Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 1.22.57 PMMany of us would be extremely happy if we were to see a fully remastered version of The Legend of Zelda released for sale (BS Zelda no Densetsu doesn’t count). TJ Townsend an artist, animator, coder, and designer from Dallas, Texas has given us a glimpse of just what a remastered version might look like. In an eight minute long YouTube video, Townsend takes an image of Link and Ganon from the original game and fully remasters it right before your eyes!


Take the jump to see this amazing video for yourselves!

The video is filmed using approximately twenty-four hours worth of screen recording which were captured over the course of eight days. Townsend has a few more videos like this using the same techniques that you can check out on YouTube. I found myself being completely enthralled by seeing the classic game turned into something more in line with the current games of today. I especially enjoyed the selection of music that he had chosen as well.

What did you guys think of the video? Would you enjoy seeing a fully remastered version of The Legend of Zelda?

Source: YouTube


Sorted Under: The Legend of Zelda