Tag: Zelda Anime

Welcome to the weekend, guys! A new week’s end means a new “This Week in Zelda News” video! We talk about everything from Zelda Android Apps to a long awaited Zelda anime (fan made). And much more! Make the jump to view the video!    

Hey guys. Due to technical issues with my computer, I was not able to make a discussion post last Tuesday, so I apologise for that. Rest assured this will not happen again and if it does may the Hero of time strike me down. Anyway, this week’s discussion post is: A Legend of Zelda Anime. We all love the Zelda games, and anyone would do anything in order to show their love for the franchise. Many have made fan-made games…

This week my Zelda collection takes us to the various Legend of Zelda animated series DVD’s. The animated series originally aired in the Fall of 1989 as part of the Super Mario Super Show. A new episode aired each Friday and the show lasted for 13 episodes before it got cancelled. The show could be described as being quite corny as the plot of each episode seemed very repetitive and was filled with awful voice acting. The dialogue was terrible…

Our good friends from ZeldAnime have updated their ongoing webcomic recreation of the Legend of Zelda Cartoon. This update showcases the next 10 pages from the webcomic and you can view the first new page by clicking here. For those of you unaware of the ZeldAnime project, here is a tidbit from their website describing the project. ZeldAnime is a “remake” of the notorious Legend of Zelda cartoon from the 1980’s into a comic/manga format. It is not related to…

Chapter 2 of the ZeldAnime is now available. For those of you unaware of what the ZeldAnime project, here is a tidbit from their website describing the project. ZeldAnime is a “remake” of the notorious Legend of Zelda cartoon from the 1980’s into a comic/manga format. It is not related to any of the video games, however, the story is derived from the cartoon’s main plot while mixing story lines aspects and other elements from the original Zelda games, such…