Tag: Zelda II

The folks over at Official Nintendo Magazine have posted several tips for the two NES Zelda titles that have recently become available as part of the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program. In total they give 5 tips, 3 of them for the original Legend of Zelda, and 2 of them for the Adventure of Link. One of the Legend of Zelda tips that they gave is extremely useful and one that I would use quite often back in the day when…

The Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program has officially launched and those of you eligible can now download the original Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. There are a few simple steps that you must take to get your Ambassador NES games and I’ve listed the steps below. 1. Turn on your Nintendo 3DS and go to the Nintendo eShop. 2. Browse all the way to the left and click ‘Settings / Other’. 3. Scroll down and click…

Nintendo has revealed the list of all the NES games that will be included in the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador program and there is good news for Zelda fans. Both the original Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are on this list! This truly is the year of Zelda. We’ve gotten an Ocarina of Time 3D remake for the 3DS, the upcoming release of Skyward Sword for the Wii, a free download of Four Swords for the…

Part 7 of the Mas’ Zelda Collection series is now online and this time we are looking at Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for the Famicom Disk System. This game released on January 14th, 1987 in Japan, while the NES version released nearly two years later in September of 1988. Unlike its Legend of Zelda counterpart, The Adventure of Link did experience some notable changes in its Famicom to NES transition. There were minor graphical and sound effects tweaks,…

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link will forever have a love-hate relationship with Zelda fans. Some fans love the game for its unique style of gameplay, the RPG elements, its difficulty, and simply being different than most of the other Zelda titles. While on the flip side, some fans hate the Adventure of Link for those exact same reasons. Point being, it was different. The folks from Game Spite have taken a look back at the 24+ year old Zelda…

Brentalfloss is an established YouTuber who is well known for taking old video games and putting lyrics to their music. A little over a year ago, Brentalfloss released a video for the original Legend of Zelda and it was such a hit that fans have been craving for a sequel ever since. Well, that day has come as Brentalfloss has created another Zelda music video, conveniently titled What if Zelda II had lyrics. You can watch the video embedded below….

This week’s music spotlight comes from Youtube user Sp0ntanious. This cover is a unique rendition of the Palace theme from The Adventure of Link using the stop motion technique. He essentially filmed himself playing all of the notes in the song that would be played, and edited them all together. Talk about attention to detail! Some of his poses create a pretty hilarious effect with the stop motion technique. Even though there is only one other video on his Youtube…

How many of you have ever thought about the difficulty of the second Zelda game? The members on our forums are presenting some of their own arguments about the difficulty of Zelda II, but we always want to hear more. Discussion is what makes the forums great! To participate in the discussion, you can view our thread Is Zelda II the Adventure of Link Really That Bad?. We’re always hunting for the opinions of our wonderful members, so why not…

The folks over at GameSpite.net have put together another article, this time looking back at Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. A few weeks ago they looked back at the original Legend of Zelda and they had some great things to say. However, for the Adventure of Link, it’s a different story. A lot of resentment toward the game is directed at the three lives and experience reset system, which don’t mesh well with dungeons full of life-stealing pits and…

One big subject that comes up when talking about the rise (or downfall, depending on how you look at it) of The Legend of Zelda is the concept of magic. Magic is obviously one of the things that defines the Zelda franchise and makes it exciting. Some games were filled with spells, while others made use of mysterious items with arcane powers. Fairies, Wizrobes, maze-like woods, and items that start with the word “magical” are all prominently in Zelda games….