For over a year, YouTube musicians The Team Players have offered amazing Zelda cover after amazing Zelda cover, from Astral Observatory to Saria’s Song to Windfall Island. After so many great renditions of our favorite tunes, we were beginning to wonder when the duo was going to tackle perhaps the most popular Zelda song for fan musicians. Well, we’re happy to report that The Team Players have finally set their sights on the sands of Gerudo Valley, releasing a truly outstanding acoustic cover.

Earlier this week, Dani and Mo of The Team Players brought forth their rendition of the Gerudo Valley theme from Ocarina of Time, the musically unique track that has since become ubiquitous among Zelda fan covers. Every musician brings something fresh and different to Gerudo Valley, and our friends The Team Players are no exception. Accomplishing such a stylish wall of sound, with guitar as sweet as chocolate cake, these musicians take us on a journey through the gilded sands of the Gerudo.

You can check out way more from The Team Players on YouTube, Loudr, Twitter, and Facebook.

What are your thoughts on this Gerudo Valley cover? Are there any Zelda tunes you’d want to hear from The Team Players next? Share in the comments!

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