Tag: Zelda II

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is a very unique title in the series because of its once-off utilization of side-scrolling and the role-playing mechanism of levelling by gaining experience points. A lot of people claim that this popular NES game is also the hardest to achieve success in. Whatever your thoughts are about a certain title in the Zelda series should not change the fact that it is always exciting when Nintendo releases one from the franchise to be available…

[news post contributed by Christian Z.] The website 1Up features a “Virtual Console review” of The Adventure of Link which brings up a lot of great questions about the game. They feel that the game had controls which were not so great, that the music wasn’t as good as that in the other games, and to summarize: it simply didn’t hold up to quality of the eventual series. More on their controversial stance after the jump!

Over on our general gaming sister site, GenGAME, a story was published about Nintendo Press releasing a list of release dates (and less specific release quarters) for many, many games on the 3DS. One such game was the classic Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, finally receiving its Virtual Console release. Make the jump for more information!

One thing most gamers should be able to agree upon is that flying enemies tend to be the most annoying and most difficult to deal with in video games. Perhaps this is due to the nature of the player usually bound by gravity whilst some random sprite can flutter around causing havoc without any care for physics. The popular site Destructoid has listed their top ten most annoying flying enemies, so hit the jump to see if any of what…

Recently, GoNintendo reported the first details of the new game Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?! In the quick notes, he mentioned that the gameplay was very close to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. He released other details about the upcoming game. Make the jump to read more.

Musician and YouTube member Chris-Amaterasu recently uploaded a video showing off his musical skills by playing his version of the “Palace Theme” from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. In the video we see three separate recordings played over each other to capture the complete tune forming a one man violin trio. The perfect harmony between the three recordings is so precise it appears as if they are three separate musicians playing together. Jump inside to see it for yourself.

Ever stopped and think how Link actually gains health when he enters a house in Zelda II? Well the guys at Dorkly certainly did, and this recent video pretty much sums up their take on the matter. I must warn you that this video does contain sexual themes, so if your eyes are sensitive to that sort of material, then don’t play the video, or you can go ahead and watch it at your own peril.

In this Zelda Collection video I take a look at a figurine dating all the way back to 1989. This is an officially licensed Link figurine from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. It’s rather simplistic and Link surely does have a rather unique look. His face in particular is quite strange with his gazing eyes. This figurine was part of a set of 12, including 9 Super Mario figurines and 2 Punch-Out figurines. It looks like the Legend of…

With this year celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda and with Skyward Sword only weeks from release, fans all over are finding different ways to celebrate. While many people are attempting to play through all the games, the team over at Zelda Universe is writing an article every day to commemorate each year of the series with a feature they call 25 Years in 25 Days. Today’s article features the year 1987 and focuses on Zelda II:…

The Legend of Zelda timeline has been a debate amongst fans for a long time. Everyone has their own theories as to where each game belongs. The release of Skyward Sword is only weeks away and fans are eager to place it in their own timelines. We have been told on multiple occasions by Nintendo, Miyamoto, and Aonuma that Skyward Sword is the first game in the series, and who are we to argue with them? However, the folks over…