Hey I’m grump, I’m not so grump! The comedic minds behind the best Zelda rap ever are now powering their way through the land of Hyrule in Link‘s second NES game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Danny “Sexbang” Avidan, one of the Game Grumps, is a veteran player of this specific Zelda title. Arin Hanson, a co-founder of the Game Grumps, knows next to nothing about it. It’s amusing to see Arin’s genuine reactions to the game, compared to Danny’s plethora of Zelda II knowledge.

This video was very educational to watch, as I have never played Zelda II or seen any gameplay footage of it. (Don’t worry guys, I’m downloading it via Club Nintendo as I’m writing this!) Danny compares Zelda II to Castlevania II frequently, which may lead me to play that as well. Regardless if you like the Game Grumps or not, this comical 10 minute playthrough is a must-watch. If it leaves you wanting more, don’t fret, for this is only the first part of many in a series.

Sorted Under: Nintendo News