BS The Legend of Zelda

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BS The Legend of Zelda





Japan August 6, 1995
Japan December 30, 1995




Translated from BS Zelda no Densetsu, BS The Legend of Zelda was released only in Japan on the BS-X Broadcasting System Satellaview attachment for the Super Famicom, the first out of three Zelda games released for the Satellaview. While nominally a remake of The Legend of Zelda, there are major changes/differences between the two games. It was the fifth Zelda game developed by Nintendo, and the first Zelda game developed as a remake.

The game was first broadcast on August 6, 1995; transmitted by St.GIGA, a satellite radio company. Being the first SoundLink Game released via Satellaview, BS The Legend of Zelda was the world's first integrated radio-game, identified by Nintendo. Due to the popularity of the game, Nintendo later developed BS The Legend of Zelda: MAP 2, This quest - a remixed version of MAP 1, similar to the Second Quest from The Legend of Zelda - was first broadcast on December 30, 1995.

The Zelda title had three reruns in its lifespan, with a fourth rerun due to the Player's Choice Classic SoundLink game. However, BS The Legend of Zelda: MAP 2 only had one rerun. On March 27, 1996, BS The Legend of Zelda: MAP 2 stopped being broadcast in Japan, and on January 4, 1997, St. GIGA stopped broadcasting BS The Legend of Zelda.

Unlike most of the Zelda titles in the series, Link is not the protagonist. Instead, BS The Legend of Zelda's protagonists are actually the avatars of the BS-X Broadcasting System. The protagonist's name and gender is based on the broadcasting ID. The game also marks the first time that a Zelda title developed by Nintendo utilized spoken dialogue.

Using the 16-bit graphical capabilities of the Super Famicom and the overhead perspective of The Legend of Zelda, BS The Legend of Zelda has a roughly similar plot and controls to its predecessor, although timed events were added, such as the ability to shoot sword beams regardless of the amount of health one has. The music was also given an upgrade to bring it into line with the rest of the changes made.

Timed Events

Throughout the game, many events occur tied to specific times, rather than other means of progress. These are tied to speeches given by the Old Man in the Starting Screen cave, most of which freeze gameplay and place a prompt on the screen while the speech occurs. The ones which don't are tied to events which kill or freeze the enemies on-screen, or else spawn a fairy.

Note: In the original broadcast, the time shown on the screen was the time of day, in 24-hour format (i.e. between 18:06, when the gameplay UI appeared on screen, and 18:57 when gameplay ended for the week). Different fan patches to make the game playable use this time display differently - for instance, the real-SNES-compatible MottZilla patch has Week 1 as hour 1, week 2 as hour 2, etc. Other patches display Week 1 as hour 0/etc, and some even loop hours if the week's dungeons are not completed to allow extra time. This is based on videos of the original broadcast, but will only show minutes for each week for maximum compatibility.

Week 1

Minutes displayed Effect Old Man quote (translated)
10-15 Infinite sword beams regardless of health "Where are you? Hero, where are you fighting now? There's no mistake that with your current power, you face a difficult battle. For just a little while, your sword will be granted power. Do you understand?"[1]
18 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "How fares the battle? I am now perusing some sealed Forbidden Tome. I shall try using a spell that is in the Chapter of Lightning, directing it against the Evil King's minions.[2]
20-28 Heart Container available on Level 6 beach "Listen well, Hero. A heart container has appeared before my eyes. There's no mistake, it is something newly washed ashore. I can hear the sound of the waves. Should you obtain the heart container, I believe it will help you in your fight."[3]
30-40 Fairies disappear from Fairy Fountains "What's wrong here? The fairy living in the spring has disappeared. This, too, may be an act of the Evil King. We cannot leave things like this. We must find the whereabouts of the fairies."[4]
33 Fairy appears on-screen "I shall try using the spell located in the Chapter of Fate in the Forbidden Tome." Single fairy appears "That wasn't much help..."[5]
35-40 All enemy drops are either fairies or blue rupees "Somehow, I've figured out the whereabouts of the fairies. Now we can borrow their powers. Fortunately, the ladies are friendly to you. They also taught me a new spell that may be of use to you. I shall try using that spell on you."[6]
38 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "I have now found a spell of interest in the Forbidden Tome. I think it may be of help in the fight."[7]
40 Fairies return to fountains "The fairies have returned to the springs from which they came. They may have fled from the Evil King's power. The springs have now regained their previous power. The fairies who aided you will not lend you their power any more. Take care as you keep fighting."[8]
43 All non-boss enemies on screen frozen by Old Man's Clock spell "There is one final greater spell written in the Chapter of Lightning. I will use it right now."[9]
45-53 Infinite bombs "Just now, a dreadful vision has appeared before my eyes. A figure that strides on, enveloped in smoke, destroying monsters, rocks and walls...! This is not my own power. The power of the 'star' that guides you through this world emerges through me. Does this mean I should transfer it to you...?"[10]

