Tag: Zelda Inspired

Even though currently “retro-style” games are a big deal, developers have been taking notes from their colleagues’ play books for about as long as games have been around. After all, Doki Doki Panic on the Famicom was close enough to Mario to be called Super Mario Bros 2 in the west. This week on ZD Top, we had our staff look through their game catalogue for their favorite Zelda-inspired games.

Some time ago, an Indiegogo page came up to collect fund for a Zelda-based web series, called Royal Guards. The crowd funding was successful, and after a whole lot of work, and some major setbacks causing them to almost completely redo their production, the pilot episode is finally here! It may not be exactly what many thought it would be, but it is still very good. The short episode is heavily Zelda-inspired, and is definitely worth a watch. Check out…

Volante Designs is going to be releasing a full line of Zelda inspired clothing from the costumes it has provided for the upcoming Hang ‘Em Hyrule mini-series. It has dubbed the line “Legends of Time” as an extension of its Legends collection of designs inspired by other video games, comic books, films, and animes. The Legends of Time line has not launched yet, but Volante Designs has a self-hosted crowdfunding platform set up to get it ready for production, here….

In 2012 the heavily Zelda-inspired game Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas released in the app store, but now its adventure and JRPG elements have made it popular enough to be picked up by Steam. It is available for purchase in the Steam Store for $14.99 and has received very positive reviews. Oceanhorn is an adventure game set in a world that blends fantasy and technology, its story surrounds an ancient sea monster that tirelessly tries to hunt down the player;…