The Legend of Zelda: FPS

For the few of you who wish Zelda was like a first person shooter, today’s your lucky day. YouTube user PistolShrimps has created his interpretation of the Legend of Zelda as a FPS. The beautiful Princess Zelda is being held ransom by Gerudo thugs in a Castle Town suburb and as usual, only Link can save her. Link and Tatl rush to the rescue, collecting an assault rifle from an elaborate treasure chest along the way. Make the jump to follow Link on his brief yet exciting journey with a modern day weapon.

Younger viewers, be forewarned that the video contains questionable language.

Even though I don’t like the idea of Zelda being a first person shooter, I thought the video was pretty funny. I liked the people outside the house reporting best. Repeating “listen” over and over again and announcing the obvious to Link brought back funny memories of Ocarina of Time. How did you like the video? Let us know in the comments.

Source: YouTube

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