Master Sword, a band that formed around the concept of creating cover albums for video games by giving familiar songs a heavy metal sound, is working on a Zelda-themed cover album named Shadow and Steel. The album currently has a Kickstarter page. There are to be nine songs on Shadow and Steel. The songs will be from multiple Zelda titles, including Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, and A Link to the Past.

Currently, the Kickstarter has just under a month of funding left, and the goal is just over halfway met. The band is asking for 5,000 dollars (US) so that they can record in a studio, and put all the time and effort that is needed to get each song just the way they want it. Master Sword is clearly passionate about its work and theZeldafranchise. They not only want to make something they are proud of, but they also want to make something for fans to enjoy. Therefore, the band has put forth a number of rewards for Shadow and Steel’s backers. Some of the rewards include a day at RennFaire with the band, exclusive T-shirts, and more!

Check out Master Sword’s Kickstarter. Will you be backing and/or picking up Shadow and Steel when it releases? Let us know in the comment section!

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