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This is a list of locations found in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap|The Minish Cap]]''.
{{CD/Header|Regions and Towns|}}
{{CD|file=Castle Town.png|link=Hyrule Town|desc=}}
== Regions and Towns ==
{{CD|file=Castor Wilds.png|link=Castor Wilds|desc=}}
=== Hyrule Town ===
{{CD|file=Cloud Tops.png|link=Cloud Tops|desc=}}
[[File:Castle Town.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Crenel-Wall.png|link=Crenel Wall|desc=}}
{{Main|Hyrule Town}}
{{CD|file=Eastern Hills.png|link=Eastern Hills|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Lake Hylia mc.png|link=Lake Hylia|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Minish Village.png|link=Minish Village|desc=}}
=== Castor Wilds ===
{{CD|file=Minish Woods.png|link=Minish Woods|desc=}}
[[File:Castor Wilds.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Mt Crenel.png|link=Mt. Crenel|desc=}}
{{Main|Castor Wilds}}
{{CD|file=Mt Crenels base.png|link=Mt. Crenel Base|desc=}}
{{CD|file=North Hyrule Field.png|link=North Hyrule Field|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Royal Valley.png|link=Royal Valley|desc=}}
=== Cloud Tops ===
{{CD|file=South Hyrule Field.png|link=South Hyrule Field|desc=}}
[[File:Cloud Tops.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Trilby Highlands.png|link=Trilby Highlands|desc=}}
{{Main|Cloud Tops}}
{{CD|file=Veil Falls.png|link=Veil Falls|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Veilsprings.png|link=Veil Springs|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Western Woods.png|link=Western Wood|desc=}}
=== Crenel Wall ===
{{CD|file=Wind Ruins.png|link=Wind Ruins|desc=}}
{{Main|Crenel Wall}}
{{CD/Header|Quest Locations|}}
{{CD|file=Elemental Sanctuary.png|link=Elemental Sanctuary|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Gdff.png|link=Great Fairy Fountain|desc=}}
=== Eastern Hills ===
{{CD|file=MCBottle4.PNG|link=Goron Cave|desc=}}
[[File:Eastern Hills.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Hyrule Castle (MC).jpg|link=Hyrule Castle|desc=}}
{{Main|Eastern Hills}}
{{CD|file=Hyrule Castle Garden.png|link=Hyrule Castle Garden|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Melaris Mine.png|link=Melari's Mines|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Hyrule Castle.png|link=Throne Room|desc=}}
=== Lake Hylia ===
{{CD|file=Tower of Winds.png|link=Tower of Winds (The Minish Cap)|caption=Tower of Winds}}
[[File:Lake Hylia mc.png|right]]
{{Main|Lake Hylia}}
{{CD/Header|Homes and Businesses|}}
{{CD|file=Anjus-Henhouse.png|link=Anju's Henhouse|desc=}}
=== Minish Village ===
{{CD|file=The Barrel House.gif|link=Barrel House|desc=}}
[[File:Minish Village.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Funday School.png|link=Funday School|desc=}}
{{Main|Minish Village}}
{{CD|file=HappyHearthInn.png|link=Happy Hearth Inn|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Link's House.png|link=Link's House|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Mcllr.png|link=Lon Lon Ranch|desc=}}
=== Minish Woods ===
{{CD|file=052.gif|link=Mama's Cafe|desc=}}
[[File:Minish Woods.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Mayor-Hagens-Lakeside-Cabin-1.png|link=Mayor Hagen's Lakeside Cabin|desc=}}
{{Main|Minish Woods}}
{{CD|file=No Image.png|link=Post Office|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Hyrule royal library.png|link=Royal Hyrule Library|desc=}}
{{CD|file=No Image.png|link=Stockwell's House|desc=}}
=== Mt. Crenel ===
{{CD|file=Stockwell's Shop.png|link=Stockwell's Shop|desc=}}
[[File:Mt Crenel.png|right]]
