Link Pulling the Mastersword

This has been one of ZI’s best kept secrets, but it’s reaching the point that we are going as far as our limited staff can on our own, which means it’s time to bring ZIpedia, aka Zelda Informer’s official Nintendo Wiki, to the public. We’ve been working on the wiki itself for awhile and of course we have some experience with our work on Zelda Wiki and of course our creation of Metroid Wiki.

ZIpedia’s goal, in general, is to provide a comprehensive wiki on all matters of Nintendo, with a special Zelda focus. It also aims to bring our game content to a broader audience, and fully endorse and instill theorizing as a mainstay among the regular articles. In fact, here is a direct quote from what started this whole project a month ago:

However, if we do this, we wont “just” be a Zelda wiki, just like ZI isn’t “just” a Zelda site. We would also do things our “own way”. You want a massive theorizing section that details all the popular theories? Done.

You want a detailed area all about Xenoblade or Mario Galaxy and Mario Galaxy 2? Done. You want a community seciton talking about websites? Done.

The point is, it would be totally ZI. Anything goes to an extent, with some restrictions simply to ensure quality in addition to the quantity.

Nevertheless, as Nate said – this wouldn’t be competing with ZW because it would be unique – just like our site. Zelda focus with Nintendo stuff, theorizing resources etc. What about the possibility of using that to host site content like guides, game details, theorizing resources and so forth? We could make exclusive content by us protected pages that can’t be edited.

As you can see, we have a lot of ideas that still have to come to fruition. Putting site content on the wiki and interlinking everything between the wiki and our site is really only the beginning, as we look to truly create our own in house place for everything our site could possibly use.

Of course, people are going to ask us about Zelda Wiki, and how we can do this and still support that. It’s simple: We’re different. Zelda Wiki looks to be the most comprehensive and fact driven Zelda gathering in existence. We’re not looking to necessarily do that, even if a lot of content may cross over between at the start. We are looking to provide some of that, but more or less use the wiki as a breading ground for our own Community. Essentially, you guys decide what this wiki becomes beyond our own personal goals and achievements.

The reason we bring the wiki to the forefront now is because, simply put, a Wiki cannot survive without a user base, and being so exclusive right now the user base has been mostly a select few staff members. We would like to extend this to everyone now, so we can truly get this project off the ground. Of course, we’re still in need of Administrators, Patrollers, and all that jazz. So over this first week we’ll be watching activity very closely as we look to add to our wiki exclusive team.

Really, this wiki is a playground for all of you to do with what you want. We’ll provide some guidance along the way, but we’re looking to achieve a truly interconnected community through our news posts, site content, wiki content, and the like. Everything is up for discussion right now. All I can say is: Enjoy our brand new Wiki.

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