Team Ninja, the development team behind Samus Aran’s most recent adventure, Metroid: Other M were spoken to at Gamescom this year, where talk of an Other M sequel came up. However, Yosuke Hayashi had this to say on the subject:

“Unfortunately Metroid is kind of out of our league as it’s Nintendo’s game, but we’re still in close touch with co-creator Sakamoto-san, so we want to do something with him moving forward definitely. It really depends on what he wants to do with the game first.”

Is it likely that we’ll see an Other M sequel? It’s too early to tell, but I would be ok with it as long as attention was paid to the flaws of the last game, and they were fixed. I thought the gameplay of Other M had serious potential that it lived up to it occasionally in the game, but it could go so much further if it were given the opportunity. Do you guys think this is the best direction for the series, or should someone else step up to the plate in the Wii U or 3DS’s first Metroid game?


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