{{CD|file=No Image.png|link=Witch's Hut|desc=}}
{{Main|Mt. Crenel}}
{{CD|file=Deepwood Shrine.png|link=Deepwood Shrine|desc=}}
=== Mt. Crenel Base ===
{{CD|file=Cave of Flames.png|link=Cave of Flames|desc=}}
[[File:Mt Crenels base.png|right]]
{{CD|file=Fortress of Winds.png|link=Fortress of Winds|desc=}}
{{Main|Mt. Crenel Base}}
{{CD|file=Temple of Droplets.png|link=Temple of Droplets|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Royal Crypt.png|link=Royal Crypt|desc=}}
{{CD|file=Pow.png|link=Palace of Winds (The Minish Cap)|caption=Palace of Winds}}
=== North Hyrule Field ===
{{CD|file=Dark Hyrule Castle.png|link=Dark Hyrule Castle|desc=}}
[[File:North Hyrule Field.png|right]]
{{Main|North Hyrule Field}}
=== Royal Valley ===
[[File:Royal Valley.png|right]]
{{Main|Royal Valley}}
=== South Hyrule Field ===
[[File:South Hyrule Field.png|right]]
{{Main|South Hyrule Field}}
=== Trilby Highlands ===
[[File:Trilby Highlands.png|right]]
{{Main|Trilby Highlands}}
=== Veil Falls ===
[[File:Veil Falls.png|right]]
{{Main|Veil Falls}}
=== Veil Springs ===
{{Main|Veil Springs}}
=== Western Wood ===
[[File:Western Woods.png|right]]
{{Main|Western Wood}}
=== Wind Ruins ===
[[File:Wind Ruins.png|right]]
{{Main|Wind Ruins}}
== Quest Locations ==
=== Elemental Sanctuary ===
[[File:Elemental Sanctuary.png|right]]
{{Main|Elemental Sanctuary}}
=== Great Fairy Fountain ===
{{Main|Great Fairy Fountain}}
=== Goron Cave ===
{{Main|Goron Cave}}
=== Hyrule Castle ===
[[File:Hyrule Castle (MC).jpg|right]]
{{Main|Hyrule Castle}}
=== Hyrule Castle Garden ===
[[File:Hyrule Castle Garden.png|right]]
{{Main|Hyrule Castle Garden}}
=== Melari's Mines ===
[[File:Melaris Mine.png|right]]
{{Main|Melari's Mines}}
=== Throne Room ===
[[File:Hyrule Castle.png|right]]
{{Main|Throne Room}}
=== Tower of Winds ===
[[File:Tower of Winds.png|right]]
{{Main|Tower of Winds (The Minish Cap)}}
== Homes and Businesses ==
=== Anju's Henhouse ===
{{Main|Anju's Henhouse}}
=== Bakery ===
=== Barrel House ===
[[File:The Barrel House.gif|right]]
{{Main|Barrel House}}
=== Funday School ===
[[File:Funday School.png|right]]
{{Main|Funday School}}
=== Happy Hearth Inn ===
{{Main|Happy Hearth Inn}}
=== Link's House ===
[[File:Link's House.png|240px|right]]
{{Main|Link's House}}
=== Lon Lon Ranch ===
{{Main|Lon Lon Ranch}}
=== Mama's Cafe ===
{{Main|Mama's Cafe}}
=== Mayor Hagen's Lakeside Cabin ===
{{Main|Mayor Hagen's Lakeside Cabin}}
=== Post Office ===
[[File:No Image.png|240px|right]]
{{Main|Post Office}}
=== Royal Hyrule Library ===
[[File:Hyrule royal library.png|right]]
{{Main|Royal Hyrule Library}}
=== Stockwell's House ===
[[File:No Image.png|240px|right]]
{{Main|Stockwell's House}}
=== Stockwell's Shop ===
[[File:Stockwell's Shop.png|right]]
{{Main|Stockwell's Shop}}
=== Witch's Hut ===
[[File:No Image.png|240px|right]]
{{Main|Witch's Hut}}
== Dungeons ==
=== Deepwood Shrine ===
[[File:Deepwood Shrine.png|240px|right]]
{{Main|Deepwood Shrine}}
=== Cave of Flames ===
[[File:Cave of Flames.png|right]]
{{Main|Cave of Flames}}
=== Fortress of Winds ===
[[File:Fortress of Winds.png|right]]
{{Main|Fortress of Winds}}
=== Temple of Droplets ===
[[File:Temple of Droplets.png|right]]
{{Main|Temple of Droplets}}
=== Royal Crypt ===
[[File:Royal Crypt.png|right]]
{{Main|Royal Crypt}}
=== Palace of Winds ===
{{Main|Palace of Winds (The Minish Cap)}}
=== Dark Hyrule Castle ===
[[File:Dark Hyrule Castle.png|right]]
{{Main|Dark Hyrule Castle}}
{{Cat|The Minish Cap Locations| }}
{{Cat|The Minish Cap|Locations}}
{{Cat|The Minish Cap|Locations}}
{{Cat|Locations|Minish Cap, The}}

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