DrunkGirlsKissing.jpgGood morning Zelda Informer. Good morning Life. Crazy shit happens when you drink alcoholic beverages. Have any of you seen the Hangover? What about the Hangover Part II? Last night was my “hangover”. What started as a simple house party relatively close to home ended in a night I wish didn’t happen. My bank depleted entirely, a 3 foot turtle in the bathtub, a random girl in the bed, 150 miles away from home, lipstick written on the wall, oh and the best part? A blue bandana on the turtle’s head (hell yeah Leonardo!) Put it this way: If this wasn’t the best party ever, I don’t know what is. As a protip: No matter how heavy of a drinker you think you are, adding tequila (8 shots) to the 20+ you have already done is not a good idea.

So, in going through photo’s last night, only two are online right now, it’s clear to me what exactly went down.

That's Me!... and Mary

So, nothing major here. I remember this. It was the start of the night. Bonfire, cheap beer in hand, Margarita in hers – this is why I came out to begin with. Single 27 year old (Mary), rather good looking (hard to tell in this picture), and a chubby Nate just having a good time. It’s a house party after all, and it’s really just friends having a good time. This is what the night was supposed to be. All night.

The other picture isn’t anything special. I don’t remember it, but it likely happened before leaving the house, since it’s just a picture of all the guys at the party. No big deal. The reason I don’t remember it is likely because it was after my final shot of tequila. I am waiting for more to surface, but so far it looks innocent enough.

The reason I bringing up this crazy, hard to believe, story up is to teach everyone a lesson. Drinking is fun in moderation. Drinking is not fun when you go past your limit. It can cause harm to not just your body, but your finances and, in the end, to your friends. Lastly, if your an owner of a popular website like me, it can hurt your chances of paying the bills on time.

So, you don’t have to believe this story. I mean… a 3 foot turtle? Really?


Of course, Turtles are great reptiles. I miss the Ninja turtles. Who likes the new stuff anyways? TNMT… what the fuck is that? No, original turtles all the way.

I promised I would have a Zelda relation in here somewhere right? Well, we’re working hard on preparing for Skyward Sword coverage, and in doing so I have a piece of art to show off from one of our newly hired artists.

SS Octorok.jpg

Pretty awesome right? No, that’s not official art! It’s part of our custom Zelda art we are creating for our guides! This lovely piece was created for us exclusively by Lindsey Alvord. You can look forward to more great exclusive art in our Skyward Sword Walkthrough!

So lessen of the day? Know your limit, Ninja Turtles = Winning, and Zelda is cool. Any of you have some crazy stories to tell?

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