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==''Link's Awakening''==
* [[Ballad of the Wind Fish]]
* [[Manbo's Mambo]]
* [[Frog's Song of Soul]]

== List of Songs ==
==''Ocarina of Time''==
* [[Zelda's Lullaby]]
* [[Epona's Song]]
* [[Saria's Song]]
* [[Sun's Song]]
* [[Song of Storms]]
* [[Scarecrow's Song]]
* [[Song of Time]]
* [[Prelude of Light]]
* [[Minuet of Forest]]
* [[Bolero of Fire]]
* [[Serenade of Water]]
* [[Nocturne of Shadow]]
* [[Requiem of Spirit]]

As a re-occuring part of the gameplay in the Legend of Zelda series, Link gets to play various musical instruments and learn a lot of helpful songs along his journey. Some are used to simply teleport Link from one place to another in order to save time, some activate supportive powers such as attacking enemies or summoning characters. The most well-known song might be the Song of Time, which even is essential to beat the game.
==''Majora's Mask''==
* [[Song of Time]]
* [[Inverted Song of Time]]
* [[Song of Double Time]]
* [[Song of Healing]]
* [[Epona's Song]]
* [[Song of Soaring]]
* [[Song of Storms]]
* [[Sonata of Awakening]]
* [[Goron Lullaby]]
* [[New Wave Bossa Nova]]
* [[Elegy of Emptiness]]
* [[Oath to Order]]
* [[Scarecrow's Song]]

==''Oracle of Ages''==
* [[Tune of Echoes]]
* [[Tune of Currents]]
* [[Tune of Ages]]

== The Legend of Zelda ==
==''The Wind Waker''==
Link gets to obtain an item called "Recorder" or "Whistle" that has different uses during the game. It is necessary to the defeat the boss in the First Quest, DigDogger, who is unvulnerable to the sword until Link blows the whistle, causing DigDogger to shrink. Also it is needed to reveal the hidden entrance to Level 7 in the First Quest and Level 6 in Second Quest as well as revealing several hidden caves there.
* [[Wind's Requiem]]
The Recorder can also summon a whirlwind at any place in the Overworld which allows Link to be teleported to the entrance of one of the First Quest dungeons if they are successfully completed already. Link cannot, however, be warped to Second Quest dungeons.
* [[Ballad of Gales]]
* [[Command Melody]]
* [[Earth God's Lyric]]
* [[Wind God's Aria]]
* [[Song of Passing]]

==''Twilight Princess''==
* [[Song of Healing]]
* [[Requiem of Spirit]]
* [[Prelude of Light]]
* Unnamed Song 1
* Unnamed Song 2
* Twilight Princess (Main Theme)

== Zelda ll: The Adventure of Link ==
==''Spirit Tracks''==
The flute in The Adventure of Link can be found in the fifth dungeon, the Ocean Palace. This musical instrument is used to open the 6th dungeon, the Hidden Palace, in the game when Link plays it standing right in the middle of the Three Eye Rock at the Seashore.
* [[Song of Awakening]]
* [[Song of Healing]]
* [[Song of Birds]]
* [[Song of Light]]
* [[Song of Discovery]]
* [[Song of Restoration]]

==''Skyward Sword''==
* [[Ballad of the Goddess]]
* [[Farore's Courage]]
* [[Din's Power]]
* [[Nayru's Wisdom]]
* [[Song of the Hero]]

