an obstacle on your platform if it goes over).  Collect three and quickly rush Twinrova so your shield-blast hits, and attack her again.
With the final blow dealt, twinrova spins into oblivion, leaving two distinct energies.  These float back down, and from back into the defeated twins Kotake and Koume, who complain about getting beaten, before noticing halos above eachother's heads.  After an amusing argument, they ascent into the light shining from above.  With the promise "I'll come back to haunt you!" they disappear into the light, leaving behind a Heart Container, and a portal outside.


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