Probably one of the most discussed questions among Zelda fans is which the best Zelda game. YouTubers TwoGuysPlayingZelda tackle this query and give their opinion in an enjoyable video. While they don’t use criteria such as gameplay or graphics, they base their judgement on nostalgia, music, innovation, and replay value. They do tend to favor 3D titles over 2D ones, but they make short, interesting comments on these games. Be warned because they do mention some major some spoilers of their picks. It is interesting that both of them decided on the same games before merging them into one list. If for some reason you can’t see the video, here is a list of their most enjoyed games:

10.The Minish Cap

09.The Legend of Zelda (NES)

08.A Link Between Worlds

07.Link’s Awakening

06.The Wind Waker

05.Majora’s Mask

04.Skyward Sword

03.Twilight Princess

02.A Link to the Past

01.Ocarina of Time

Do you agree with their choices? What is your favorite Zelda game? Let us know in the comments.

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