== The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past ==
Link will get an Ocarina in the Dream Shrine in Mabe Village. By this point Link will already be able to play it, producing a weird sound with no actual melody and no effect. There is a total of three songs to learn in this game:
"The Ballad of the Wind Fish" - this song is taught to Link in Animal Village. This song, along with the eight Instruments of the Sirens is needed to enter the Wind Fish's Egg and awaken the Wind Fish.
"Manbo's Mambo" - After you've completed the Angler's Tunnel Manbo will teach you this song. It is used to teleport Link to a small pond west of Crazy Tracy's Health Spa. If you play this song in a dungeon it will bring you back to the entrance.
"The Frog's Song of Soul" - to learn this song you need to complete the Signpost Maze in the southeast of Mabe Village and find the frog singer's home. For 300 Rupees Link can listen to Mamu's "previously unreleased cut" and once Mamu and his back-up frogs have finished singing, Link learns it on his Ocarina. You will need this song to revive the Flying Rooster to be able to enter the Eagle's Tower with its help and to awaken the sleeping Head of the Turtle that blocks the way to the Turtle Rock.
This is the first time in the Zelda series where Link gets to learn multiple songs.
== The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ==
For the first time in the series the player has to play every note instead of just using the instrument.
After the first dungeon, Link is given the Fairy Ocarina as a memento from his friend Saria. Later on Link will receive the Ocarina of Time from Zelda after she fled from Hyrule Castle.
There is a total of 12 songs to be learned in the game, which can be divided into two groups of songs.
The first group of songs has various uses. Impa teaches Link "Zelda's Lullaby" shortly after the meeting of Princess Zelda in the Castle courtyard. You get to know that this song is a symbol for the Royal family of Hyrule and is traditionally taught only to its members and trusted messengers. The main use of this song is triggering events that allow Link to continue his quest. Some areas marked with a Triforce on the ground require the song to be played in order to reveal or open hidden entrances. If this song is played near a broken sign, it will magically repair itself and if played to a Gossip Stone, the stone summons a Fairy. Link will learn "Epona's Song" as a child from Malon at the Lon Lon Ranch. It is used in outdoor areas to call Epona or, when played to Cows, they will produce milk which can be stored in empty bottles. "Saria's Song" is taught to Link when he sees his friend Saria again in the Sacred Forest Meadow. Playing the song will allow Link to contact either Saria or, if rejected that option, talk to Navi instead for advice. Also the song is necessary at Goron City in order to cheer up Darunia and obtain the Goron's Bracelet which is needed to enter Dodongo's Cavern. Later on, as adult, Link will need to play this song to Mido in order to pass him and enter the Forest Temple. It can also be played to the Skull Kid in the Lost Woods, who will give Link a Heart Piece. The "Song of Time" is taught by Zelda in a telepathic vision he receives after obtaining the Ocarina of Time. It is needed, along with the three Spiritual Stones, to open the Sacred Realm and find the Master Sword. The song can also be played to special stones found around Hyrule. They will either warp Link to another location or to the other of the two time periods in the game. These stones are marked with the same symbols as the Door of Time in the Temple of Time. The "Sun's Song" is composed by the royal Composer Brothers, Flat and Sharp. The song's main purpose is to change from day to night and vice versa. It can also stun ReDeads and Gibdos or, when played at Navi while she flies to several spots, turning green without the ability to Z-Target her, the song will summon a Big Fairy. The last song is the "Song of Storms" which adult Link will learn by Guru-Guru at the Windmill in Kakariko Village. You will need to go back in time to Link's childhood and play this song to Guru-Guru who will then speed up the windmill and drains the Well of Three Features by this action. At the bottom of the well, Link will find the Lens of Truth which will come in handy atthe Haunted Wasteland and the Shadow Temple. 
The second group consists of songs used to teleport Link around Hyrule resp. to marked platforms near the dungeons. All of these songs are taught to Link by Sheik. The "Minuet of Forest" will warp Link to the Sacred Forest Meadow in the Lost Woods, the "Bolero of Fire" will teleport Link to the center of the Death Mountain Crater right in front of the Fire Temple, the "Serenade of Water" transports Link to the center of Lake Hylia close to the Water Temple, the "Nocturne of Shadow" is used to teleport Link to the Kakariko Graveyard in front of the entrance to the Shadow Temple, the "Requiem of Spirit" will warp Link to the Triforce mark in the Desert Colossus near the entrance of the Spirit Temple and the "Prelude of Light" takes Link to the Temple of Time from where he can reach the Sacred Realm and from there, the Temple of Light.
Now there is an optional song - the "Scarecrow's Song". The player is given the chance to "compose" a song by himself when playing a tune to a scarecrow named Bonooru at Lake Hylia while Link is a child. After this, if adult Link plays this song to the scarecrow in the future Bonooru will introduce him to Pierre - a helpful companion along the way as he will appear at places Navi lightens up after you played the song. You can use the Hookshot or Longshot to grapple Pierre and be able to reach higher areas or use shortcuts.
== The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ==
Again Link's main instrument is the Ocarina of Time. But when he wears one of the three transformation masks, his instrument also changes. As Deku Link he plays the Pipes of Awakening, Goron Link uses the Drums of Sleep and Zora Link plays on Guitar of Waves that used to be Mikau's instrument.
Four songs ("Song of Time", "Song of Healing", "Epona's Song" and the "Song of Storms") were featured in Ocarina of Time. Also, the "Scarecrow's Song" appears again and has the same use as in Ocarina of Time.
Another song, the "Song of Soaring" is optional. This song however is useful as it warps you to the entrances of dungeons or to Owl Statues if you've activated them by hitting them with the sword.
Another group of four songs are formed by the "Sonate of Awakening", the "Goron Lullaby", the "NewWave Bossa Nova" and the "Elegy of Emptiness". These songs must be played in order to be able to enter the four dungeons of Termina. The "Oath to Order" must be played to summon the Four Giants.
== The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / Oracle of Seasons ==
In both games Link gets to obtain a "Strange Flute". This item is used to call an animal friend for help once he has met them. The flute will then change its name to "name of the animal"'s Flute.
In addition to this Link will receive the Harp of Ages in Oracle of Ages only. It is able to manipulate time by playing one of these three songs:
The "Tune of Echoes" is used to travel between past and present via a time portal.
The "Tune of Currents" allows Link to travel fron anywhere in the past to the present without using a time portal. As they are only found in certain locations, this song breaks Links fromer time-travel limits.
The "Tune of Ages" is the last song and again crosses the limits of time-travelling. It allows Link to travel both ways between past and present without the need of a time portal.
== The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ==
== The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap ==
This game has only one song Link can learn. Again the musical instrument is an ocarina - the Ocarina of Wind. It is used to summon a bird that allows you to travel to Wind Crests all over Hyrule. These crests must be found and activated first.
== The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ==
In Twilight Princess you can use the Horse Grass to play Epona's Song and summon her. Later that is replaced by the Horse call that allows you to call Epona any time. There also is a Hawk Grass which allows you to summon a hawk.
There are howling Stones that whistle songs. If Link howls along those songs in his wolf form you can enter hidden areas or obtain hidden skills. Some of those songs are re-occuring like the "Song of Healing", the "Prelude of Light", "Zelda's Lullaby" and the "Requiem of Spirit" while one howling Stone sings a different version of the Twilight Princess main theme.
== The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks ==
== The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword ==
In Skyward Sword the musical instrument is the Goddess's Harp. There are three songs which Link can learn at the Isle of Songs. It's "Din's Power" which will open the Trial Gate to the Silent Realm on the Eldin Volcano, "Farore's Courage" which will open the Trial Gate in Faron Woods and "Nayru's Wisdom" which will open the gate in Lanayru Desert. Later Link can also learn the "Ballad of the Goddess" - Skyward Sword's main theme - and the "Song of the Hero" which is taught in four parts. After learning the fourth part of the song Link is able to open the gate to the Silent Realm in Skyloft.

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