Tag: Zant

Our friends over at Legend of Zelda.com have recently put out a short article discussing whether or not Ganon is too evil to be an effective villain. The article highlights Ganondorfs appearance in Ocarina of Time, while also briefly touching on his pig form in other Zelda titles. Here is a short excerpt from the article that was posted. In OoT, Ganondorf seemed to only have two motives, to get the Triforce and rule Hyrule. The way he tried to…

Hey hey hey you guys! Got Curiosity Shop #11 for you! Haha, sorry if you were expecting the question count to be bigger again. It’s only 11 this time. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be able to pass 12. Maybe if I have a lot of tiny questions sometime! Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What are your favorite and least favorite bosses? (01:39) – Is there anything you like about Twilight Princess?…

Got a new discussion video for you guys! This time I’m going to talk about the two darkest games in the series, Majora’s Mask and Twilight Princess, and explain why I think Twilight Princess is a darker game than Majora’s Mask. I know a few of you are a little sick of hearing me complain about Twilight Princess. I’m not complaining here. While I do think how dark the game was ended up being one of it’s weaker aspects, that’s…

Hiya guys! Well, well, well, things just keep getting crazier don’t they? First that insane “888” (#8, with 8 questions and 8 songs) mailbag last week, and now a whopping 10 (10!!!) questions for this week! I’m going to try and make this quantity of questions somewhat standard, although I can 100% promise anything, especially if I get more complex questions. Here are the questions answered and their timestamps: (00:06) – What’s your least favorite Zelda game? (01:06) – What…