Week 2

Minutes displayed Effect Old Man quote (translated)
Start Blue Candle available in Item Shop immediately north-west of Starting Screen "Oh, that's right. A merchant nearby has begun selling something new. If you use it, it seems you can burn trees. It would be good for you to obtain it, I believe."[11]
09-13 Rupees dropped more frequently by defeated enemies "I'm sorry, Hero. To deal with merchants, you need rupees. I do not know how many rupees you have, so I thought this would be helpful for you. For a brief while from now, I've cast a spell on the enemies. Don't overdo it and get yourself knocked out."[12]
12 Fairy appears on-screen "Hero, let's use the spell from out of the Chapter of Fate of the Forbidden Tome."[13]
19 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "How goes the battle? I shall use the Spell of Lightning once again."[14]
20-28 All shop items half-price "Just moments ago, I tried reading the minds of the merchants. Ahhh... What is up with this? The merchants think of nothing but rupees. Not even the future of Hyrule is on their minds. Let's make them puppets for a while. Talk to the merchants while I manipulate their hearts."[15]
25 All non-boss enemies on screen frozen by Old Man's Clock spell "I shall try using the last spell from the Chapter of Lightning."[16]
30-38 Blue Candle temporarily upgraded to Red Candle "There's some people who are communicating with me. It seems they are hiding themselves from the Evil King's minions. Some of them say they want to increase your power. I will send you my candle power. However, know that not all of them are allies."[17]
33 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "It seems your uphill battle continues. I will try to help with the Spell of Lightning."[18]
35 Fairy appears on-screen "Hero, I shall try using the spell found in the Chapter of Fate of the Forbidden Tome."[19]
40 Lost Woods stop being a maze "Have you seen the forest from which you can't proceed once you go in? Let's exorcise the spirits of the forest with a spell. You should be able to move through the Lost Woods freely."[20]
45 Tornados disappear south of the Graveyard, making the White Sword grave freely accessible "I did it... I did it! I was at last successful in suppressing the desert storm. The desert should be much less perilous now."[21]
47 All non-boss enemies on screen frozen by Old Man's Clock spell "I shall try using the last spell from the Chapter of Lightning."[22]
50-57 Audio cue plays when in overworld screen with a secret door or item "Those people are still talking to me. They say that they will lend you power. Let's try something a little different. Let's figure out their whereabouts."[23]

Week 3

Minutes displayed Effect Old Man quote (translated)
Start Whirlpool blocking Level 5 is gone "You should have obtained a raft back in the third dungeon. With that, go east toward the sea. For whatever reason, It is calm there today, without any fierce whirlpools. I see an entrance to a dungeon there."[24]
10-34 Merchant sells Life Potion outside Level 5 "Hero, is your fight difficult? Across the sea, beside the Level 5 dungeon, a merchant is selling medicine. It is a valuable medicine that recovers life. It'd be good to obtain it."[25]
14 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "How are you fighting? I shall try using the Spell of Lightning again."[26]
20-28 Infinite bombs "Hero, I have seen that fearsome vision again. A figure that strides on, enveloped in smoke, destroying monsters, rocks and walls...! And once more, I strongly feel the power of the 'star' that guides you. That power shall reach you through my body."[27]
25 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "It seems your uphill battle continues. I will try to help with the Spell of Lightning."[28]
27 All non-boss enemies on screen frozen by Old Man's Clock spell "Let's use the final Spell of Lightning."[29]
30 Boulders stop falling north of the lake shore "Do you hear me, hero? I am uneasy about how the falling rocks that always scared those traveling to the northern rocky mountain have stopped. It probably means that something unknown awaits for you. Hurry, your time is almost half past."[30]
32-42 Temporarily have 16 Heart Containers. "Hero, I've finally acquired a new spell. I was able to touch the fountain of life that flows through the earth. Hohohoho, how wonderful! Let me send the power of the earth to you. However, it will not last for long. In the meantime, it is a good idea to challenge some dungeons while your defenses are high."[31]
35 Level 6 becomes accessible on south-eastern beach by playing Ocarina on newly appeared plinth "Oooh...! For as long as I have lived, such an event is unprecedented. I see the entrance of a dungeon appear in the swaying waters. A comforting tone is heard with the sound of the waves."[32]
37 Fairy appears on-screen "Hero, I shall use the spell written in the Chapter of Fate from the Forbidden Tome."[33]
39 Fairy appears on-screen "Hero, I shall use the spell written in the Chapter of Fate from the Forbidden Tome."[34]
45-55 Boomerang temporarily upgraded to Special Boomerang "How much power is left in you, Hero? With the power you have now, you may be able to master this. Accept it."[35]
48 All non-boss enemies on screen frozen by Old Man's Clock spell "I shall use the last spell from the Chapter of Lightning."[36]
50 Thunderstorm darkens the overworld
Darknuts replace Octoroks in overworld
Number of enemies in dungeons halved
Boulders start falling again
"W-what is this..? What is happening? Is the world ending? Why are the monsters who live in dungeons creeping out onto the ground?? Hero, please, you must hurry! This might be a sign that Hyrule has fallen into the hands of the Evil King."[37]

