Emotions are a very personal thing. That being said, sometimes you are able to convey types of emotions to players through video games in a variety of ways. In addition to many of the on screen cues, music plays a heavy role in emotional impact. Emotional music is often associated with moments of great sadness or despair, but the range of emotions music can evoke from the player goes far beyond just those minute feelings.

The Zelda series has no shortage of emotional and impactful songs. These may or may not be among my favorite overall in the series, but they do make my cut for my top 5 emotional music pieces in the entire Zelda series.

5. Midna’s Lament – Twilight Princess

It feels like a copout after that introduction to go right into a sad song, but the emotional feeling of impending loss is simply a strong one. For those unaware,

*spoiler warning* at one point in Twilight Princess Zant puts Midna on her deathbed with Link, stuck in wolf form, racing to Princess Zelda praying, hoping, there is a way to save her. Throughout this race for her life one piece of music rises to the forefront – Midna’s Lament. The music perfectly encapsulates the moment. */end Spoiler Warning*

4. Song of Healing – Majora’s Mask

The Song of Healing in

Majora’s Mask is arguably the most impactful piece of music under which Link has a direct influence. The Song of Healing is used as a means to “heal the land and the people”, and is almost always started with Link playing the tune. It’s an extremely sad and somber tune matching the sheer loss the people in Termina are constantly dealing with. Loss is a big theme and the Song of Healing serves as an instrumental, emotional set piece, intended to help folks deal with their loss and move on to happier days.

3. Hyrule Field Theme – Ocarina of Time

I have never been a huge

Ocarina of Time fan, but one aspect of the game I will always love in the music. This entire soundtrack is among Nintendo’s best work. That being said, the Hyrule Field Theme in particular has always stuck through me over the years for what it makes me feel. It slow yet pondering style at the beginning gives way to a more adventurous and upbeat tone that really makes me want to go out on an adventure. Many songs on this list evoke feelings of sadness, but among all the possible emotions one can feel, this is one song that just feels perfectly suited to going out on an epic adventure.

2. Grandma’s Theme – The Wind Waker

When folks talk about

The Wind Waker they seemingly rarely bring up Link’s grandmother. It’s understandable given that she plays a very minor role in the whole of the story, but her theme song, called Grandma’s Theme, is just very personal to me. I’ve always been extremely close with one of my two grandmothers, and this theme instantly, even without knowing who’s theme it is specifically, makes me think of all the wonderful times I’ve had with her. After I realized this is the theme for Link’s own Grandma, it made me really begin to appreciate the close relationship he must have with her. As such, this may seem like an extremely high ranking, but this piece is very personal to me.

1. Fi’s Lament – Skyward Sword

Fi’s Lament is arguably the most impactful piece of music in Zelda history. I admit I am a bit of a sucker for this particular song because it invokes memories of sad moments I experienced playing Secret of Mana – but no game since then has been able to drum up these sorts of emotions until now.

*Spoiler Warning* As Link’s guide and the spirit of the Master Sword, Fi ends up having to seal herself away within the sword forever to help maintain a permanent seal on Demise. In the end, this is the ultimate sacrifice. We’ve seen other character come close to “death”, or even experience the loss of others, but this the first time we’ve seen such a major character in a game willingly give up herself for the greater good. The somber, hopeful, and purposeful tone of this song perfectly encapsulates a sad yet joyous moment. While gamers everywhere may have been thrilled to be rid of Fi as a guide, reality is that in this moment is when you realize just how important Fi truly is, and how hard it is to see her go. This is also the first time we truly see a side of Fi we never did before – her genuine care for Link. I am practically brought to tears. */end Spoiler Warning*

All that being said, everyone has their own favorite emotional pieces in Zelda. From the sad to the joyous, what are some of your favorites? Be sure to share them with us in the comments below!

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