Some of you may not be aware, but I’ve been asking for Zelda games to truly abandon Ganondorf for some time. For the most part, the Zelda series lately has obliged. We got Ghirahim and Demise in 2011 and Yuga in 2013. Before that we got Malladus in Spirit Tracks and Bellum in Phantom Hourglass. Heck, I could argue even Zant fits this mold despite Ganondorf jacking the final role. Individually there is a lot to like about these villains, and heck, it’s not even a new thing in the series trends. As an example, Majora’s Mask and Skull Kid along with Nightmare. This has been a regular occurring theme for the series to feature one-off villains.
I think in this trending, if Nintendo was listening to my plea about Ganondorf, that they took it the wrong way. One-off villains are fine time to time, but it’s becoming a bit too much. If you want to create a truly memorable villain you need to have them stay relevant outside of one particular game.