Making its first appearance in Twilight Princess as the fourth dungeon and the residence of the Mirror of Twilight, Arbiter’s Grounds already houses a dark connotation in the Zelda universe. Once serving as a prison for Hyrule’s criminals, Breath of the Wild sees it in ruins, only a few remnants peeking out from beneath the sand.

YouTuber MaskedNintendoBandit explored how the location could have come to such a decay in a recent video. They observed that the pillars and arches have remained intact, and that the Gerudo text is similar between the two games, furthermore hinting at Gerudo origins. Considering the goddess of sands’ appearance in both the Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time and Arbiter’s Grounds in Twilight Princess, this comes as no surprise.

To explain the drastic ruin of the former temple beyond a possible severe sandstorm, MNB theorizes that the Gerudo destroyed Arbiter’s Grounds after Ganondorf was executed, in a futile attempt to forget the stain he left on how their people were seen.

What do you think? What happened to Arbiter’s Grounds after Twilight Princess? Let us know in the comments below!

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