Amber had been dating her boyfriend for six years and been talking about getting married for about one. She had the thought in her head that something was going to happen, but didn’t know when. On a Friday night her boyfriend had made plans with her to go out on a date to a fancy French restaurant which made her suspicious since it wasn’t really an important day like an anniversary, so when talking about it with a coworker she realized the date was 11/11/11 and knew something had to happen, but didn’t want to get her hopes up.

When returning to her boyfriends apartment later that night she became suspicious when she realized his roommates were conveniently gone and everything was cleaned and dusted. He had been playing the classic The Legend of Zelda for the NES and had recently beaten it, so when he asked Amber if she wanted to start the second quest with him she quickly realized her suspicions were correct. When walking up to the Old Man that says the famous “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!” she was surprised by the question she had been waiting for. Be sure to make the jump to read more.

We had been playing the original Legend of Zelda on an emulator the previous weekend. (My fiance owns the original NES cartridge too, but the emulator makes hacking easier.) A few nights before, he and his roommate finished it, so he asked if I wanted to do the second quest. I said sure, so he turned on the computer and I started playing. When I entered the cave with the old man, (who normally says “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!”) who gives you a sword, it instead said what you see in the picture above. I looked over at my fiance; he was kneeling and holding a heart container made out of Legos. The ring was inside. Obviously I said yes! We decided to do a simple band for now. It’s a beautiful and shiny tungsten carbide ring so it won’t scratch. Amusingly, he hacked the game so that if I tried to go left, right, up, or down, I would end up at the same screen with the cave. There’s also no exit/door to get out of the cave once you enter it. Clearly, a “No” answer was not an option!

I’m so proud of my fiancé for proposing to me in such a unique and memorable way. It was perfect for both of us since we are engineers/nerds and Zelda fans.

11/11/11. Zelda. Lego Heart Container. Nerdy? Definitely! But so cute and special

It has been an awesome couple of weeks. Getting engaged, Thanksgiving with family and great food, and Skyward Sword! Very Zelda themed, too!

Edit: Many of you have asked if we are planning on doing a Zelda wedding. I think that’s a bit too nerdy for us, but we will probably do an Indian fusion wedding, because my fiancé is half Indian (as in his family is from India). Maybe we can put Link and Zelda on a cake.

Reading stories like this that touching stories like this that involve creative and unique ways to bring Zelda into a event such as a proposal and to know that stuff like this actually happens makes me glad to be a fan of the series. How do you feel about it? Have you ever heard of someone using Zelda or a video game to propose like this before? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: IGN

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