Week 4

Minutes displayed Effect Old Man quote (translated)
Start Old Man promises to clear the thunderstorm "One week has passed since this land was covered in the black mist of the Evil King. Monsters once contained in the dungeons rampage on the world above. However, I have just gathered enough strength to tame them. The dark clouds will clear soon."[38]
08 Thunderstorm ends
Enemies return to normal
"Hello again, Hero. I shall use my power on the world above now."[39]
08 Armos begin activating when touched
Power Bracelet becomes available
"Go, hero! Now, my spell appears to have awoken the Armos. If you provoke this enemy, it will come to life. But... Wait... What is that I see under the foot of Armos? It is... Oh! The Power Bracelet, which was lost for centuries! This was used by an ancient hero. You should also obtain it."[40]
10-20 All shop items half-price "I've... given everything I've got on this one. Huff... The minds of the merchants are being manipulated, but..."[41]
15-30 Red Bubble enemies downgraded to Blue Bubbles "What...? My power seems to have recovered somehow. For a while, I've been watching the circumstances of the dungeons and, eh, those bubbles, they're regrettable! They are the most annoying things to fight. Let's use my power to seal off their power for a little while now."[42]
19 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "You seem to have an uphill battle. I shall try to help with the Spell of Lightning."[43]
21 All non-boss enemies on screen killed by Old Man's thunder spell "How is the fight going? I shall try using the Spell of Lightning again."[44]
25-35 Red Ring and Magical Sword available "Do you know about the power of the rings? Just now, an old man hidden beneath a statue in the forest found a red ring. You should get it by any means."[45]

"I wonder if you know about the Magical Sword. It is a stronger sword than the White Sword. An old man at the base of the rocky mountain found the Magical Sword. You should get it by any means."[46]
"Hero, the Evil King is after the Magical Sword and Red Ring. You will not be able to obtain them if the Evil King finds them. Do not let the two pass to his hands. It'd be terrible if he has them!"[47]

35 Audio cue plays when in overworld screen with a secret door or item
Red Ring & Magical Sword no longer available.
"For an instant, I saw the Evil King heading for the Red Ring and Magical Sword. Both must have been taken by now. Let's now employ the Spell of Whispering again. Your hidden allies should be noticeable now."[48]
40 Infinite sword beams regardless of health
Infinite bombs & arrows
Boomerang or Magical Boomerang upgraded to Special Boomerang
"Rejoice, Hero! The power of the 'star' that guides you now flows in my body. Oohoh! This power is magnificent! Up to this point, I have used all my abilities for you, but one at a time. Using this power, you can decide the outcome of your battles in a single blow!"[49]
45 Thunderstorm darkens the overworld
Darknuts replace Octoroks in overworld
Ganon attacks Old Man in Starting Screen cave; final battle available there if all Triforce fragments have been obtained
"You...!!! I get it... you intend to quickly seal away my power? You won't have your way! The power of the stars flows in my body now. You will not be able to seal my own power so easily. Wha-what're you doing?! Let go! Let go! Hero! T-the Silver Arrows! The Silver Arrows!"[50]






NND videos (complete run from original broadcast)

Subtitled and annotated original broadcast run (does not reach Ganon)

External links

