Fake Zelda RumorOver the course of the last 25 years, specifically since the invention of the internet and the release of Ocarina of Time in 1998, rumors have been abundant. From the most minute thing, such as beating the running man, to obtaining the Triforce itself or the recent fake rumor about two Zelda 3DS titles. People enjoy making up whatever tickles their fancy and watching how many people take the bait. We’ve been fooled ourselves, as I am sure everyone here Remember’s Zordiana.

There have really been some stellar rumors too, such as the infamous Valley of the Flood. While totally fake, it was so good in concept that people believed it simply because they wanted it to be true. There are way too many rumors over the last decade for me to realistically list all of them, so instead tell me what was your favorite one? What one really fooled you into believing? Like I said, we’ve been fooled before, and there is no shame in admitting you got caught up in some wild things folks. So, on the count of three, everyone talk about their favorite FAKE rumor. One… Two…


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