The Music of Majora’s Mask

Deku Link on the pipes/> This is the last of the articles I’ll be featuring for Majora’s Mask Month. We’ve dried up the well, so to speak. The This is the last of the articles I’ll be featuring for Majora’s Mask Month. We’ve dried up the well, so to speak, and the Bombers Articles have proven to be a great source of information and theory. This last article is a look at The Music of Majora’s Mask. Check out <a href = our YouTube playlist for the entire Majora’s Mask soundtrack. The article goes in depth about most of the themes from the game and analyzes their use in the game, as well as stand alone songs. The purpose of the article is to showcase these works of art.

The author says this on the music in the Stone Tower Temple:

The Stone Tower Temple […] is the only dungeon in any Zelda to have two separate background melodies. The player has to turn the entire temple upside down in order to access certain areas and eventually complete all the puzzles. Once the temple is flipped over, the music starts playing very differently yet keeping true to the original melody. We hear some inverted wind and a strange sound flickering from the left channel to the right and back. The result is an unsurpassed piece of Zelda music that remains as a strong fan favorite after all these years.

I can think of a few people who have expressed a love for this song. The song is a favorite among many and is a great addition to the game’s soundtrack. Having a background in music, I can attest to the songs excellence as a composition. The simple change of chord progression between the original song and the inverted song is brilliant to say the least, and Koji Kondo is careful to take into account the medium through which the music will be played. There’s no doubt it would go differently if he were composing for an orchestra or wind ensemble.

What’s your favorite Zelda song? Which game has the best soundtrack? Do you agree that the Stone Tower theme is the greatest in Majora’s Mask? Let us know in the comments.

Related:Zelda Dungeon’s music channel
Related:Majora’s Mask Walkthrough

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask